Ask Dixie anything - really anything......

Do you like..........

Homemade cookies or store bought?

Homemade ice cream or store bought?

Homemade soup or store bought?

Not sure any else that is homemade. :)

To answer all of your questions - Homemade beats storebought ANY DAY! There is absolutely nothing quite like good home cooking where the food is made from scratch. Homemade cookies are sweeter although they dont last nearly as long ;) Homemade ice cream is softer than storebought. Homemade soup is always heartier than storebought. My grandmother makes absolutely the best homemade soup. She makes it alot around the holidays and during Jan/Feb.
Bumpin' back up if anyone wants to ask a question or if I skipped over anyone besides J'explique, in which I will answer your question now -

Today I had good day - it was payday, you can't complain about getting paid. But the downside is they took all the clocks down at work so I was working on the line today getting bored and going nutty not knowing how much longer until break time. But I made it. Thanks for asking. :)
Bumping this back up for the new folks as well as anyone that has new questions to ask, or ask repeated questions where the answers might have changed over time.
Okay i was bored and i thought I would say something. My friends and I always play: "would you rather.." So..

Would you rather:

1) Be stuck in an elevator with an evil monkey like the one in Family guy?

or 2) You're lost on a island and you have no food so you eat bugs. ;-)
Okay i was bored and i thought I would say something. My friends and I always play: "would you rather.." So..

Would you rather:

1) Be stuck in an elevator with an evil monkey like the one in Family guy?

or 2) You're lost on a island and you have no food so you eat bugs. ;-)

I'd rather be on the island eating bugs, that's a proven weightloss program as seen by the emaciated women on Survivor. :lol:
Who are you? And.. What is your sex? :D

I don't get to visit this board much anymore.

I am Dixie from Arkansas, I'm one act of insanity from getting a free trip to the state hospital, and I have red hair.

My sex is a threesome. :lol:
Hopefuly teaching in either secondary or post-secondary schools, possibly working with deaf/hh students. I start school in August.
(Mod's Edit - Previous Quote removed.)

I can't marry you, I've already committed to marrying Jake! :lol:
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Not until I receive a telegram from Canberra am I gonna believe it! :D