Balance issues anyone?

:giggle: :giggle:....Went to a party once, their apt, was on the 3rd floor, in an old house,,,the outside steps (outside), were "wrap around" and very steep!....Didn't have too much of a problem getting up there, as long as I held onto the railing....but when the party was over, late that night....I could not come down!....Spent the night there....what a bummer!
Ouch, it would have been embarrassed if they see you crawl down the stairs. Better for you to stay overnight. ;)
I do have balance problems when I am using the stairs, the ladders and the elevators.
It is very common to have unbalance when being deaf or hard of hearing. I have problem with balancing when I am trying to walk straight. I have been doing this for many years. That was why I took Ballet and Modern Dance years ago and they help me to balance a little bit better so that I can walk straight without falling or swaying side by side like a drunk. After I quit dancing because of personal reason, I continued to have problem with balance. Pretty soon, I will need a cane to help me not sway sideways when I walk. :lol: I wonder if that would help with cane? :hmm:
It is very common to have unbalance when being deaf or hard of hearing. I have problem with balancing when I am trying to walk straight. I have been doing this for many years. That was why I took Ballet and Modern Dance years ago and they help me to balance a little bit better so that I can walk straight without falling or swaying side by side like a drunk. After I quit dancing because of personal reason, I continued to have problem with balance. Pretty soon, I will need a cane to help me not sway sideways when I walk. :lol: I wonder if that would help with cane? :hmm:

It might....I remmy I started falling to my right at Independent Living while I went there to replace my old TDD....and they gave me a "claw walker"!...My balance was really "off" that day and was so embarrassing...The claw walker has been in the closet a long time....If ya want it....I'll fedex it to ya! HAHA.....Most days I'm I've not used it....but I guess in given time, it will be a necessity.
When I'm shopping, I use the cart to try to steady myself. I don't think that it helps much, though, because I'm a wild grocery cart driver. :giggle:
When I'm shopping, I use the cart to try to steady myself. I don't think that it helps much, though, because I'm a wild grocery cart driver. :giggle:

:laugh2: :giggle: :giggle: Hope you don't get arrested for DUI.....I'm over due to have my ears cleaned out (suction tubes), so I'm gonna make an appt. this week for it!...Whenever I have this done, my head feels a lot more clearer and my balance improves's possible you have a lot of fluid build-up in ur ears......
From what I've read, it's probably due to my inner ear. I have dominant genetic hearing loss and about 30% of us have balance issues because of our inner ears. Somehow the semicircular chambers in the inner ear isn't right.

I wish that they could suck out my ears and make me walk right again. Hope that it helps you! :D
Wow... I am glad I don't have a balance problem. The only thing is that I don't pay attention to where I walk, and often end up tripping over things (like sidewalk cracks.)

Didn't know deaf people have balance issues.
Before CI

Only had balance issues with inner ear infections.

During implantation and recovery:

Had to relearn how to walk, did this for two months.

After implantation, resulting in infection before finally coming down to removing CI Device in the year 2000:

Meniere's Disease


On a side note: I was walking home one evening and a police cruiser pulled up alongside me and told me to "pull over":roll:

They asked me if I had been drinking because I was weaving all over the place.

I told them "No"

They asked me to do a field sobriety test and I said. "I cannot do one."

They asked me why. "Because I have meniere's disease"

"What's that?"

My advice to those that have balance issues. Don't walk at night! :lol:
Wow... I am glad I don't have a balance problem. The only thing is that I don't pay attention to where I walk, and often end up tripping over things (like sidewalk cracks.)

Didn't know deaf people have balance issues.

Well....if you ever see somebody "staggering"....don't be too quick to judge.... :giggle:'s probably me in high-heels or sallylou trying to manuevor her grocery cart and rams it into you at the meat counter.
i have balance problems now, i cant do wheelies for more than a lamppost length (50m), used to able to go on forever, round corners, while wheelying i could turn look behind me do the fingers/wave then turn back front and carry on, wheelie around problems. 15 years later Now I cant do shit except very basic straight line for 50m at the most...bloody vertigo and tinnitus ..:(
Before CI

Only had balance issues with inner ear infections.

During implantation and recovery:

Had to relearn how to walk, did this for two months.

After implantation, resulting in infection before finally coming down to removing CI Device in the year 2000:

Meniere's Disease


On a side note: I was walking home one evening and a police cruiser pulled up alongside me and told me to "pull over":roll:

They asked me if I had been drinking because I was weaving all over the place.

I told them "No"

They asked me to do a field sobriety test and I said. "I cannot do one."

They asked me why. "Because I have meniere's disease"

"What's that?"

My advice to those that have balance issues. Don't walk at night! :lol:

:giggle: :giggle: I was wondering about that myself....there's no way I could pass the test (sobriety) when my balance is off....I've never been stopped by the police yet.....:giggle: but can imagine the embarrassment.

My ear doctor has given me balance test, and I failed miserably!
Many people do not know about imbalance that causes sinus infection (including vertigo).

I learned the hard way because my ENT doctor focused on my ear for my prescriptions and wanted me to consider for the surgery. In fact, it turned out that I had a sinus infection that I didn't know. My allergist doctor discovered it, and he was 100 percent right about it. Now, I don't have the problem since 18 years. Most people do not know that they have the infection in their sinuses. I thanked my allergist doctor. I was really mad at my ENT doctor for not doing a good job because he was too focused on his own work than anything else. I had the surgery to remove my nasal polyps and adjust very small part construction of a bone. I am taking colloidal silver sprayer once a while just to protect it from any new infection because of air pollution that we breathe everyday.
Are you aware of the problems with collodial silver?

Meet a real-life ?Blue Man? - TODAY People

Be careful.

ha ha. I know what you mean. I saw him on Oprah show. Thanks for the warning. He drank the silver too much for a long term. He made a mistake without reading the warning label. But, in fact, he did not get sick, and his health is in still a good condition for a long time which is very mystery. The FDA never prove that his health is in danger. He is alive and normal condition except his skin. Maybe, some aliens from outer space are attractive to him someday.
the other day, a woman told me at the university that she has lost 20% of her hearing on both ears due to sinus infection, so yeah it is not unusual but its not that common either.
YES! I am always losing my balance! It has gotten worst as I was not able to wear 2 HA any more and I am getting older! I almost fell in the bathtub and I live alone with my hearing dog. I try to remember to bring my cordless phone in the bathroom when I take a shower but I am also forgetful and do not do this all the time!
I am glad you were not hurt! Have your ears been check for wax , this can made your balance bad too. I had a client that was losing her balance and she had hard wax in her ears!
:laugh2: :giggle: :giggle: Hope you don't get arrested for DUI.....I'm over due to have my ears cleaned out (suction tubes), so I'm gonna make an appt. this week for it!...Whenever I have this done, my head feels a lot more clearer and my balance improves's possible you have a lot of fluid build-up in ur ears......

I was walking on the boardwalk down town with my dog once and I lost my balance , people looked at me like I was drunk! I bet be careful and not get pulled over for speeding , as I can't walk in a straight line! I do not speed for this reason!