Connecticut school massacre

^^^ from 335: In other words, you don't have one. You have a theory about what to do, but no tangible way of solving the problem.

I respect your opinion, but I don't agree with it. I don't want to wait years to see if there is some way of treating someone which actually works.
my god..... I just told you that it works very well in Europe especially England. They are actually a textbook case for international psychiatrist and psychology. They have a very humane, sensible approach that doesn't involve stigmatization, drugging, imprisoning, and barbaric-like approach.

In America - the most common approach was just to drug a troublemakers and punish them. Lock'em up if they didn't comply and if they made a trouble again and again.

If you keep guns away from mentally ill people, mentally ill people won't use them in cases like Newtown.
again.... what's the measuring scale for those with mental, behavioral, or emotional problem that would preclude anybody to touch/own a gun? You Dr. Phil?
my god..... I just told you that it works very well in Europe especially England. They are actually a textbook case for international psychiatrist and psychology. They have a very humane, sensible approach that doesn't involve stigmatization, drugging, imprisoning, and barbaric-like approach....
Yet, they still have people who go berserk and commit murder and other heinous crimes of cruelty and rage.
Here we go. Just got this email...

The primary-school shooting in Newtown, Connecticut, approximately 45 miles from the Colt Arms Factory, is just another one in the long line of government psyops designed to persuade the public to allow the government to take away their guns, and their means to defend themselves against the government and the banksters that the politicians really serve.

The small children murders are designed to create hysterical emotions in women to get them to demand that guns are banned. If that doesn't work they will continue with their evil agenda with worse and worse atrocities on younger children, until they get their way and disarm the people, so that they cannot fight back against government tyranny.

Newtown is the U.S.A.'s Dunblane, which was orchestrated in Scotland in 1996 by the British establishment, to whip up hysteria in order to ban all handguns from the U.K. It was a follow-up to the Hungerford Massacre in England in 1987, which was carried out by mind-controlled Michael Ryan, who then shot himself so he could not be questioned, and it was used to ban semi-automatic rifles and shotguns.

It's always the same people behind it, "the gun-grabbers who want the people to be defenceless against the gun-grabbers‚ employers, the banksters who own all of the politicians." They get their politicians to pass legislation for them, in order to remove the people's freedoms and means of defending themselves, and enslave them in a draconian police-state, under a mountain of debt, and then exterminate the useless-eaters.

The Dunblane massacre was supposedly carried out by Thomas Hamilton, who was a paedophile and procurer of children, for a high level paedophile ring involving senior members of the Tony Blair Labour-Party shadow-cabinet and others. The massacre served two purposes, it achieved their desired handgun-ban and killed the abused children, so they could not be witnesses against the elite-paedophiles. They then had the findings of the inquiry sealed for 100 years, which is proof of the above.

Like Newtown there were two shooters, Hamilton and a hit-man who shot Hamilton and made it look like Hamilton committed suicide after shooting 16 children, so that he couldn‚t be questioned. Hamilton was found in the school gymnasium slumped against a wall and still gurgling, when an off-duty policeman PC Grant McCutcheon entered the gym and saw two semi-automatic pistols, one on either side of Hamilton‚s body.

The autopsy revealed that Hamilton was killed with a .38 revolver. These people always slip-up with their crimes. There was no .38 revolver for him to have shot himself with. Thus, there was a second shooter who killed Hamilton.

Similarly, the first reports from Newtown were of two shooters, just like mind-controlled James Holmes in the Denver Batman Cinema massacre, the story then quickly changes to just one.

Columbine was similar, in that a team of shooters in black outfits were seen there and the two accused were on mind-altering prescription-drugs.

Wake up and see the pattern and their modus operandi and don't fall for it. Never let them take your guns, except from your cold dead hands.

All of these are staged events to whip-up hysterical public support for banning the people from having guns. It works the same in every country, Hungerford in England, Dunblane in Scotland, Port Arthur in Australia and the list in America is endless, because of the Second Amendment and the people having a pro-gun culture. That makes it much more difficult to break the Americans‚ love of guns and the Second Amendment, which was put in place to protect the people from the government.

Gun bans work well for tyrants. They worked well for Hitler, Stalin and Chairman Mao, to name just three.

If you want to stop these massacres, wake-up and get rid of the banksters, their puppet-politicians and all gun-grabbers; arm teachers and ban gun-free zones.

From one who can see the pattern and hopes to enable you to see it too.

Wake the F* up.
Not to derail the topic at hand but it does relate. The media has been demonizing being a loner or not having friends as a sign of abnormality in which case I feel isn't a predictor of violence nor should it be viewed as odd. I'm saying this because as a Deaf person since it has been repeated over and over that the shooter was a loner, had no friends and was socially awkward it has made me feel very self conscious of how people now view me. I'm socially awkward because I'm Deaf and only have Deaf friends. Now people are going to label me or anyone else who is the same as abnormal. I also have issues with the medias usage of aspergers syndrome since the majority of the public is not aware of what that is it's been labeled as being a mental illness in which case it isn't. Also in the same vein here some of us Deaf maybe mistakenly labeled as being autistic or acting like one because of how socially awkward we come across and I've been very upset over this very thought. Has this bothered you as well? It has really bothered me that the media is making it out to be that people like that are prone to violence or could be and I won't argue that in every mass shooting there has been the perp has been identified as a loner or socially awkward but for those of us that are that way because of being Deaf it doesn't mean that we are strange, odd or weird or prone to violence. I was as a child mistakenly diagnosed as autistic before I was diagnosed as Deaf and this is why it bothers me to the degree it does. Alot of the signs of autism especially being socially awkward, not getting the "joke" or picking up on social cues, verbal cues is also common in Deafness because you're deaf. How are you to respond when you cannot hear? When 9/11 happened an entire group of people were demonized, a race. Will we now be seen differently too? Has anyone sat back and thought about this? Not because we're Deaf but because to the general public now, if anyone is socially isolated, or socially awkward it's something to take note of.

The Asperger's association is very upset about the may the news media is calling asperger's a mental illness.
Has there been anything concrete saying the shooter was diagnosed in the autism spectrum?

It sounds like something the media made up to get more parents attention to me.

I've worked with autistic kids and they have generally shown NO emotion. That's kind of their condition... they are apathetic about other people from a very mild not-being-able-to-read-emotions to not-even-aware-I-am-here.

Of all the kids I've worked with who were autistic I can't imagine any of them considering doing anything with people. Most of them just have strong desires to spend a lot of time with non-human objects, like video games, trains, cars, dinosaurs etc.

This tragedy is easily the most poorly reported news event I have witnessed in a while.
There's so many contradicting/unsupported facts being spouted about!

First the mom is a kindergarten teacher, and then it turns out she doesn't even work there.
Then they say it was someone from Hoboken, but it turns out he's been in Hoboken the whole time.
Then they said it was because he wanted revenge, but now we're pointing fingers at autism?
I'm taking everything from the media about this incident with a gigantic grain of salt.
Has there been anything concrete saying the shooter was diagnosed in the autism spectrum?

It sounds like something the media made up to get more parents attention to me.

I've worked with autistic kids and they have generally shown NO emotion. That's kind of their condition... they are apathetic about other people from a very mild not-being-able-to-read-emotions to not-even-aware-I-am-here.

Of all the kids I've worked with who were autistic I can't imagine any of them considering doing anything with people. Most of them just have strong desires to spend a lot of time with non-human objects, like video games, trains, cars, dinosaurs etc.

This tragedy is easily the most poorly reported news event I have witnessed in a while.
There's so many contradicting/unsupported facts being spouted about!

First the mom is a kindergarten teacher, and then it turns out she doesn't even work there.
Then they say it was someone from Hoboken, but it turns out he's been in Hoboken the whole time.
Then they said it was because he wanted revenge, but now we're pointing fingers at autism?
I'm taking everything from the media about this incident with a gigantic grain of salt.
Not even tantrum?

Mass media tends to jump to conclusions.
Has there been anything concrete saying the shooter was diagnosed in the autism spectrum?

It sounds like something the media made up to get more parents attention to me.

I've worked with autistic kids and they have generally shown NO emotion. That's kind of their condition... they are apathetic about other people from a very mild not-being-able-to-read-emotions to not-even-aware-I-am-here.

Of all the kids I've worked with who were autistic I can't imagine any of them considering doing anything with people. Most of them just have strong desires to spend a lot of time with non-human objects, like video games, trains, cars, dinosaurs etc.

This tragedy is easily the most poorly reported news event I have witnessed in a while.
There's so many contradicting/unsupported facts being spouted about!

First the mom is a kindergarten teacher, and then it turns out she doesn't even work there.
Then they say it was someone from Hoboken, but it turns out he's been in Hoboken the whole time.
Then they said it was because he wanted revenge, but now we're pointing fingers at autism?
I'm taking everything from the media about this incident with a gigantic grain of salt.

IMHO, I don't think he had Asperger's. I think it was more of a personality disorder that may have looked like Asperger's to the layman. Like I wonder if Adam may have had a severe lack of empathy and that was dx as Asperger's, when maybe it was something like sociopathy or something.
I work with children with autism and I have a brother with a severe mental illness. Both conditions are very very different. The latter is more likely to commit murder.
Has there been anything concrete saying the shooter was diagnosed in the autism spectrum?

It sounds like something the media made up to get more parents attention to me.

I've worked with autistic kids and they have generally shown NO emotion. That's kind of their condition... they are apathetic about other people from a very mild not-being-able-to-read-emotions to not-even-aware-I-am-here.

Of all the kids I've worked with who were autistic I can't imagine any of them considering doing anything with people. Most of them just have strong desires to spend a lot of time with non-human objects, like video games, trains, cars, dinosaurs etc.

This tragedy is easily the most poorly reported news event I have witnessed in a while.
There's so many contradicting/unsupported facts being spouted about!

First the mom is a kindergarten teacher, and then it turns out she doesn't even work there.
Then they say it was someone from Hoboken, but it turns out he's been in Hoboken the whole time.
Then they said it was because he wanted revenge, but now we're pointing fingers at autism?
I'm taking everything from the media about this incident with a gigantic grain of salt.

I fully agree that the media has done a horrible job in it's converage of this tragedy. There are still so many basic facts that we still don't have answers to, even after they authorities have spoken to the gunman's brother and father.

The thing with autism is that is really is a spectrum disorder. Those on the spectrum..running down to asperger's can present very differently and with different stand out issues. Those who are higher function can be prone to aggressive outbursts as teens. Usually in the home, where they feel safe. They can often feel very socially frustrated. There are some with asperger's that want to connect with others but do not have the skills to do so. They feel isolated ect...That said, these outbursts tend are spontaneous. They are not prone to calculated plans of mass murder. I have seen these teens in support groups / social skills groups for Asperger teens. They are all different. Additionally, some have co-exisiting mental health issues that complicate matters. It sounds to me as if though the CT gunman had other issues as well...if he did indeed even have Asperger's. There are many with Asperger's that are socially elusive, yet have very high IQ's and function very well in society. Go to any top engineering or math program, you will see them there. They contribute greatly to society. Not all are of this type.
Oh you wanted to abuse the power over US constitution and break them as you pleases? I don't think so! I am here to respect US constitution and our forefather, and why it was created in the first place. Guess you crybabies don't understand.
Oh you wanted to abuse the power over US constitution and break them as you pleases? I don't think so! I am here to respect US constitution and our forefather, and why it was created in the first place. Guess you crybabies don't understand.
Use your ****ing common sense. Celebrate it at another time.
Morgan, Gottlieb: "Guns Save Lives Day" - Video (CC)

WTF? Gun advocates plan to celebrate "Guns Save Lives Day" around the anniversary of the Newtown mass shootings. That's not cool and very disrespectful.

Well, unfortunately, it is part of free speech.

You can do - just ignore them and worry about yourself.

I have same thought for Tea Party, but they are free to protest and I don't have worry about them.
Right, I understand how they (Sandy Hook victims) feels, but the law exists protecting the fabric of America life called US constitution. There are no time restriction on US constitution. I don't want single strand of American Flag burn based on ignorance on US constitution.

We can not discriminate any group of Americans. When one allows ones exercising free speech, and barred others from exercising same right then it violates equal rights. This is equilvent to bunch of Hearing people can cussing, and prohibited Deaf people from cussing.

Well, unfortunately, it is part of free speech.

You can do - just ignore them and worry about yourself.

I have same thought for Tea Party, but they are free to protest and I don't have worry about them.