Date ideas?

How about going out for a long walk with a group on the trail? I have a group of dog owners, and we go out for walk for one hour every Saturday and Sunday mornings around 11 a.m. It is really fun especially fresh air. It is also fun to look at the dogs playing around on the trail.

Just walk around outdoor malls if you have one in your area, and get something to drink like Starbucks. I usually hate to walk inside the mall, and it isn't perfect to date like that.

By the way, did you attended NTID?

If he ever ask you to invite his house in the late evening that you are not expecting, I would think that he wants to have a sex right way which isn't wise thing to do. It is not my business.

Total Combat - Is he a solider?

Taking a bike riding might be interesting, but it is already in the winter so wait in the spring time.

How about meeting his mother? To see what's she looks alike. If she is crabby person, then you might to be also crabby after you get married in a few months. Just to give you an idea what is all about.

Does he loves to cook? If yes, do you ever watch Martha Stewart's show in the morning? Maybe, he might help you to remodel your new fancy kitchen if you owns a house - like Martha's kitchen.

Going out to a movie - that might be a little bit boring for you cuz of no captions.

If you smoke, you should try to give up smoking soon the better. I know it's hard. Please don't tell me about it.

How about going to an excerise club with him? - a nice safe place and brand new building is better...

this may be late,but..
dating is normally a get to know you thing.
playing games and going to movies or plays is just sitting... ergo doing nothing.
hit a museam ,see if like the same struff or not ,that always leads to talking.
hit a flee market.....even if it is just to laugh at all the junk. bacicly any thing that gets you talking .
Hi! :wave: SweetKj!!! lonnnnnnnnng time no see or hear, Oh wait, I'm deaf I mean "see". ;)

I had a romantic idea! Go to your local Planetarium. You get to sit close to your date, and in the dark watching the stars! :naughty:

Or go to the beach at sunset and walk on the sand with your and his bare feet and hold hands. That would be extra sweeter!

Another idea, Do you like bowling? If yes, then go bowling! That would be fun fun fun! ;)

I'll think of more ideas for ya.. as soon they pop in my head. :giggle:
Bewitched said:
or you guys can decorate christmas tree and have a hot cocoa?

There is a game I LOVE...called Sardines. It is an opposite of 'Hide n Seek'. If you know a good and safe park. All you have to do is pick someone who is 'it'. The group have to count about 50 or 100. A person who is 'it' has to run and hide. The group has to spread out and search ...and find a person who is 'it'. If someone from the group found 'it'. He/she may joins with 'it' and hide where 'it' is hiding. Then another person find them two, he/she join with on. The last person who find the 'it' group is going to be the next 'it.'... I hope i make myself self. If I dont, i ll shoot myself. :Oops:

There is an example,

A person who is 'it' decided to climb up in the tree. Each person who found 'it' has to climb up and hide with 'it'. It was about 15 ppeople who had to climb. It was funny. I liked it. :)

So good luck! ;)

Sounds fun... except this is a date with just me and a guy... so no idea how there can be groups. ;)
webexplorer said:
How about going out for a long walk with a group on the trail? I have a group of dog owners, and we go out for walk for one hour every Saturday and Sunday mornings around 11 a.m. It is really fun especially fresh air. It is also fun to look at the dogs playing around on the trail.

Just walk around outdoor malls if you have one in your area, and get something to drink like Starbucks. I usually hate to walk inside the mall, and it isn't perfect to date like that.

By the way, did you attended NTID?

If he ever ask you to invite his house in the late evening that you are not expecting, I would think that he wants to have a sex right way which isn't wise thing to do. It is not my business.

Total Combat - Is he a solider?

Taking a bike riding might be interesting, but it is already in the winter so wait in the spring time.

How about meeting his mother? To see what's she looks alike. If she is crabby person, then you might to be also crabby after you get married in a few months. Just to give you an idea what is all about.

Does he loves to cook? If yes, do you ever watch Martha Stewart's show in the morning? Maybe, he might help you to remodel your new fancy kitchen if you owns a house - like Martha's kitchen.

Going out to a movie - that might be a little bit boring for you cuz of no captions.

If you smoke, you should try to give up smoking soon the better. I know it's hard. Please don't tell me about it.

How about going to an excerise club with him? - a nice safe place and brand new building is better...

Whoa. Questions... and wow, some of these were pretty random.

Never went to NTID.

What the heck? Invite over house... boy... I can take care of myself. He's been very respectful towards me. I know the difference.

No... he's an professional fighter... If you've heard of UFC, you'd get what I mean.

Here in San Diego, we could do anything at any season.... so maybe I will go biking... except, I have terrible balance, and I'd have to count the face-plants.

No way... I'm not going to meet his mother anytime soon. That's something that comes way later.

He does cook. Also works in the food field. Great in choosing wine. I will design my own kitchen when I get a house sometime.

LOL.... who says I smoke? I don't need the lecture, thanks.
vfr said:
this may be late,but..
dating is normally a get to know you thing.
playing games and going to movies or plays is just sitting... ergo doing nothing.
hit a museam ,see if like the same struff or not ,that always leads to talking.
hit a flee market.....even if it is just to laugh at all the junk. bacicly any thing that gets you talking .

Some cool ideas here... except most of these places would be closed... it'd be in the evening.
Cheri said:
Hi! :wave: SweetKj!!! lonnnnnnnnng time no see or hear, Oh wait, I'm deaf I mean "see". ;)

I had a romantic idea! Go to your local Planetarium. You get to sit close to your date, and in the dark watching the stars! :naughty:

Or go to the beach at sunset and walk on the sand with your and his bare feet and hold hands. That would be extra sweeter!

Another idea, Do you like bowling? If yes, then go bowling! That would be fun fun fun! ;)

I'll think of more ideas for ya.. as soon they pop in my head. :giggle:

I willl see about the Planetarium... :D

Already did the beach thing.... was lovely.
Ok... bummer...

I had the support of a couple girlfriends for the scavenger hunt. I was going to leave a note/clue at the place he will be at before he meets me, and have him follow the clues to the destination where I am at. Thought it would be pretty memorizable, and unique.

But maybe I'll put that on hold for another time (I bought some stuff from Target for this purpose, and then the suggestion seemed to be shot down from guys....)

So how about this K1 Speed racing? Check out or.... that doesn't seem enough. eep. I hate having to control the reins for this one. Not that I suck at dating, just that I want everything to be... perfect.
vfr said:
this may be late,but..
dating is normally a get to know you thing.
playing games and going to movies or plays is just sitting... ergo doing nothing.
hit a museam ,see if like the same struff or not ,that always leads to talking.
hit a flee market.....even if it is just to laugh at all the junk. bacicly any thing that gets you talking .

Not bad idea going to some art museums. Some museums have free admissions every Friday or Saturday morning if they are interested to go there. Flea markets - that would be good plan. I wonder if she does like to go out tag sales. My mother loves tag sales, and we have so much junk stuff in her basement. I am going to get rid of some of things because we never use them. I feel like we are in the ghetto basement. I went on kayaking three weeks ago, it was so much fun. Although, the water was really cold. I'm glad that I rode a wider kayak that won't flip over. My friend's kayak - a very long and thin often flip over which is not design for pond or lake. It is only for ocean, and I didn't know that. If he let me to use his kayak, I would definitely pissed him off. Anyways, he got wet and sick from cold water. hee hee hee. Poor him. He should had taken a hot shower before he gets sick.
Sweet_KJ said:
Ok... bummer...

I had the support of a couple girlfriends for the scavenger hunt. I was going to leave a note/clue at the place he will be at before he meets me, and have him follow the clues to the destination where I am at. Thought it would be pretty memorizable, and unique.

But maybe I'll put that on hold for another time (I bought some stuff from Target for this purpose, and then the suggestion seemed to be shot down from guys....)

So how about this K1 Speed racing? Check out or.... that doesn't seem enough. eep. I hate having to control the reins for this one. Not that I suck at dating, just that I want everything to be... perfect.

Oh, if he's not ready for a scavenger hunt, and he has to follow a bunch of clues to find you...I garonTEE it will be memorable and he will be expecting a payout after going through the trouble to find you. :buttsex:

You know, the indoor rock-climbing thing sounds great! We don't have that here. The planetarium sounds great (I love them!) but as noted above, you won't get to talk much. Don't worry about perfect!! Sometimes, if something goes wrong, it's a good opportunity to see how the other half handles it. Ain't nothing perfect in this world...
welcome back KJ! ;)

I used to be funnycat78.. hm.. *thinkin* if u ever like starbucks coffee u can take him there and chat like old times.. or go to a nice resturant.. like outback resturant to eat then whatever happens is in your ball ;) but have fun on your date with the guy :)
DarrenD said:
Oh, if he's not ready for a scavenger hunt, and he has to follow a bunch of clues to find you...I garonTEE it will be memorable and he will be expecting a payout after going through the trouble to find you. :buttsex:

You know, the indoor rock-climbing thing sounds great! We don't have that here. The planetarium sounds great (I love them!) but as noted above, you won't get to talk much. Don't worry about perfect!! Sometimes, if something goes wrong, it's a good opportunity to see how the other half handles it. Ain't nothing perfect in this world...

Eep, now you just saying you're supporting it. Well its too last minute to start sending up for the scavenger hunt :( I'll do that next time. Yep it'd be memorable.... that's exactly what I was trying to do.

Tonight, I'm going to have him maybe come over... and then ask him if he'd like to eat (go eat if he does), if he doesn't... we'll head over to Strong Ale Festival for a few brews... lol. And then walk around the area. OR we'll go go-karting indoors. Something different to talk about. ;D
GeMiNiCaT05 said:
welcome back KJ! ;)

I used to be funnycat78.. hm.. *thinkin* if u ever like starbucks coffee u can take him there and chat like old times.. or go to a nice resturant.. like outback resturant to eat then whatever happens is in your ball ;) but have fun on your date with the guy :)

Hi Funnycat... lol.

See above notes. I wanted the hunt... got the stuff for it... but everyone 'boo-ed' it at first. Next time! :D

Starbuck... eh, cool idea.. except I don't really want to support corporate businesses. LOL I'm weird.
:welcome: back to AD and Good luck with your date, KJ!!!

I am suggested to you that why not you and your date go to the dance club night, theater movie, and many events whatever you and your date have fun.
If this wasn't suggested already, I'd just go out for coffee at a mom n pop place. Great place for lengthy conversations and to know each other better. :) Plus you two can discuss what activities both of you are interested in... and see what is possible.

If you dont like resturants... take a couple of cups and a thermo of coffee or cocoa in a backpack, and climb up on a roof.. and enjoy the stargazing or sun rays and the conversation. :)
Sweet_KJ said:
Hi Funnycat... lol.

See above notes. I wanted the hunt... got the stuff for it... but everyone 'boo-ed' it at first. Next time! :D

Starbuck... eh, cool idea.. except I don't really want to support corporate businesses. LOL I'm weird.


lol figures.. at least I hope date goes well for u ;) lol who doesn't? :P I am weird too ;)
Liza said:
If this wasn't suggested already, I'd just go out for coffee at a mom n pop place. Great place for lengthy conversations and to know each other better. :) Plus you two can discuss what activities both of you are interested in... and see what is possible.

Coolest "Mom-n-pop" coffee joints are "The Living Room" and "Lestat's"... one in La Jolla and Hillcrest for the former (just saw their website-- they are opening a new one in Old Town), and the latter is in... only Hillcrest, I think. They both are open 24-7 (the living room in Hillcrest has some staff members that know ASL a bit so it was cool to oder in ASL) Can't you tell that I love Hillcrest?! Anyway, both coffeehouses got art pieces by locals and they are... quirky. If you are anything like me, you will enjoy those coffeehouses. (Liza you definitely will love the places if you ever are in San Diego!)

C said that the North Country is only good for having bunch of outdoors activites (hiking trails and whatnot) or NICE $$$ resturants. he should know NC very well-- he spend half of his social life there and is now "recovered" from the stagnant NC milieu and live it up in San Diego, heetee! Anyway he mentioned that there is one cool bowling alley where everythign is neon and blacklights... it is VERY popular, so crowded but you can come in earlier to avoid the clamor. The best thing? IT IS IN VISTA! He said he thinks the place is actually "Vista Bowling Alley" so check it out for the next date.
My opinion is that a bowling is a sort of low-life, but it can be fun for anyone to play bowling. My mother had a first date at a bowling in the 1960's, and she is marred the same date guy. Now, we are in the 21 century. If no place to go, then bowling would be fine. In the 21 century, I thought that we could be in the high modern technologies era such driving a modern space-ship, a lot of solar powers on most houses and vehicles, and perhaps easy life on jobs. We are still in the antique life-era with no cure of medical and we demand our needs and most of us cannot afford to pay our luxury because of hospital and insurance greedies. So, we have to do our best that we can to be love each other and enjoy ourselves in our antique era. I guess that it is true.