Best Buy supports muslim holiday but NOT Christmas

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We are aware of that however...they are not aware of what kind of natiion we are in.

United States of America is a christian country where most of the religion is obviously held at. Japan and China are Buddhism nations thou very few worship Christianity...etc it's the way it is.

Even Target have those signs up saying "Merry Christmas" to shoppers thou it offended some customers who dont even believe in Christianity so...why should that bother them if they don't believe in it anyway? Its not like we are forcing them to believe in whatever we believe in...US is a christian country...but of course it does have freedom of religions for everyone but still, most people in the US are into Christianity so...*shrugs*

Of course it would offend some American customers at best buy worshiping a religion not related to Christianity in a christian nation...would be very weird and considered terrorist like or whatever. Due to many problems we been having against Muslims these days.

But of Foxrac said, "happy holidays" would be most appropriate for everyone.

Some so-called Christian religions don't celebrate the holiday known as Christmas, either.
We are aware of that however...they are not aware of what kind of natiion we are in.

United States of America is a christian country where most of the religion is obviously held at. Japan and China are Buddhism nations thou very few worship Christianity...etc it's the way it is.

Even Target have those signs up saying "Merry Christmas" to shoppers thou it offended some customers who dont even believe in Christianity so...why should that bother them if they don't believe in it anyway? Its not like we are forcing them to believe in whatever we believe in...US is a christian country...but of course it does have freedom of religions for everyone but still, most people in the US are into Christianity so...*shrugs*

Of course it would offend some American customers at best buy worshiping a religion not related to Christianity in a christian nation...would be very weird and considered terrorist like or whatever. Due to many problems we been having against Muslims these days.

But of Foxrac said, "happy holidays" would be most appropriate for everyone.

uh.. muslims aren't terrorists. that's a horrendous generalization you're making here. terrorists are terrorists. plain and simple. i don't see a problem with best buy doing this, it is the united states - a melting pot of different cultures. if customers refuse to shop at best buy (like the OP) just because the company is doing a different holiday instead of christmas, then they are the ignorant ones.

sigh, the world would be a better place without religion..
uh.. muslims aren't terrorists. that's a horrendous generalization you're making here. terrorists are terrorists. plain and simple. i don't see a problem with best buy doing this, it is the united states - a melting pot of different cultures. if customers refuse to shop at best buy (like the OP) just because the company is doing a different holiday instead of christmas, then they are the ignorant ones.

sigh, the world would be a better place without religion..
Right. Were Timothy McVie or Ted Kazinski Muslum? They were terrorists.
yes, in fact some of them are anti-christmas. But I celebrate it.

When I was growing up, we celebrated both Christian and Jewish holidays in my home. There was never a problem with it. It's called respect for each other.
When I was growing up, we celebrated both Christian and Jewish holidays in my home. There was never a problem with it. It's called respect for each other.
Oie. I am getting verclempt. :D

I did not see ANYWHERE that they were NOT celebrating Christmas. I just saw that they were honoring the Muslim holiday. Maybe this is called, gasp, trying to increase their customer base! Aren't all Conservatives in favor of profits for huge American corporations? Don't be a party pooper.

Here are the Best Buy board of directors...
"Hey, screw those Christians! They never buy anything. If we make it known we are anti-Christian, the Muslims will love us. Let's advertise for the Muslims instead!"
Other board member says: "Good plan. We will make the Christians hate us, but we need those Muslims!"

See how it looks, if you use LOGIC? Well, there is no logic in this topic title, but I would expect nothing less when browsing at Right Wing extremist websites.

The Reality Check = :blah:
As for Thanksgiving, we don't celebrate the slaughter of the turkey. We just eat it. Big difference.

And give thanks for the food we have, too. Turkey and all.
Just a reminder on how important God was to George Washington, one of the founding fathers and first U.S. President, said about Thanksgiving and that he's the one shinning example of a Christian who helped found this great nation of ours.

This historic proclamation was issued by George Washington during his first year as President. It sets aside Thursday, November 26 as "A Day of Publick Thanksgiving and Prayer."

Signed by Washington on October 3, 1789 and entitled "General Thanksgiving," the decree appointed the day "to be observed by acknowledging with grateful hearts the many and signal favors of Almighty God."

While there were Thanksgiving observances in America both before and after Washington's proclamation, this represents the first to be so designated by the new national government.
The First Thanksgiving Proclamation

And then of course, we have the Declaration of Independence that references to a higher Being, God, that were signed by delegates of the Continental Congress, on July 4, 1776, stated that, "We hold these truths to be self evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable rights, that among these are life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness - That to secure these rights, governments are instituted among men...."

All I have to do is look to George Washington who have shown to be a God-fearing person and our first U.S. President.
The USA was founded as a Christian nation. And as much as people say Church and State are seperate just look at the US government. In God we trust is all over our currency. When you are in court you swear on the Holy Bible. Etched in stone in the facad of the Supreme Court is Moses holding the 10 commandments. But because we are a free society we have stoped saying Merry Cristmas and replaced it with Happy Holidays so we don't offend anyone that is not of Christian background. Essentially this country is giving up it's identity as a Christian nation in order to satisfy the minority.

It would not go over in other countries. Just try to go to any other non-christian coutry and try to impose your religous will. Let me know how that works our for ya.

I'm sorry but if we have to say Happy Holidays instead of Merry Christmas then Happy Holidays it is for everyone. If you want to be diverse then make sure you include other beliefs as well. Just my opinion for what it's worth.

Perfectly well said! As I would say for myself " Merry Christmas " to you all !! :)

And, I don't believe it is fair for Muslim to have U.S.A. for themselves to take over. Just like Catholic church, they said ONLY Catholic churches are the TRUE churches, but the rest aren't. Psssh. Muslim better leave our country alone when and where it was founded as Christian nation. They don't found it, only the Pilgrims who found it. The Pilgrims and Indians gave their thanks to God and all together.
Perfectly well said! As I would say for myself " Merry Christmas " to you all !! :)

And, I don't believe it is fair for Muslim to have U.S.A. for themselves to take over. Just like Catholic church, they said ONLY Catholic churches are the TRUE churches, but the rest aren't. Psssh. Muslim better leave our country alone when and where it was founded as Christian nation. They don't found it, only the Pilgrims who found it. The Pilgrims and Indians gave their thanks to God and all together.

All the more reason for me not to believe in organized religion. Look what happens. Too many finger pointing.
All the more reason for me not to believe in organized religion. Look what happens. Too many finger pointing.

I totally understand, but we must follow history what the history been told ever since our former President, George Washington. THAT history should be left alone and respect. It should keep carryin' into generation to generation without changin'. It's NOT the Muslim or any other Buddah or any other kind of religon's history. It's OUR country's history where it was founded. It's the America's history!
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