did you see deaf Inventor on TV?

Sure, no worries. The former owners, before they sold the place, owns THREE restaurants in the southern area, the 3rd one is pretty new, they kept it.. and they sold the first two restaurants. The new owners bought them off them... the old owners, can not afford to pay older staff, like me to do a lot of shifts per week.. I do 3 to 5 shifts per week and it degraded to 2 on weekends, due to the hourly payments, when I was 19, I got paid 15 dollars a hour, depends on how many hours you do. Right now, I feel that my time is coming to an end, and there is a lot of new staff coming so I decided to resign as I moved onto the new workplace which I am happy with. Does that claify you enough?

That made a lot of sense now. Thanks! :)
Yep and for another real reason, the owners doesn't want to give an older person more shifts than the youngers, as I am very expensive to pay for .. you know?

You are expensive as a young man. That's why the girls are after your money. Your body is not for sale. :giggle:
You are expensive as a young man. That's why the girls are after your money. Your body is not for sale. :giggle:

Haha, W.E! They, girls, are not after my money and right on, I am not for sale, sorry! (Depsite if the ladies read this comment ;))