
PFH; don't reply to her. At least, not in this thread, please. She wants a fight. Please, lets not give her one. We were doing really well until now. Lets not screw things up by turning this into a cat fight. I WILL have this thread closed if it gets nasty.

Heh ok.
wouldn't say I did "amazingly well". I did OK. But, I agree with you. I wish we could somehow blend the education one gets when they are included in the mainstream with a SPED curriculum. You may be surprised to know that the SPED curriculi isn't much better than that of some deaf schools. Many kids that graduated with me LEFT school with NO more than a 5th grade education while in SPED. How does that prepare a kid for the real world? It doesn't. They often "dumbed down" the curriculum thinking the kid couldn't grasp it. It's true that some may not have been able to. But, some of them could.
I've often thought that they need to seperate education of kids like we were from SPED. The fact of the matter is that SPED in the mainstream means LD or ADD or the like. Like have a low incidence disabilties (like the type of disabilties that would be served in an Easter Seals program) department that would use a magnet school approach, a la the regional dhh programs.I actually do know that SPED curricullui has been dumbed down...but I think that might be a legacy of the old state insistutions, and the fact that there is some crossover with more...affected populations.
this is surely one of the only places that advocates against early intervention and parents providing a language rich enviroment.
faire joure, WRONG! There is a HUGE difference between therapy to aquire a useful skill, (as part of a full toolbox) vs living life as an eternal therapy session. We advocate speech/physical therapy/vision/whatever therapy b/c we think that those skills are awesome and useful and all. BUT we do not think that a kid should have to live life as an eternal therapy session.
It's exactly like.......say you were gifted in English but defienct in math, but your education focused SOLELY on your math defiency. Why should a kid have to work so hard when there might be OTHER methods that could help them even more?
:wave:I think "Special Ed" as a whole in the U.S. really varies depending on where you are. My own experience as a young kid in pull-out Ex Ed was that it kinda "dumping ground" ; my experience as an older child in an officially mainstreamed placement was that there was a point where I was dumped in with a bunch of kids who for various reason just weren't performing well in gym - one child who was a friend of mine had a lot of health problems and was hospitalized a lot ; one kid was morbidly obese, etc. The teacher just decided to throw us all together in a utility room - and some of those kids in with me were the same ones who scared and bullied me in general - on the "outside" they were considered less "different" than me but were still not extremely "popular" or athletic. So it wasn't a good situation. My mom was super-pissed when she found out - did she go the school and get into it with them!
My LD was missed all the way through to college, when I went and pushed for diagnosis.

I also think one of the things separating <or that should separate it> Special Ed from working with deaf kids or Deaf Ed is the significant fact of LANGUAGE and culture involving deaf kids - the component that makes the difference between one perception - "disability" <therefore, "Special Ed"> and another perception - "linguistic difference" .
I don't know what rules or support there is in England for Deaf kids when I was young. In my primary school years I had nothing, no support, no communicator, no interpreter, nothing. My parents knew that but they didn't do anything about it as far I know, they may have but I didn't see it. At that time it was post code lottery, it depends where you live get the services you need. Some areas are really poor with services and other areas are very good with services. It also depends on services have in those areas, some areas have very good services for one thing and really poor for something different.

There not much you can do except to move area with better serivces you want and that cost a lot of money!

If this thread is in the wrong place, please move it as it's about CI blogs.

Thank you.

I decided tonight to delete the CI blogs I've read over the last few years. The reason being a simple one. I'm pissed off at what I'm reading and I realized that by reading these blasted things, I am secondarily supporting these parents and their methods. In actuality, the more I read about some of these "journeys", the more sickened and angry I get.

I constantly read statements like... "My child works harder than anyone I know. I'm SO proud of him!" And, I think to myself... This poor kid is ONLY in preschool school! Why do you force this kid to work harder than any other four year old when you could have given that child ASL; instead of forcing an oral only environment on your kid?" or... I read about the elementary school child who's had repeated re-implantation due to failure caused by infection, and, I think... "Why don't you just quit already? You are RISKING this child's life, you ditz!"

It sickens me. It saddens me. So, as of now, I'm done with the blogs. Soon as I finish typing this thread, I'm going to my bookmarks and hitting delete. I don't condone perpetual speech therapy, AVT, "working hard" when the child should be out with his or her friends. Parents who plan "Mommy boot camps" and so on...

I apologize if I sound angry. I AM angry. I'm also frustrated. These are children and they should have a childhood. They shouldn't have to work hard to speak. So, on that note... I'm going on my delete fest....
You know for someone who supposedly has no actual investment with the deaf, you're kind of loud in the forum. Just saying.
Depending on how you look at it, different people can be an optimist or pessimist about different things in different ways.

Then why are you attacking Oceanbreeze for being vocal?
Wirelessly posted

this is surely one of the only places that advocates against early intervention and parents providing a language rich enviroment.

You are the only one that has ever seen anything remotely close to that in any post here.:roll:

Nice to know that you are consistent in your dishonesty.
Wirelessly posted

where did i say that? Not even close...

but the whole point of this thread is to disparage parents who are active, engaged and responsible. They are providing great language for their children and somehow that is bad...whatever.

Make an appointment with your therapist. You are hallucinating.
PFH; don't reply to her. At least, not in this thread, please. She wants a fight. Please, lets not give her one. We were doing really well until now. Lets not screw things up by turning this into a cat fight. I WILL have this thread closed if it gets nasty.

Sorry. I had already replied with I saw this request. I will honor your request from here on out.

Please lets NOT reply to the oralists. THEY WANT a fight. I refuse to give them one any longer. The people in question ARE ALL on my ignore list. The ONLY way I can see their responses is if YOU comment back to them. If you just ignore them, they will bounce from this thread and go about their way. I DO NOT want to see this thread trashed so lets please just ignore them. I appreciate the support, though. I really do. But, let them say what they want and hang themselves by their own noose.
Wirelessly posted

Oceanbreeze said:

Please lets NOT reply to the oralists. THEY WANT a fight. I refuse to give them one any longer. The people in question ARE ALL on my ignore list. The ONLY way I can see their responses is if YOU comment back to them. If you just ignore them, they will bounce from this thread and go about their way. I DO NOT want to see this thread trashed so lets please just ignore them. I appreciate the support, though. I really do. But, let them say what they want and hang themselves by their own noose.

so you have the right to trash these parents, but those who support them should be silenced...awesome...

plus, why do you even have an opinion? Do you actually believe you are well educated about the issues involved in childhood implantation and the development of language in deaf children to have an educated opinion about it? How could you?
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Agreed, OB. The opinions being espoused by these oralists are designed to do nothing more than inflame. They actually don't even deserve a response.