Cinnemon toast crunch owns you.

dead money

New Member
Jun 12, 2008
Reaction score

Theres no cereal thats even in the same league. I could eat a whole box for breakfast if i could.
lol dont need to. Everyone knows im right ;)

Phbbbbt, whatever. I can't eat that sugary stuff anymore. I'd demolish and entire box back when i was a kid. No more. I'd pass out from sugar shock were I to attempt it and i'm not even diabetic.:|
Is this whole box?

Phbbbbt, whatever. I can't eat that sugary stuff anymore. I'd demolish and entire box back when i was a kid. No more. I'd pass out from sugar shock were I to attempt it and i'm not even diabetic.:|

yeah, no kidding. cinnamon toast crunch = ewww.
This stuff is AWESOME!!! I sometimes sit down at midnight or so and eat two or three bowls (and I'm supposed to be a Health and Fitness Advisor?). :D

2 or 3 bowls?!? nice to know you practice what you preach. :lol:
Its just plan and simply EPIC. Just how the sugar and cinnemon blend in together in one savory taste. Literally an orgasm waiting to happen :wackit: