California Bill AB 2027

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I don't understand it either. We both advocate ASL for all children with a hearing loss, fight to provide it everyday for our children and still it is met with distain.

Must be a deafhood thing.
Really, common to do what? Just say they are advocates? Or all of a sudden not be advocates anymore because of somebody like Jillio? Hahaha
Pretty much, but not because of one person though, but because they rather stick with hearing and HOH community. SOME people look for excuse to stop using ASL, so that usually their reason.
Support groups are valuable for some people to have. Not an area to be ridiculed, especially for parents of a deaf/hh child. I say give them the respect they deserve rather than side with people who would rather mock at such a thing.

I understand your intention and the frustration of being subject to criticism.

Anyways, I still have a question to ask of you. It appears it might've been skimmed over, but here it is again if you could kindly conjure a response so our piqued curiosity can be finally put to rest.

Nevertheless questions regarding your experiences are still begging an answer, it appears we are intrigued by your stay at Gallaudet University. Why did you decide to choose that institution given the plethora of other predominant non-sign based schools?

I note that your residency is on the west coast, yet you had traveled across the country. There must have been some compelling notion to attend Gallaudet, had there not?
Pretty much, but not because of one person though, but because they rather stick with hearing and HOH community. SOME people look for excuse to stop using ASL, so that usually their reason.

I think Miss Kat is a very lucky child with FJ as her mom!

Interesting that some people here have a negative view of our roles as ASL advocates on CiCircle.

I agree. A devoted and loving mother.
There are devoted and loving mothers the world over...what exactly has that done to improve the educational situation for the deaf student?
There are devoted and loving mothers the world over...what exactly has that done to improve the educational situation for the deaf student?

We advocate for the use of ASL to all the parents we meet, support other parents through organizations we belong to, work to bring awareness and funding to the schools our children attend, and attempt to bring support to bills like the one this thread is supposed to be discussing.
There are devoted and loving mothers the world over...what exactly has that done to improve the educational situation for the deaf student?

Isn't there a high correlation between student success and parental involvement?
I'm not saying G is like that though. But I was just asking anyway because I don't know what she is thinking about.

Nor did I say she was like that. I was simply reaffirming your observation that it is something that happens all too often. Ask any deaf adult if their parent signs.
We advocate for the use of ASL to all the parents we meet, support other parents through organizations we belong to, work to bring awareness and funding to the schools our children attend, and attempt to bring support to bills like the one this thread is supposed to be discussing.

And how has that changed the situation in the education of deaf children?
I understand your intention and the frustration of being subject to criticism.

Anyways, I still have a question to ask of you. It appears it might've been skimmed over, but here it is again if you could kindly conjure a response so our piqued curiosity can be finally put to rest.

Not frustration but rather with a bit of amusement. And what question would that be?
And how has that changed the situation in the education of deaf children?

Well, since my appearance on several news programs explaining the situation with our bi-bi school, people wrote letters and contacted their representatives and our school finally got the building they have desperatly needed for 10 years.
Not frustration but rather with a bit of amusement. And what question would that be?

It is post #209 in this thread, to save you the need to go back here it is once again.

Appreciate you sharing your sentiments, it is noted.

Nevertheless questions regarding your experiences are still begging an answer, it appears we are intrigued by your stay at Gallaudet University. Why did you decide to choose that institution given the plethora of other predominant non-sign based schools?

I note that your residency is on the west coast, yet you had traveled across the country. There must have been some compelling notion to attend Gallaudet, had there not?

Thanks for taking the time to answer, should you have the chance.
Well, since my appearance on several news programs explaining the situation with our bi-bi school, people wrote letters and contacted their representatives and our school finally got the building they have desperatly needed for 10 years.

Let me ask has that changed the face of education for deaf children? Buildings, smildings, I am not asking what you have done. I am asking you how your actions have improved the nature of deaf education as a whole for the deaf students.
Let me ask has that changed the face of education for deaf children? Buildings, smildings, I am not asking what you have done. I am asking you how your actions have improved the nature of deaf education as a whole for the deaf students.

You are seriously saying that having a safe, warm, consistant place to go to school is nothing? I am dumbfounded. When children have to attend a school with no heat, no a/c, carpets pulled up, no playground and a roof that leaks, it is a big deal.
You are seriously saying that having a safe, warm, consistant place to go to school is nothing? I am dumbfounded. When children have to attend a school with no heat, no a/c, carpets pulled up, no playground and a roof that leaks, it is a big deal.

You are missing the point. Has that building raised the reading levels of the students. Has that building contributed to an overall change in philosophy and a more realistic approach to deaf education from a deaf learning perspective? I didn't say it was nothing. Buildings are necessary. What I asked was how it had contributed to the betterment of deaf education for deaf students.
You are missing the point. Has that building raised the reading levels of the students. Has that building contributed to an overall change in philosophy and a more realistic approach to deaf education from a deaf learning perspective? I didn't say it was nothing. Buildings are necessary. What I asked was how it had contributed to the betterment of deaf education for deaf students.

"Think globally, act locally." That is exactly what I am doing.
It is post #209 in this thread, to save you the need to go back here it is once again.

Thanks for taking the time to answer, should you have the chance.

Sorry. I don't take questions from a questionable person who have no interest to respectfully discuss on such personal issues with members of ADers. We can see that's being done already in here. I respect F_J and GrendelQ's decisions on how they want to bring up their deaf children. I certainly don't try and challenge them with negative implications.
Wirelessly posted

"Think globally, act locally."


Time for me to be really cynical about that concept.

You know, the self-defeating cynical.
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