Curiousity: ADers username and changes


AD Veteran
Premium Member
Nov 20, 2006
Reaction score
I have noticed a few AD'ers changing their usernames to their names, and I wonder why? What made you decide to change? Is it 'unique' for you, yes? And you know, if you use your name, you would be very lucky cause the others can not have the name and it is not repeatitive.
My username used to be Sweetheart. I do like that username but just changed to WhisiperHorse because it's me, it's who I am. :D
Why do you pick that username?

I picked my username- NorCal20. Why? because i am from Northern California and 20 is my favorite number also, its been pass down numbers from my dad's side on sports legacy.
Mine same Phillips since Join AD..

Do you like my Sn Phillips??? :fingersx:
WhisperHorse. Im a horse lover plus everybody consider me as a Whisper for horses because I could understand how horses feel and etc like that. And, it's who I am. :D
I changed mine simply because my name is "David". I came up with the name "deafdave" about 15 years ago to help college classmates put a name to my face. Since then, it never bothered me to use "deafdave" as email, AIM, handles, log-in names, call signs, etc. However, when I went to forums such as this one or to chat rooms, people often (and understandably) shortened it and called me "Dave". I hate the name "Dave"; it would sometimes trigger PTSD flashbacks. So, I asked Alex if I could have the inactive name "David" and he approved!
Pink is my favorite color. My uncle called me a nickname is Binky when I was baby. B and P sound are same. Everyone called me a Pinky because it's my favorite color pink to wear. Pink is my obsessive! LoL I added hearts in middle of pinky. I ♥ pink!

Pink Rock!
I picked my username- NorCal20. Why? because i am from Northern California and 20 is my favorite number also, its been pass down numbers from my dad's side on sports legacy.

Northern California? I used to live there in Northern area. oops, it off topic.

My friends sometime call me crazy.
Alex is a good man, I have changed mine too, and he was more than happy to have it considered :)

Hail before the site admin! :lol:
When I joined to AD. My old sn was Pinky678. I added number date of my wedding day set on June 7, 2008 or 06/07/08. I decide to changed my sn because it look boring for me. I like my new username.