Ask Malfoyish ANYTHING you wish...

RaeRae said:
Here's a question for you...

What do you think is the meaning of life?

I'm new here and so far I'm really enjoying it! Thanks to all who make me feel welcome!

Hi, RaeRae, and welcome to AllDeaf. It is a pleasure to meet you.

I think everyone has different meanings of life. Mine is pretty simple. I think one should live life to its fullest. Be all you can be. Learn to love, honor, trust and in some cases, tolerate, others. I'm not sure about you but I am a strict "do onto others" person - I believe in paying it forward, and being the best kind of person as you can. Life is going to deal you nasty cards every now and then - trust me on this, too. I know how it can be. But the things that do not kill us or make us pull all of our hair out in frustration, will make us stronger. As much as we may not want to, we also need to experience bad times - for if we don't, how are we to know what is good?

:) Hope this is an adequate enough answer.

Have a great time posting here with us.
Malfoyish said:
Get over it. Harry Potter is the rage. ;)

she'll be trying to get over it when i smack her upside her had for getting on my nerves :D
bbnt said:
she'll be trying to get over it when i smack her upside her had for getting on my nerves :D

Give the kid a break, BBNT. It's enjoyable. Would you rather she goes out and finds some guy that looks like this???


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Malfoyish said:
Give the kid a break, BBNT. It's enjoyable. Would you rather she goes out and finds some guy that looks like this???

Last I heard, bbnt’s daughter is bringing ravensteve home for the weekend to meet Dad.
Levonian said:
Last I heard, bbnt’s daughter is bringing ravensteve home for the weekend to meet Dad.

Last I heard , Mayflower was dumping you for ravensteve
Levonian said:
So does this mean I’m free to hook up with your daughter? :mrgreen:

No, and for your information I'm not dumping you for ravensteve. And if I see you anywhere within 100 feet of bbnt's daughter, I'll tie your little chimpanzee frankfurter in a bow knot.
Mayflower said:
No, and for your information I'm not dumping you for ravensteve. And if I see you anywhere within 100 feet of bbnt's daughter, I'll tie your little chimpanzee frankfurter in a bow knot.

OOOOooooooo! Looks like Levonian is going in the dog house tonight. :giggle:
Mayflower said:
No, and for your information I'm not dumping you for ravensteve. And if I see you anywhere within 100 feet of bbnt's daughter, I'll tie your little chimpanzee frankfurter in a bow knot.

:rofl: Ooooh. I like that thought, Mayflower!!! VERY much. MMMhmm. *nodding* LOL!!
Special Ed Law

Malfoyish said:
The school that is closest to our home is where Mikey would be zoned to attend - but that school does not offer the plus-program that he is currently a participant of. Supposedly, the school he is in is a good one. He did pretty well last year, but the teacher he had was a lot more receptive to Mikey's needs. I think the biggest problem here is the teachers. Mikey had a birthday party to attend not too long ago - and there were many kids from his class present. EVERY SINGLE PARENT was complaining about these teachers. EVERY SINGLE ONE! You believe that? My husband has an appointment with Mikey's teachers next week and he's planning on asking just WHAT is being done for Mikey in class. I'll let you know what happens. :)

I know this is an old post, but this sounds like a NG situation. I think that it violates both IDEA (Individual w/Disablilities Education Act) and NCLB (No Child Left Behind). It may be too late to change things for this school year, but set up a meeting with the school to go over Mikey's IEP (individual education plan). If changes aren't made, maybe you and other parents need to find a lawyer. NYC is big enough to provide a PROPER education for any special ed student.

Last semester I was doing some research and found a good site for special ed info. It's It may have info to help you.

The local paper had an article about local Deaf having problems finding good jobs. Some Deaf were out of work 2-3 years. This situation won't change unless Deaf Ed improves. Last year, woman from TX Dept of Ed told me that her buget hasn't increased for 5-6 years. Imagine problems if your job doesn't give you a raise for 5 years. :eek:
Well, I sure don't recall Malfy's child being deaf or in special education in order to sound the alarm vis-a-vis the above poster's entry........
Mayflower said:
No, and for your information I'm not dumping you for ravensteve. And if I see you anywhere within 100 feet of bbnt's daughter, I'll tie your little chimpanzee frankfurter in a bow knot.

I guess there is no need for a response from me :mrgreen:
ITPjohn said:
I know this is an old post, but this sounds like a NG situation. I think that it violates both IDEA (Individual w/Disablilities Education Act) and NCLB (No Child Left Behind). It may be too late to change things for this school year, but set up a meeting with the school to go over Mikey's IEP (individual education plan). If changes aren't made, maybe you and other parents need to find a lawyer. NYC is big enough to provide a PROPER education for any special ed student.

Last semester I was doing some research and found a good site for special ed info. It's It may have info to help you.

The local paper had an article about local Deaf having problems finding good jobs. Some Deaf were out of work 2-3 years. This situation won't change unless Deaf Ed improves. Last year, woman from TX Dept of Ed told me that her buget hasn't increased for 5-6 years. Imagine problems if your job doesn't give you a raise for 5 years. :eek:

Thanks for the link. I'll be checking it out. :)
Tousi said:
Well, I sure don't recall Malfy's child being deaf or in special education in order to sound the alarm vis-a-vis the above poster's entry........

I don't recall saying anything. LOL. None of my children are deaf, but do have that condition called "selective hearing." LOL!
School meeting

Malfoyish said:
EVERY SINGLE PARENT was complaining about these teachers. EVERY SINGLE ONE! You believe that? My husband has an appointment with Mikey's teachers next week and he's planning on asking just WHAT is being done for Mikey in class. I'll let you know what happens. :)

How did it go? Did your husband slap some sense into those folks? I hope that Mikey isn't STUCK again next year.