Attention Whores?

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"I am deeply depressed" to "I'm very, very happy" is an example of classic Bipolar I cycling from a depressive to a manic state. I also have personal experience with bipolar disorder and that jumped right out at me.

Right. And if the cycling between depression and mania occurs within the span of a few minutes or hours, it's called rapid cycling. Just thought I'd mention that for Liza's information.
Vampy, I am curious -- where did you learn all that ? Did you take a psychology class ? :lol:
Learn what? It didn't have anything to do with Psychology.

It's facts. Cause and Effect.

You drink heavily, you're gonna get a headache. This student had a history of skipping classes because she woke up with hangovers after a long night of drinking.

true. I get dumped on a lot with other ppl troubles I go like *draw a line* Im not gonna carry someone else's damn dead albatross.

I have my own albatrosses, but I aint dumping it on someone else.
What about someone who is always complaining about her husband and children and askes everyone for advice on how to remedy the situations only not to follow thru with the advice she has been given? Then starts with the complaining again and it becomes an ongoing cycle. Would she be considered an attention whore?
Learn what? It didn't have anything to do with Psychology.

It's facts. Cause and Effect.

You drink heavily, you're gonna get a headache. This student had a history of skipping classes because she woke up with hangovers after a long night of drinking.

I understand. You were right about " annoyin' ". I have one guy friend back in Iowa, he kept tellin' me about " problems " at his work for almost 3 years - it is all about the same thing he complaints about. I left him for that reason. I can't have a relationship with him, except " friend ".
What about someone who is always complaining about her husband and children and askes everyone for advice on how to remedy the situations only not to follow thru with the advice she has been given? Then starts with the complaining again and it becomes an ongoing cycle. Would she be considered an attention whore?
Yep, that would be an attention whore.

It's her own fault for not fixing it.

It's like my car making weird squealing sounds. I post a thread complaining about it. A bunch of members make similar suggestions (the brakes are bad). I never replace the brakes. A couple weeks later, I create another thread complaining about the same thing. :roll:
I think we all get our moments where we crave some attention. It is daily ongoing person that is constantly begging for attention with some sort of drama whether it is fabricated drama from their messed up conscience, or drama that is an ant-hill turned into a mountain, or it is really a true drama. They just have to have the daily dose of "I'm sorry" from a very annoyed listener.

I have a coworker that is very much like this and unfortunately I have to work directly across from her and I have put up with it all day. Because of the situation I have become her 'best friend' simply because I work with her. The truth is I am no where near being her friend on any level. Myself and my other work mates often avoid her. We also make fun of her when she isn't around. 75% of her problems are fabricated solely for attention. 20% are minor problems that are blown out of proportions, and 5% are actual dramas. But because she constantly cries wolf, we never know when to laugh her off or take her seriously. This coworker has openly admitted she is bi-polar and has medications, only she refuses to take them because they make her feel 'zoned out' - which is precisely the point of taking them because in her present state she feels too much and her emotions are volatile.
I think we all get our moments where we crave some attention. It is daily ongoing person that is constantly begging for attention with some sort of drama whether it is fabricated drama from their messed up conscience, or drama that is an ant-hill turned into a mountain, or it is really a true drama. They just have to have the daily dose of "I'm sorry" from a very annoyed listener.

I have a coworker that is very much like this and unfortunately I have to work directly across from her and I have put up with it all day. Because of the situation I have become her 'best friend' simply because I work with her. The truth is I am no where near being her friend on any level. Myself and my other work mates often avoid her. We also make fun of her when she isn't around. 75% of her problems are fabricated solely for attention. 20% are minor problems that are blown out of proportions, and 5% are actual dramas. But because she constantly cries wolf, we never know when to laugh her off or take her seriously. This coworker has openly admitted she is bi-polar and has medications, only she refuses to take them because they make her feel 'zoned out' - which is precisely the point of taking them because in her present state she feels too much and her emotions are volatile.
I've been in a similar situation where I had a co-worker who was always trying to bring attention to herself instead of others.

She was always trying to use personal excuses whenever she had a problem at work.

If she was late, she would start talking about family problems. During work, she would talk about how wonderful her family was.

If she didn't do something right, she would start talking about how awful her boyfriend was. During work, she would talk about how wonderful her boyfriend was.

If she forgot something, she would say that her mind was preoccupied with other important personal things that were happening at school. During work, she would talk about how great she was doing in school.

I think we all get our moments where we crave some attention. It is daily ongoing person that is constantly begging for attention with some sort of drama whether it is fabricated drama from their messed up conscience, or drama that is an ant-hill turned into a mountain, or it is really a true drama. They just have to have the daily dose of "I'm sorry" from a very annoyed listener.

I have a coworker that is very much like this and unfortunately I have to work directly across from her and I have put up with it all day. Because of the situation I have become her 'best friend' simply because I work with her. The truth is I am no where near being her friend on any level. Myself and my other work mates often avoid her. We also make fun of her when she isn't around. 75% of her problems are fabricated solely for attention. 20% are minor problems that are blown out of proportions, and 5% are actual dramas. But because she constantly cries wolf, we never know when to laugh her off or take her seriously. This coworker has openly admitted she is bi-polar and has medications, only she refuses to take them because they make her feel 'zoned out' - which is precisely the point of taking them because in her present state she feels too much and her emotions are volatile.


As far as meds for bipolar are concerned, the side effects of feeling "zoned out" are normal and will disappear with time (usually 1-2 weeks following the initial dosages). Another reason for the "zoned out" feeling might be the fact that she's on too much medication. That's something she really ought to discuss with her psychiatrist. The point of bipolar meds is to level a person's moods and help them feel as "normal" as possible (not zoned out, sleepy, etc.). It's too bad she's refusing to take her meds. If she were med compliant, there is a good possibility that her attention-getting behavior would lessen.
Vampy, do you feel like your getting too old for all this ?
unless that, one you feel is destroying your life. otherwise, you're complaining too.. because, why would s/he keep coming up to you?

part of you allowed it. fed the 'attention whores'. as relationship always goes two ways no matter what.

That isn't always the case.

Even though if we were to tell these "attention whores" to take a hike, they will still continue to do it with other people. That's the difference. The point is, they want the attention, it doesn't matter who it is when they want the attention from.
How about those hollywood stars who (some of them) are/were attention whores, too?
When Britney shaved her hair off, it was a desperate attempt to call attention to her shitty life.
When Britney shaved her hair off, it was a desperate attempt to call attention to her shitty life.
And to drive the car with her baby on her lap.

And to run around like a maniac beating on a car with an umbrella.

And to show up at the music awards drunk.

And to embarrass her mother in public.

And to influence her sister to follow the same path.
And to drive the car with her baby on her lap.

And to run around like a maniac beating on a car with an umbrella.

And to show up at the music awards drunk.

And to embarrass her mother in public.

And to influence her sister to follow the same path.

Britney Spears was diagnosed with bipolar disorder, so some of her behavior may be attributed to an acute manic episode. Many people with bipolar display similar symptoms as Spears such as extreme anger, alcohol and/or drug abuse, reckless behavior, etc. I'm not saying this excuses her behavior, but it might explain why she does some of the things she does.

Some of you may disagree with me and that's fine. I've had personal experience with bipolar and some of the behaviors Spears exhibited sound like those one would experience while in a manic state.

Just thought I'd offer my :2c: for what it's worth.
Didn't think that she had it so pardon my ignorance.
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