Clinton & Obama together?

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If they both run together, then this will be a first... the first black president and first female vice president. ;)
You don't trust in Republican Party? How come?? Are you support Terrorist? I am Christian. My political is other not 100% of republican and not 100%. Just some of them. I do support Troops because of my husband. I'm anti-terrorism, Anti-Abortion, Anti-Gay Marriage. I do support the Economy, Green Earth, Less the government, Less the dictators and support the stem cell. I will go vote for Hillary next month. Then I will vote for McCain in Nov. I don't agree with Bush's decide. I wasn't happy with Bush's vetoed of Stem Cell. I need it for my personal health. I has a Retina. I believe in Stem Cell will heal to people who have a parkison disease, retina, blinds, paralyzed, and other. I don't trust Obama at all!!! He is support the Terrorist!

Pinky - I've read few of your posts in this thread. You scared me there. It sounds as you're one of those narrow-minded ultra-Christians who believed everything is determined by God and refuse to listen to other logical factors. When you do not understand anything, you just dismissed it as heretic - something that is against the way of God.

Anti-terrorism???? what is that? I never heard of that as part of political choice. Is there an American political leader or citizen who is "Pro-Terrorism" ??

You support anti-abortion but you support stem cell? That's ironic. Stem Cell IS actually an abortion. What you think where stem cell comes from? yes the FETUS! Your view is strange...

Anti-gay marriage? and you say you're not a closed-mind person as you said in posting #41? Can you state where in the Bible that said gay marriage is a sin?

You stated "Muslim can be kill anyone in other countries. They hate the Christian and Jewish!" Are you that closed-mind? I thought you're Christian?? Aren't you supposed to be forgiving, understanding, and loving? Are you implying that terrorism is associated with Islamic religion and Muslim people? What you said is an extreme hatred and discrimination. I don't know about you but majority of murderers, especially serial killers in America are/were white and Christian - far more than black people.

You stated you support "Economy, Green Earth, Less the government, Less the dictators...." Dictator? where do you live?? Burma?? Economy + Green Earth = UN-REPUBLICAN. Did you forget that Republican Party is strongly against any form of environmental control? In fact, they don't believe in existence of global warming at all! Forget about universal health care.. not under Republican Party as they view it as a form of socialism. They pass laws that will restrict customers' free choices. Republicans = Corporations' MAFIA men. Republicans did pretty damn good in the past... They have lost their way...

Please heed Karissa's advice. Do not go around telling non-believers that they will go to Hell. Who are you to judge people? God would scorn you. Didn't he teach you not to judge people and ONLY he can judge them? Please go back to your Bible studying and study it again. You seem to be missing its important but simple message. and also re-learn your politic. Your political view is outdated and narrow-minded which is why people voted for Bush... twice...
Couple more thing Pinky - I want to point out your hypocrisy of supporting a war that has killed nearly 1 million Iraqi civilians but be against abortion. Being a Christian doesn't automatically make you a better person. and it's sleazy to use it as a weapon like "I'm a Christian." Please be more informed about current events. People who make an opinion/statement like yours are usually uninformed person like a redneck waving American flag for any reasons while ignoring everything else.
Pinky - I've read few of your posts in this thread. You scared me there. It sounds as you're one of those narrow-minded ultra-Christians who believed everything is determined by God and refuse to listen to other logical factors. When you do not understand anything, you just dismissed it as heretic - something that is against the way of God.

Anti-terrorism???? what is that? I never heard of that as part of political choice. Is there an American political leader or citizen who is "Pro-Terrorism" ??

You support anti-abortion but you support stem cell? That's ironic. Stem Cell IS actually an abortion. What you think where stem cell comes from? yes the FETUS! Your view is strange...

Anti-gay marriage? and you say you're not a closed-mind person as you said in posting #41? Can you state where in the Bible that said gay marriage is a sin?

You stated "Muslim can be kill anyone in other countries. They hate the Christian and Jewish!" Are you that closed-mind? I thought you're Christian?? Aren't you supposed to be forgiving, understanding, and loving? Are you implying that terrorism is associated with Islamic religion and Muslim people? What you said is an extreme hatred and discrimination. I don't know about you but majority of murderers, especially serial killers in America are/were white and Christian - far more than black people.

You stated you support "Economy, Green Earth, Less the government, Less the dictators...." Dictator? where do you live?? Burma?? Economy + Green Earth = UN-REPUBLICAN. Did you forget that Republican Party is strongly against any form of environmental control? In fact, they don't believe in existence of global warming at all! Forget about universal health care.. not under Republican Party as they view it as a form of socialism. They pass laws that will restrict customers' free choices. Republicans = Corporations' MAFIA men. Republicans did pretty damn good in the past... They have lost their way...

Please heed Karissa's advice. Do not go around telling non-believers that they will go to Hell. Who are you to judge people? God would scorn you. Didn't he teach you not to judge people and ONLY he can judge them? Please go back to your Bible studying and study it again. You seem to be missing its important but simple message. and also re-learn your politic. Your political view is outdated and narrow-minded which is why people voted for Bush... twice...

Yup, that right about not all muslim are terrorist, there's several christian terrorist, such as 1995 OKC bombing and 1996 olympic bombing in Atlanta are caused by christian terrorist.

If conservative people want federal ban on gay marriage like FMA then homosexual people or liberal people can seeking congress to remove the discount tax for marriage and bring old tax penalty back, that will cause married couples to pay more taxes than single does, it can be happen if something is revenge on others, even I'm against on FMA, just rather to let state to decide. It's my feeling about what would happen in near future.

There's some republicans are support green environment, most republican families are trends to own SUV, truck or bigger car like Ford Fusion or 2008 Ford Taurus. For me, I'm really little care about green environment, not much as before and just got tired of high gas price.

Pinky had went out of forum for while, supposed to be back in later.
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