Dangerous lack of mental health care

another "qualifier question" asking me to reveal personal information. Why the heck would I do that - especially in the antagonistic manner in which it was asked.

I have two (2) close personal friends whom are practicing psychologists. My degree is NOT in psychology. Their's are.

Both have PhD's, not Medical Degrees. They are psychologists. They both attended the same school I did. They both ask me, from time to time, what I would do in certain situations - always keeping client information confidential.

Now, why would you want to know personal information about me? Why should I answer?

Think about it. Its the constant "I just know I am better than you" argument.

All a PhD is, is additional 3 letters at the end of someone' s name. It does not indicate intelligence.
all of it. I gained a good insight on different schools with its different education systems with different styles. btw - I'm state education all the way. :cool2:

me too - private institutions are sort of bent on .... ahem ... brainwashing (for lack of a better term).
all of it. I gained a good insight on different schools with its different education systems with different styles. btw - I'm state education all the way. :cool2:

I knew this.....I might have liked VT.......TT classes were too big. Speaking of Psych 101. My class at TT was 400 students.

Plus it's TT :ugh2:
I knew this.....I might have liked VT.......
I do like VT very much. Its food is TOP-NOTCH. Its programs are outstanding. Please do check it out when you can. Ut Prosim! :)

I may plan on going there for grad school but I'm also looking into UCLA. Or I may end up at my school since it's cheaper... in-state tuition rate. Major drawback about VT is that it can get quite lonesome especially for those who are very used to living in city/major metropolitan area. what grad program? I have no idea. I'll worry about it more when the time comes.

TT classes were too big. Speaking of Psych 101. My class at TT was 400 students.

Plus it's TT :ugh2:

a large classroom with over 200+ students for Pysch 101 and some other 101 courses is very common. You're not going to benefit much from smaller classroom for PYSCH 101 anyway. my pysch 101 class was very large too but I was very glad to have those 2 professors. They're renowned psychologists. One of them is a vulgar dirty old man :lol:
You of course are referring to those who are drugging our kids into submission?

Should the DEA also know the super secret details of the super secret guidelines before they call you guys drug pushers?

DEA Briefs & Background, Drugs and Drug Abuse, Drug Descriptions, Methylphenidate

Above link is a U.S. Govt link.

Exactly what "guys" are you talking about?

And no, I', referring to people, unlike yourself, you actually understand diagnostic criteria, and have not only the education, but the liscense to diagnose and treat. You have neither.
I do like VT very much. Its food is TOP-NOTCH. Its programs are outstanding. Please do check it out when you can. Ut Prosim! :)

I may plan on going there for grad school but I'm also looking into UCLA. Or I may end up at my school since it's cheaper... in-state tuition rate. Major drawback about VT is that it can get quite lonesome especially for those who are very used to living in city/major metropolitan area. what grad program? I have no idea. I'll worry about it more when the time comes.

a large classroom with over 200+ students for Pysch 101 and some other 101 courses is very common. You're not going to benefit much from smaller classroom for PYSCH 101 anyway. my pysch 101 class was very large too but I was very glad to have those 2 professors. They're renowned psychologists. One of them is a vulgar dirty old man :lol:

I had one prof.....But he had 4 TAs. I just meant large classes in general. I hada couple of classes at TCU with 8 people. 12-15 was the norm.
:Oops: sorry.....I feel naked...lol

Not to feel naked; nothing personal in there. Just an indication that you actually have the degree. Only those that keep talking around the question are suspect.:lol:
another "qualifier question" asking me to reveal personal information. Why the heck would I do that - especially in the antagonistic manner in which it was asked.

I have two (2) close personal friends whom are practicing psychologists. My degree is NOT in psychology. Their's are.

Both have PhD's, not Medical Degrees. They are psychologists. They both attended the same school I did. They both ask me, from time to time, what I would do in certain situations - always keeping client information confidential.

Now, why would you want to know personal information about me? Why should I answer?

Think about it. Its the constant "I just know I am better than you" argument.

All a PhD is, is additional 3 letters at the end of someone' s name. It does not indicate intelligence.

Sorry, but you can't claim expertise by osmosis. I have 2 close personal friends with many different areas of expertise. However, that is their area of expertise and it isn't confered to me simply because I know them.

If they are asking a layman to determine treatment, both are in violation of ethical guidelines whether they are using identifying information or not. You haven't done much to increase your credibility, or that of your supposed friends with that one.

You just don't know when to quick. You are digging it deeper, not getting out.:lol:

A Ph.D. Confers expertise. Which, quite obviously,has not been conferred on you.
Yep, this shit again. You keep making these obscure and unfounded accusations with virtually nothing to back them up. All it is is a big bunch of shit.

I think you need anger management pills :giggle:
What for? I'm not angry. In fact, I am quite amused. And they don't prescribe pills for anger management.:roll:

maybe they have some for a lack of a sense of humor?

great, I am sure pharmaceutical companies will realize this error, and come out with a whole new line of anger management pills.
maybe they have some for a lack of a sense of humor?

great, I am sure pharmaceutical companies will realize this error, and come out with a whole new line of anger management pills.

I don't know. I can find out and send you a Rx for them though.

You are confusing 2 issues. Mental health care and pharmaceutical companies. They aren't one and the same.:laugh2: The vast majority of mental health treatment does not involve the use of pharmaceuticals. And the ones that have to be managed with pharmaceuticals are grateful for them. It is their chance at a relatively normal and functioning existence. Shame that you seem to have no emapthy for those that rely on pharmacueticals to manage severe symptoms.
another "qualifier question" asking me to reveal personal information. Why the heck would I do that - especially in the antagonistic manner in which it was asked.

I have two (2) close personal friends whom are practicing psychologists. My degree is NOT in psychology. Their's are.

Both have PhD's, not Medical Degrees. They are psychologists. They both attended the same school I did. They both ask me, from time to time, what I would do in certain situations - always keeping client information confidential.

Now, why would you want to know personal information about me? Why should I answer?

Think about it. Its the constant "I just know I am better than you" argument.

well.... they do. A lawyer has JD and he does know certainly better than me or you in laws lol. and a gun owner with guns does certainly know better than a person with a library of gun books, right?

All a PhD is, is additional 3 letters at the end of someone' s name. It does not indicate intelligence.
you are right that it does not indicate intelligence but it does indicate qualification and expertise. but hey... instead of coming up with that same old defensive line I hear all the time - you can always get those 2/3 letters if you want to. As I always tell people - "Less Talk, More Action" :cool2:

a great poster to use for fella being an armchair expert :)
well.... they do. A lawyer has JD and he does know certainly better than me or you in laws lol. and a gun owner with guns does certainly know better than a person with a library of gun books, right?

you are right that it does not indicate intelligence but it does indicate qualification and expertise. but hey... instead of coming up with that same old defensive line I hear all the time - you can always get those 2/3 letters if you want to. As I always tell people - "Less Talk, More Action" :cool2:

a great poster to use for fella being an armchair expert :)

Love that poster, dude! I want a copy!!:laugh2: