Clinton & Obama together?

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Obama and Clinton came to our hometown for speech and rally. Obama is only senator for 6 months and few years. He is not enough experience on leadership skill. He is not allow his state Illionis for ballot. ILL state must voted for Obama only no Clinton and other. How stupid of him! I am tired of his say, "If you don't like me or not vote me it mean you're racist." Why he said that to everyone who are white people??

Sorry I haven't heard that Obama ever said it. If he said it then it will be all over the news due to the racist, but it didn't happened?

Michelle Obama want to act like Jackie Kennedy's dress. She is copycat from Jackie's. Did you see Obama didn't hand on his chest to honor the America's Flag??? I saw on I am not surprise that!

I don't neither, it's free speech. :dunno2:

I didn't understand why Bill Clinton was affair to Monica Lewisky when he is married with Hillary?? That's not make any sense! Do you like to be President for Woman that Hillary? I am curious!

Well I don't think that have to do anything with the presidential position, the personal business shouldn't be brought up in the government elymopment or even the policies.

I am going to vote for McCain anyways. This is very important for our country to prevent of terrorism attack to our America like 9/11 and other states. Many terrorsm and other religion do against Jewish that where Jesus's homeland. The Jewish people really need our American Troops to fight war against Iran. Because Iran want to bomb and kill all Jewish people that where Jesus' homeland. God is watching all of us. God is taking care of his country in West Bank.

That's up to ya, but my opinion, we already have done so far enough with the terrorists since the 9/11 which are 7 years ago.

Many Liberal thought Bush is faulted because of High Price on gas for war?? That's not true. It coming from government and market are control the oil. It's coming from in Saudi Arab's own BIGGEST Oil control over the world. I don't believe in Bulls**T media and gossip against to other.

And that's not the only one reason why the gas price goes up, there's lot of stuff causing the gas prices going up such like the wars.

Do you support Gay marriage and Abortion Babies??

Of course I do support gay marriage. About the abortion, I personally are against the abort, but I respect other's choices, and I will not feel fair to vote against their own choices just for myself, that's why I support Liberal so that I will have others respect my choices and I respect other's choices, fair is fair.
soon we will see Obama vs Clinton at WWE RAW on 4-21 (yea I know its stupid)

You guys need to check it out at Welcome to Facebook! | Facebook all groups of Anti-Obama for many reasons. I am not support Gay Marriage. It against god. God said, marriage for 1 female and 1 man not same sex. Female and Man can make a babies and same sex can't make a baby.

Abortion is a murder! The mothers have no heart for have baby and want to abortion. It's kill the unborn child. That what the bible say.

That's all your opinions. I believe it's true about Obama's background. He is a muslim and anti-christ. If Obama win. We would be die by terrorist in here. He wanted to get away the gun rights.

Hillary Vs. Obama

My fiance went to school for Chelsea's visit. He already met her and touch the hands shaking last Friday. I am going to vote for Hillary next month. We want to rid of Obama! In Nov, Election Day I will vote for McCain!!!!!

I don't care about people's opinion about Liberal. I prefer Republican for good reason.

If you never hear about Obama is a racist? You didn't watch a news or read newspapers. Or go to websites. You should research about his background. Hillary is ok to me. My fiance know a lot about political more than I am.

I used to be in liberal when I was in High School. I learned it from many deaf people do rather liberal. My hearing parents are republican. I never understand what is the Liberal and Conservative between. When I met my wonder fiance. He is a republican. My mom asked him if he is republican. She explained to me about Liberal didn't want follow God's 10 commandents. My fiance explained to me very deeply. I understood and realized. This isn't an opinion. It's TRUE! I respect your opinions.
You guys need to check it out at Welcome to Facebook! | Facebook all groups of Anti-Obama for many reasons. I am not support Gay Marriage. It against god. God said, marriage for 1 female and 1 man not same sex. Female and Man can make a babies and same sex can't make a baby.

Abortion is a murder! The mothers have no heart for have baby and want to abortion. It's kill the unborn child. That what the bible say.

That's all your opinions. I believe it's true about Obama's background. He is a muslim and anti-christ. If Obama win. We would be die by terrorist in here. He wanted to get away the gun rights.

Hillary Vs. Obama

My fiance went to school for Chelsea's visit. He already met her and touch the hands shaking last Friday. I am going to vote for Hillary next month. We want to rid of Obama! In Nov, Election Day I will vote for McCain!!!!!

I don't care about people's opinion about Liberal. I prefer Republican for good reason.

If you never hear about Obama is a racist? You didn't watch a news or read newspapers. Or go to websites. You should research about his background. Hillary is ok to me. My fiance know a lot about political more than I am.

I used to be in liberal when I was in High School. I learned it from many deaf people do rather liberal. My hearing parents are republican. I never understand what is the Liberal and Conservative between. When I met my wonder fiance. He is a republican. My mom asked him if he is republican. She explained to me about Liberal didn't want follow God's 10 commandents. My fiance explained to me very deeply. I understood and realized. This isn't an opinion. It's TRUE! I respect your opinions.

Homosexual is part of personal and all personal stuff should take out from congress or others with some exception, the new bills that make for law based on religion should be out too. For me, homosexual has nothing with God's issue, every religions are different about word for God is used, you are probably defined as conservative, fundie or evangelical christian.

I won't vote McCain because if he win then he would keep war and economic would going decline like happened right now, such as foreclosure, gas price, inflation, interest rate, groceries and others, he's just repeat version of Bush. In my views, economic is more important than war and gas price has been shot up due demand, war issue and conflict with other countries, that's need to be work out and war need get done soon. Other way, I'm not republican party.

I would goes to Clinton or Obama, whoever win the democrat nomination.
You guys need to check it out at Welcome to Facebook! | Facebook all groups of Anti-Obama for many reasons. I am not support Gay Marriage. It against god. God said, marriage for 1 female and 1 man not same sex. Female and Man can make a babies and same sex can't make a baby.

But some Americans see it as different.

Abortion is a murder! The mothers have no heart for have baby and want to abortion. It's kill the unborn child. That what the bible say.

Well the abortion prevent the mothers from killing the children, or overpopulation. Sometimes legalize something bad do help.

That's all your opinions. I believe it's true about Obama's background. He is a muslim and anti-christ. If Obama win. We would be die by terrorist in here. He wanted to get away the gun rights.

Well I thought it's still illegal for any of people to bring the religious subject to the government system. Also I support the gun for protect rights.

I don't care about people's opinion about Liberal. I prefer Republican for good reason.

Okay, but I still prefer Liberal over Republic.

If you never hear about Obama is a racist? You didn't watch a news or read newspapers. Or go to websites. You should research about his background. Hillary is ok to me. My fiance know a lot about political more than I am.

You against racist, but vote against on the same sex marriage? Anyway, sorry it's illegal for him to bring the race in the government system, except for protect the hate crime against the race.

I used to be in liberal when I was in High School. I learned it from many deaf people do rather liberal. My hearing parents are republican. I never understand what is the Liberal and Conservative between. When I met my wonder fiance. He is a republican. My mom asked him if he is republican. She explained to me about Liberal didn't want follow God's 10 commandents. My fiance explained to me very deeply. I understood and realized. This isn't an opinion. It's TRUE! I respect your opinions.

Of course, the Liberal don't support ANY of religions involvement with the government system because the people who support Liberal tend to believe that the religion should be personal business, not the government's business. Like what if there are people supporting ban the religion of Christianity, how would you feel about that? That is exactly how we the Liberal felt about those people who dislike the Liberal or support whatever would take our freedom away, or freedom only for one.
I am a liberal Christain. I dont want to see many ADers assume Christians as republican group while I am not one of them.

I am for freedom of choice with logical limits. :)

Sighs, I hate how those people accusely assumed Christians while some Christians have a different personality than "common" Christianity... =/
Homosexual is part of personal and all personal stuff should take out from congress or others with some exception, the new bills that make for law based on religion should be out too. For me, homosexual has nothing with God's issue, every religions are different about word for God is used, you are probably defined as conservative, fundie or evangelical christian.

I won't vote McCain because if he win then he would keep war and economic would going decline like happened right now, such as foreclosure, gas price, inflation, interest rate, groceries and others, he's just repeat version of Bush. In my views, economic is more important than war and gas price has been shot up due demand, war issue and conflict with other countries, that's need to be work out and war need get done soon. Other way, I'm not republican party.

I would goes to Clinton or Obama, whoever win the democrat nomination.

I am with you on that one. Religion should be kept out of politics, period. Really hate that Bush brought religion into politics.

Anyways...the Republicans screwed up this country for the past 8 years..time for some changes. I dont trust the Republican party.
Homosexual is part of personal and all personal stuff should take out from congress or others with some exception, the new bills that make for law based on religion should be out too. For me, homosexual has nothing with God's issue, every religions are different about word for God is used, you are probably defined as conservative, fundie or evangelical christian.

I won't vote McCain because if he win then he would keep war and economic would going decline like happened right now, such as foreclosure, gas price, inflation, interest rate, groceries and others, he's just repeat version of Bush. In my views, economic is more important than war and gas price has been shot up due demand, war issue and conflict with other countries, that's need to be work out and war need get done soon. Other way, I'm not republican party.

I would goes to Clinton or Obama, whoever win the democrat nomination.

Agreed. But I prefer to vote McCain if Hillary wins.
Did you know that Obama is strongly against gun rights?

Barack Obama on Gun Control
Democratic Jr Senator (IL)
Click here for 8 full quotes by Barack Obama OR click here for Barack Obama on other issues.
Respect 2nd Amendment, but local gun bans ok. (Feb 2008)
Provide some common-sense enforcement on gun licensing. (Jan 2008)
2000: cosponsored bill to limit purchases to 1 gun per month. (Oct 2007)
Concealed carry OK for retired police officers. (Aug 2007)
Stop unscrupulous gun dealers dumping guns in cities. (Jul 2007)
Keep guns out of inner cities--but also problem of morality. (Oct 2006)
Ban semi-automatics, and more possession restrictions. (Jul 1998)
Voted NO on prohibiting lawsuits against gun manufacturers. (Jul 2005)

Gun Control: 2008 contenders' views

Hillary Clinton on Gun Control
Democratic Jr Senator (NY)
Click here for 18 full quotes by Hillary Clinton OR click here for Hillary Clinton on other issues.
Against illegal guns, crack down on illegal gun dealers. (Jan 2008)
Backed off a national licensing registration plan on guns. (Jan 2008)
Get assault weapons & guns off the street. (Jul 2007)
Background check system could prevent Virginia Tech massacre. (Apr 2007)
FactCheck: VA Tech shooter not declared a danger to others. (Apr 2007)
Congress' failure at Littleton response inspired Senate run. (Nov 2003)
Keep guns away from people who shouldn’t have them. (Sep 2000)
Limit access to weapons; look for early warning signs. (Sep 2000)
License and register all handgun sales. (Jun 2000)
Tough gun control keeps guns out of wrong hands. (Jul 1999)
Gun control protects our children. (Jul 1999)
Don’t water down sensible gun control legislation. (Jul 1999)
Lock up guns; store ammo separately. (Jun 1999)
Ban kids’ unsupervised access to guns. (Jun 1999)
Get weapons off the streets; zero tolerance for weapons. (Sep 1996)
Voted NO on prohibiting lawsuits against gun manufacturers. (Jul 2005)
Voted NO on banning lawsuits against gun manufacturers for gun violence. (Mar 2004)
Prevent unauthorized firearm use with "smart gun" technology. (Aug 2000)

Gun Control: 2008 contenders' views

I don't see any of them support illegalize the guns, but I still prefer Obama over Hillary.
I don't see any of them support illegalize the guns, but I still prefer Obama over Hillary.
Did you actually read those references? They show that Obama and Hillary both want to restrict our 2nd Amendment rights.
About Obama:

...the Illinois House and Senate passed legislation in May 2004 to protect citizens who use handguns in self-defense in their homes or businesses despite local handgun bans.

The House accepted the DeMar selfdefense bill by a vote of 86-25 and the Senate moved the legislation on a 38-20 vote.

And here lies the seminal moment for state Senator Barack Obama. When Obama turned thumbs down on the bill, he voted against the most basic element of the Second Amendment-- the right of defense of self and family-- the reason that millions of Americans own firearms.

When the governor vetoed the bill, Obama once again voted against a citizen’s right to self-defense. Despite his vote, the veto override passed the Senate and the House by overwhelming majorities, thereby enacting this bill into law.

Now, fast forward to today’s slippery oratory of U.S. Sen. Barack Obama just three years from being an unknown state senator--now morphed by the media into a spellbinding u.s. senator seeking to be president of the United States.

Using words like “protecting sportsmen,” Obama is now saying that he believes in the Second Amendment … but with almost universal exceptions, all of which he lists under the heading of “common sense gun safety laws.” “Common sense gun safety” and the Second Amendment? Like endorsing the D.C. gun ban, which outlaws armed self-defense in the home--now being challenged before the u.s. Supreme Court. Obama, who as president would be in the position to nominate justices to that high court, has declared that the D.C. ban doesn’t violate the Second Amendment.

“Common sense gun safety” and the Second Amendment? In a “1998 National Political Awareness Test,” he pledged to support a “Ban [on] the sale or transfer of all forms of semi-automatic weapons”--meaning most handguns and many rifles and shotguns that you and I own.

“Common sense gun safety” and the Second Amendment? Like demanding that the federal government preempt the 40 hard-won state laws creating Right-to-Carry.

Here’s how the Chicago Tribune put it: “Obama said he opposed allowing ordinary citizens to carry concealed weapons and that a federal law banning concealed carried weapons except for law enforcement is needed.” “Common sense gun safety” and the Second Amendment? Like the draconian proposals funded to the tune of $18,000,000 by the rabidly anti-gun Joyce Foundation while Obama was an activist member of its board of directors.

Obama’s alleged support of the Second Amendment is utterly cynical and false. Barack Obama is not for the Right to Keep and Bear Arms; he`s out to destroy it.
National Rifle Association | Political Victory Fund
Did you actually read those references? They show that Obama and Hillary both want to restrict our 2nd Amendment rights.

Re-read this, and it is the most recently Obama speak about the gun's rights.

Respect 2nd Amendment, but local gun bans ok. (Feb 2008)

So he is not going to support the federal ban on the guns except let the local decide.

About Hillary,

Backed off a national licensing registration plan on guns. (Jan 2008)
Voted NO on prohibiting lawsuits against gun manufacturers. (Jul 2005)
Voted NO on banning lawsuits against gun manufacturers for gun violence. (Mar 2004)

So neither of they are going to have a federal ban on the guns.
Gun ban in entire (UK style law) are definitely unconstitutional because of 2nd amendment, also can't repeal or revoke due bill of rights.

Gun ban is my least concern for 2008 presidential, however, I don't support anyone to bring gun to hospitals, schools, universities, workplace (except for service), public area and other area except for home or private area.
Agreed. But I prefer to vote McCain if Hillary wins.

What's wrong with Hillary?

You know that her husband did made require to have CC on all TV in after 1993.
I don't agree with Obama!!!! He is wrong for not support Federal ban on the guns. If people need the gun to protect the family in inner cities. They must take a handgun license! It's lawful! That's not ok for everyone's need gun without license. It depend on criminal history. I'm against the gangs group!

Re-read this, and it is the most recently Obama speak about the gun's rights.

So he is not going to support the federal ban on the guns except let the local decide.

About Hillary,

So neither of they are going to have a federal ban on the guns.
Me too!!! I will go to vote for Clinton for Democratic challenge Clinton Vs Obama. We want to rid of Obama. In Nov, it's election day. I will vote for McCain! :)

Agreed. But I prefer to vote McCain if Hillary wins.
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