
The security settings and protocols are actually an advantage for me, given some of the work that passes through my computer. Of course, when 7 comes out, I may update, depending on what I see from the program. For now, though, I just prefer Vista to XP.

I can see why you say that, and that's perfectly fine.

I had to teach myself to learn vista for IT. If our users use it, then it's common practice that we get involved with it.

For us computer geeks, vista settings require extra attention, extra calibration to make sure that UAC alarm doesn't go off like crazy over what we just did, or download some third party software to bypass it.

It's a hassle for some, we prefer management where we're in control, not the PC is in control. That's the real line that I'm against using vista full time.

I know I can bypass all the settings, but frankly to me it's not worth my time dabbling with it.

But to someone who is not so groovy and pc-savvy, vista will help them against their blunders and mistakes on the net. But really, like jiro said - if you wanted to avoid all that, you can just get a mac, and you're off scoot free of viruses. Only problem is that the user interface isn't the same as windows to most people who use it. Takes some time getting used to.
I openly admit that I have done it all the times. :D

I love this comic strip! Great posting, Jiro!
I openly admit that I have done it all the times. :D

I love this comic strip! Great posting, Jiro!

You can subscribe it to have daily strip delivered to your email. I absolutely love SAVAGE CHICKENS. it's too LOLOLOL. See below - it's one of my favorites.
:laugh2: that is what Vista is ALMOST like. I'm not too big on Apple OS style (mouse & visually-intensive) but it has robust security and no-bullshit interface which is why the learning curve is very short.

I only love ONE thing about Vista - its Start Search feature.

You are absolutely right about the security and the interface. Its the rest of the OS I don't like!:giggle:

Yep, the Start Search feature is awesome. And something that I use a lot.
I can see why you say that, and that's perfectly fine.

I had to teach myself to learn vista for IT. If our users use it, then it's common practice that we get involved with it.

For us computer geeks, vista settings require extra attention, extra calibration to make sure that UAC alarm doesn't go off like crazy over what we just did, or download some third party software to bypass it.

It's a hassle for some, we prefer management where we're in control, not the PC is in control. That's the real line that I'm against using vista full time.

I know I can bypass all the settings, but frankly to me it's not worth my time dabbling with it.

But to someone who is not so groovy and pc-savvy, vista will help them against their blunders and mistakes on the net. But really, like jiro said - if you wanted to avoid all that, you can just get a mac, and you're off scoot free of viruses. Only problem is that the user interface isn't the same as windows to most people who use it. Takes some time getting used to.

Yep. I consider myself to be above average in computer literacy, but I am certainly not at your level, nor Jiro's either.:lol:

Its the user interface that stops me from trying out a Mac seriously. I like to be able to sit down and do what I need to do without having to spend time getting used to it. I was able to make the switch from XP to Vista without a lot of wasted time. BTW, my computer at work still runs XP. It is my home PC and my laptop that runs Vista.
Savage Chickens are good. I bet the guy who draws it is a PC geek too, because I think I've seen humor in the past that geeks will catch.

About XP/Vista/7 -- it will take some time, but just wait.

The real problem is that Windows based systems get all the goodies

a. Microsoft office - everyone's so used to this thing. Excel is "badical", and we have people who preach it. Powerpoint is the norm for business presentations, university lectures.

b. Adobe (photoshop) - without Adobe software, especially photoshop, it's like problem presented in a. Like a car with a built in GPS. You get so used to that GPS, and once you move on to the motorcycle, you find you can't use that GPS anymore and need to find alternate methods, most of which are nowhere as close as the job the GPS does. (Yeah, I know about cellphones and battery powered GPS, but that's not my point, so I said built-in GPS :lol:)

c. CG - Maya, autocad, autodesk, 3dsmax. Plenty of 3d modeling software only applicable to windows only. CG world includes movies, architecture, games, anything with 3d..
(have you seen some of the modern architecture renders?
take a peek:
if that was your first, once you see how detailed and crazy it can get, you'll be shocked. If anyone else here thinks that was real, sorry but they are fake.)

d. gaming (this only applies to people who play videogames) - which is a growing percentage. A lot of software is produced for windows platforms only. Linux, Mac users don't get that share of love.. They have to artificially get it in other forms.

It's just a matter of time.. the only real problem is the Microsoft Office & CG/Adobe people moving out of that phase and living life without it. And for those companies to port their software to Mac/Linux. But that's like, never going to happen in this age.

But once this revolution happens, microsoft will have its grips no more.
Savage Chickens are good. I bet the guy who draws it is a PC geek too, because I think I've seen humor in the past that geeks will catch.

About XP/Vista/7 -- it will take some time, but just wait.

The real problem is that Windows based systems get all the goodies

a. Microsoft office - everyone's so used to this thing. Excel is "badical", and we have people who preach it. Powerpoint is the norm for business presentations, university lectures.

b. Adobe (photoshop) - without Adobe software, especially photoshop, it's like problem presented in a. Like a car with a built in GPS. You get so used to that GPS, and once you move on to the motorcycle, you find you can't use that GPS anymore and need to find alternate methods, most of which are nowhere as close as the job the GPS does. (Yeah, I know about cellphones and battery powered GPS, but that's not my point, so I said built-in GPS :lol:)

c. CG - Maya, autocad, autodesk, 3dsmax. Plenty of 3d modeling software only applicable to windows only. CG world includes movies, architecture, games, anything with 3d..
(have you seen some of the modern architecture renders?
take a peek:
if that was your first, once you see how detailed and crazy it can get, you'll be shocked. If anyone else here thinks that was real, sorry but they are fake.)

d. gaming (this only applies to people who play videogames) - which is a growing percentage. A lot of software is produced for windows platforms only. Linux, Mac users don't get that share of love.. They have to artificially get it in other forms.

It's just a matter of time.. the only real problem is the Microsoft Office & CG/Adobe people moving out of that phase and living life without it. And for those companies to port their software to Mac/Linux. But that's like, never going to happen in this age.

But once this revolution happens, microsoft will have its grips no more.

Your explanation makes perfect sense. Maybe I will be too old and feeble to worry about operating systems by the time the revolution happens.:giggle:
3rd for real? :eek3:


I confess that if I plan on having multiple kids - I will name each one as First, Second, Third, Fourth.... :mad2:
I admit it as well. I used to work for the paper as an intern in high school. Id go batty proofing articles for print on the screen, then as soon as I got home from work I would go to the computer and chart chatting on MSN. Of course this was when IRC chats and chatrooms were still popular. Now its been overtaken by instant messaging, blogs, facebook, and forums such as this one where you can post a message and return to it for a reply later when you've got more time to respond.