caffeine and bad headaches


i'm just about to call my doctor to ask what dosage she recommends. i'll ask whether or not she thinks i should be raised to 100mg or to 50mg first.
i've already asked my psychiatrist if taking 100mg of topamax would interfere with my other meds and he said it wouldn't.

in fact, he said it can act as a mood stabilizer at that dose which could in turn, help my rapid cycling.

my doctor wanted me to call her to let her know whether or not the topamax was helping, so she'll have to raise the dose anyways.

My bad. I didn't know that you were asked to talk to your Dr about it. Sorry, girl. That got miscommunicated to me, somehow. :Oops:
Yup, it does. :)

in that case, when my doctor calls me back (i just left a message at her office), i'm going to ask if she can put me on a 100mg dosage. i might as well since that will also help my rapid cycling and not conflict with any of the other meds i'm taking.
My bad. I didn't know that you were asked to talk to your Dr about it. Sorry, girl. That got miscommunicated to me, somehow. :Oops:

no problem! :)

when i saw my psychiatrist at my first appointment, he noticed i was taking topamax and asked if i was taking it as a mood stabilizer for my bipolar. when i said i wasn't, he told me that since i was only on 20mg, chances were very good that my doctor would have to titrate me to a higher therapeutic dose. as has been mentioned here, he told me that 100mg is the standard dosage prescribed for migraine prevention.
update: i just spoke to my doctor's receptionist. my doctor recommends that i take 2 topamax pills daily which increases my dose from 20mg to 40mg. i didn't bother to ask if i could be immediately titrated to 100mg because after thinking about what ocean said, i really do need to control my rapid cycling first. besides, as long as the imitrex works well when i have a migraine, there's really no need to change things right away. my doctor would like me to call her back in a few weeks if this dosage proves ineffective. when i see my neurologist next month i'm going to ask whether or not he recommends i raise my dosage to 100mg. if he says that i should, i will follow his advice.
i've been doing some reading about topamax and learned that it is safer to titrate to a therapeutic dosage slowly. therefore, i'm going to stick with the 40mg my doctor prescribed and discuss this further with my neurologist as to how to proceed should this dosage not result in any improvement.
In my experience, Caffine only keeps my migraines from forming. Once they start, it's too late for me to reduce the pain. I do have meds for my migraines. I rarely get them any more but it must be suck to get them so often. I used to get them quite often.
In my experience, Caffine only keeps my migraines from forming. Once they start, it's too late for me to reduce the pain. I do have meds for my migraines. I rarely get them any more but it must be suck to get them so often. I used to get them quite often.

i get 2-3 migraines per week which is why my doctor recommended i see a neurologist and take a migraine preventative in addition to imitrex.

caffeine doesn't work for me either -- even on my milder headaches. oh well.

Caffeine causes me to get

Caffeine overload. When I drink too much caffeinated drinks. My head will pound!

A lot of people will take Tylenol with a caffeinated drink. Caffeine speeds up the effect of the Tylenol.
Yeah, same here, I drink the Pepsi or Coke daily and still sleep even though I drink it right before I get in the bed. I guess drinking it often make the caffiane effects weaker and weaker.
lol people don't really drink pepsi/coke to stay awake unless they're very sensitive to caffeine like my friend. just 2 sips and she's wide awake... oh how I envy her..... Red Bull = $4 (i think) and Provigil = $370 for 30 pills :mad2:

But, I don't drink other beverages with caffiane that often so they will have the effects on me. For example, last night when I went to my parent's house to learn about the budget with my parents and my brother, the discussion make me feel sleepy so my parents gave me the coffee, I just happened became more focus and talkive.

Also the energy drinks like Red Bull make me talk talk talk :lol:
lol I envy you.... 2 red bulls doesn't snap me out of :zzz: and if i drink more, it makes me agitated.
Caffeine doesn't do any thing for me at all. I can drink as much as I want with my beloved Coca-Cola and I'll still go to sleep right away.

As for having headaches, Caffeine alone doesn't help either but whenever I take it with Tylenol or Advil, It works well for me. :)

If I were to have migraines that is already kicked in, the caffeine doesn't even help at all. It really sucks because if there was one easy answer to everything, I'd just be so happy to have the migraines be gone. Thankfully, I don't have the migraines on an frequent basis. I occasionally get it from time to time.
speaking of caffeine and its' effects, i'm really not supposed to have caffeine because of my bipolar. for people with bipolar, caffeine can cause one to become manic (i.e. have high levels of energy, feel extremely happy and restless among other things). like jolie, i love my coke classic and can't give it up. fortunately, my psychiatrist hasn't said anything about me no longer drinking it. then again, it's not like i drink alot -- only 2 cans a day, if that.
No problemo, Hearing Again :)

Yeah, same here, I drink the Pepsi or Coke daily and still sleep even though I drink it right before I get in the bed. I guess drinking it often make the caffiane effects weaker and weaker.

But, I don't drink other beverages with caffiane that often so they will have the effects on me. For example, last night when I went to my parent's house to learn about the budget with my parents and my brother, the discussion make me feel sleepy so my parents gave me the coffee, I just happened became more focus and talkive.

Also the energy drinks like Red Bull make me talk talk talk :lol:
Try NOS! It's got more than 3 times the caffeine than Red Bull. :thumb:
Hearing Again, keep work on it, then. :)

lol people don't really drink pepsi/coke to stay awake unless they're very sensitive to caffeine like my friend. just 2 sips and she's wide awake... oh how I envy her..... Red Bull = $4 (i think) and Provigil = $370 for 30 pills :mad2:

$370 is very expensive! That's like $17 for each of pills.

lol I envy you.... 2 red bulls doesn't snap me out of :zzz: and if i drink more, it makes me agitated.

:lol: Oh well, but I do envy you for some ways too ;)

speaking of caffeine and its' effects, i'm really not supposed to have caffeine because of my bipolar. for people with bipolar, caffeine can cause one to become manic (i.e. have high levels of energy, feel extremely happy and restless among other things). like jolie, i love my coke classic and can't give it up. fortunately, my psychiatrist hasn't said anything about me no longer drinking it. then again, it's not like i drink alot -- only 2 cans a day, if that.

Bipolar situation is understandable. 2 cans is not really lot, I drink between 1 to 2 liters a day.

Try NOS! It's got more than 3 times the caffeine than Red Bull. :thumb:

Really? Allright I will give it a shot, thanks :)
I also know there's a energy drink mixed with alcohol. It make me stay wake and tired so it's not my type.
$370 is very expensive! That's like $17 for each of pills.

yep.... which is why I envy you... i don't want to pay that much just to stay awake during the day but... i need it to make a living. I'll need a refill soon so I'll have to buy it from Canada.

i know what you mean, jiro. as i mentioned in another thread, the cost of my meds total over $1,000/month. :shock:

i take 7 different meds: 4 for bipolar -- soon to be 5, 2 for migraines and 1 for allergies.

i know what you mean, jiro. as i mentioned in another thread, the cost of my meds total over $1,000/month. :shock:

i take 7 different meds: 4 for bipolar -- soon to be 5, 2 for migraines and 1 for allergies.

Oi. :shock: And I thought the cost of all the pills I take were awful.
Oi. :shock: And I thought the cost of all the pills I take were awful.

it's ridiculous. if i had to pay for my meds and could afford only one, the med i'd choose to take would be my risperidone since it helps address my auditory hallucinations, delusions and paranoia.

unfortunately, it costs $513.99/month. :(

all i have to say is thank goodness for medicaid.

by the way, all of the meds i take for my bipolar do not come in generic form except for fluoxetine (prozac generic) and risperidone (risperdal generic). it would be nice if they did because that would cut down on their cost considerably.