Attention Whores?

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Discussing "attention getting" behaviors such as those displayed by Britney Spears (according to Vampy) DO relate to the OPs original thread. You are the one who is making the distinction to separate behavior caused by mental illness vs. behavior that is caused by a person's personality. So yes, we are still on topic. :)

re-read OP's first post

How do you feel about attention whores?

What are attention whores?

Here's a definition...

Someone who craves attention and is not above soliciting it via deliberately meaningless or provocative tactics.

I think they're annoying.

I've seen many attention whores.

Years ago, someone IMed me out of the blue and said... "I cut myself. Do you think something's wrong with me?"

Another person was a Bible-thumper preaching to everyone and so obsessed with the thought that she was closer to God than everything else. One day, she started bragging about how God told her to buy an expensive diamond necklace (or jewelry of some sort)."

One gal would complain about being sick, but refused to admit that it was her own fault for being sick.

One gal went around complaining to everyone that her teachers hated her and were out to get her. Her proof was that her teachers were flunking her... even though she was making A's on her homework and tests. What she failed to mention was that she was skipping class all the time.

So, what do you think about attention whores?

does this really sound like OP's referring to bipolar disorder or any medical illness?? to me - it's just a personality being formed by a person as a way to get attention.
Look at me, read my post, respond to my post!

Ahhhhh, where's the attention? I'll stop posting if you don't give me attention!!!!
If I described some of the past experiences I've had with having a severe manic episode, I bet I could convince them to take meds.

Of course, they are the ones who need to make that decision. Unfortunately, sometimes it takes a severe manic or depressive episode before a person realizes that they need help.

Usually the depressive episode leads them to believe they need help. The manic episode leads others to believe they need help.
Usually the depressive episode leads them to believe they need help. The manic episode leads others to believe they need help.

:hmm: interesting distinction
:hmm: interesting distinction

The majority of people with Bi-Polar don't see their manic episodes to be a problem. They do however see their depressive episodes to be a problem. Depression stops them from daily functioning. At the beginning of a manic episode, many sufferers of Bi-Polar report feeling productive, creative, and normal.
The majority of people with Bi-Polar don't see their manic episodes to be a problem. They do however see their depressive episodes to be a problem. Depression stops them from daily functioning. At the beginning of a manic episode, many sufferers of Bi-Polar report feeling productive, creative, and normal.

:-o odd but interesting...
:-o odd but interesting...

Yes, it is odd. That is why it is diagnosable. While it is odd, it is perfectly understandable if you know the features of Bi-Polar Disorder.
re-read OP's first post

does this really sound like OP's referring to bipolar disorder or any medical illness?? to me - it's just a personality being formed by a person as a way to get attention.

I've already read the OPs thread, but thank you for posting it again just the same. In the example the OP gave about cutting, yes, it *does* have to do with bipolar and clinical depression because cutting can be a symptom of both disorders. The act of cutting has nothing to do with a person forming a certain personality. While it may be a means of getting attention, cutting has more to do with a person's desperate cry for help than it does anything else.
I've already read the OPs thread, but thank you for posting it again just the same. In the example the OP gave about cutting, yes, it *does* have to do with bipolar and clinical depression because cutting can be a symptom of both disorders. The act of cutting has nothing to do with a person forming a certain personality. While it may be a means of getting attention, cutting has more to do with a person's desperate cry for help than it does anything else.

Agreed. Cutting is a very complicated syndrome. It is actually a desperate attempt to stay alive rather than a suicide attempt as it is often thought of. Cutters are not looking for attention for their cutting behavior. Otherwise they would not go to such trouble to conceal the behavior as well as their scars. They actually feel that they will cease to exist without the cutting.
:-o odd but interesting...

What Jillio described is *exactly* how I feel at the beginning of a manic episode. It is when my creativity blossoms and I begin to take on more projects than I can realistically handle. This is due to an elevated increase in energy which makes me feel like I can tackle 100 things at once. I also feel "normal" and it is during these times that I think I don't have bipolar or need my meds. Unfortunately, what goes up must come down and what follows is an unsually deep, dark depression which can lead to extreme irritability. However, thanks to my meds, my manic syptoms are limited to a mild to moderate level.
because read OP's first post. Not one mention of any medical illness such as bipolar disorder. However... things took a wrong turn and it got messy and confusing. It's merely a description of an annoying personality.
look back in original post .. see four examples he gave? what if one of them has an illness he doesn't know? not like vampy would go on and ask this first, ...okay, first. are you bipolar? how do we know? how do you know?

no one can really stay on one subject because it could be anything! :doh:
Shouldn't it be so obvious about them, attention whores other than bipolars!? Since we assume many of them weren't bipolars?
I'm not saying that a person who is bipolar should not be allowed to have kids.

I'm saying that a person who willingly puts himself/herself at risk as well as everyone else... shouldn't have kids.

If a deaf person likes to drive crazy, is an alcoholic, smokes pot, swears around everyone, etc... then I wouldn't want that deaf person around my kid. If a person who is bipolar does the same thing, I still wouldn't want that person around my kid. That person is either bipolar or deaf... it's their state of mind that I'm worried about.

So, I'm not discriminating against bipolar people... just the state of mine that Britney Spears was in.

Right, I know you are not. I can understand what you mean about the " state of mind ". One of my kins has one and I can understand what Britney Spears have gone through.
Mod's Note:

The thread is closed due to a lot of irreconcilable differences.

It's time to cool things down for a little while.
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