are stanford, georgetown, rit, syracuse, and etc. friendly?

I never liked IT job and programming. I hate it :mad2: but it's what pays the bills. tons of bills.

I'm not surprised that you've never heard of GIS (Geographic Information System). It's a very new field and not many colleges offer it as "major" degree. Most colleges including MIT do have GIS program but as "supplementary" for research purpose. For "degree" program in GIS... it's mostly at state colleges.

MIT's GIS program = Geographic Information Systems (GIS) Lab at MIT

Earth Science is cool and I believe you definitely should make it as your major degree. It's a nice and broad field that can be easily combined with GIS or urban planning. GIS is mostly served as a supplementary skill for pretty much any science majors... including CDC (Center for Disease Control), real estate, US Army Corps of Engineers, remote sensing (zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz), hydrology, etc. etc.

For me - I'm more interested in traffic-related stuff like NHTSA or DOT combining with GIS. Since I have the web programming skill, that can be combined with GIS. Example - google map.

Interesting! I didn't realize MIT has a GIS program, but then, MIT has lots lots of labs that you could never know, including a research laboratory on cochlear implants or anything related to deaf/hearing issues.

I guess you're better than me at web programming stuff. :P I had to do some stuff with Google map and creating a website, as well programming a MATLAB plot that generates image, and a whole bunch of other stuff for my summer internship at Caltech and NASA Jet Propulsion Laboratory on Californian sea level rise threat. I had to learn so many stuff on the fly and get help from other people! But web programming seems the most fun, compared to other languages.

(Here's the link of my work: Jet Propulsion Laboratory || California Sea Level Rise) Just ignore the "plot" button, and arrange the time intervals as you like, then click on the red placemark for San Francisco tide gauge station. The image of a graph showing sea level trend should pop up (try starting from January 1901 to December 2009)The website is still very much in work in progress, so it's not complete. It's a very long term project that hopes to model the sea level rise future projections.

Have you ever worked with the cool Google Earth API before? I did briefly, but my supervisor wanted to change to Google map. Oh well. And have you ever thought about working for Volpe Transportation (I think it has a HQ in Cambridge, MA) since you seem interested in traffic/transportation stuff? Just to let you know, the head honcho recruiter personally came to see us disabled students and she told us that Volpe are very disability friendly and are looking to recruit disabled students. I'm considering maybe interning there in a summer in the future.
Interesting! I didn't realize MIT has a GIS program, but then, MIT has lots lots of labs that you could never know, including a research laboratory on cochlear implants or anything related to deaf/hearing issues.

I guess you're better than me at web programming stuff. :P I had to do some stuff with Google map and creating a website, as well programming a MATLAB plot that generates image, and a whole bunch of other stuff for my summer internship at Caltech and NASA Jet Propulsion Laboratory on Californian sea level rise threat. I had to learn so many stuff on the fly and get help from other people! But web programming seems the most fun, compared to other languages.

(Here's the link of my work: Jet Propulsion Laboratory || California Sea Level Rise) Just ignore the "plot" button, and arrange the time intervals as you like, then click on the red placemark for San Francisco tide gauge station. The image of a graph showing sea level trend should pop up (try starting from January 1901 to December 2009)The website is still very much in work in progress, so it's not complete. It's a very long term project that hopes to model the sea level rise future projections.

Have you ever worked with the cool Google Earth API before? I did briefly, but my supervisor wanted to change to Google map. Oh well. And have you ever thought about working for Volpe Transportation (I think it has a HQ in Cambridge, MA) since you seem interested in transportation stuff? Just to let you know, the head honcho recruiter personally came to see us disabled students and she told us that Volpe are very disability friendly and are looking to recruit disabled students. I'm considering maybe interning there in a summer in the future.

yea I have played with Google Map API for a while. Frustrating though :lol:

Volpe Transportation? never heard of it but if it's a cool place to work at... then I'm in! ............... but........ this would means a significant reduction in pay :lol: I did try to apply for internship at Port Authority for GIS-related job but no good cuz I don't have any working experience with GIS :lol:

You know what I would love? an inside access to Media Lab :naughty:
I would go if MIT offers me a scholarship :lol:

Then, can't you apply for fin aid for MIT grad school? I'm sure they must do, like they do for undergraduates. or is your fin aid situation more complicated than it seems?
Hi NorCal20!!!!

I actually know a couple of guys at RIT, one deaf and the other hearing. Haven't been there yet, but would like to visit there one day! :)

Just wondering, are you in anyway related to Stanford since I see the Stanford logo as your profile picture?

Oh yeah? cool cool..

Now, im back to California and studying at SJSU to finish my final year- Master's. It is long time to finish, finally. Anyway...

im DIEHARD fan of Stanford Cardinal for a long time since when i was kid. I've been following my cousin who kept barking at me all about Stanford, ever since, i'm diehard fan of Cardinal. I visited there and i fell in love with their campus, athletics, and programs. Just amazing.
yea I have played with Google Map API for a while. Frustrating though :lol:

Volpe Transportation? never heard of it but if it's a cool place to work at... then I'm in! ............... but........ this would means a significant reduction in pay :lol: I did try to apply for internship at Port Authority for GIS-related job but no good cuz I don't have any working experience with GIS :lol:

You know what I would love? an inside access to Media Lab :naughty:

Me either! I never heard of Volpe Transportation until the recruiter came to MIT to speak to us disabled students specifically! I think you should look up Volpe, since it def does seems like a cool place to work in. (Why would you think it means a significant reduction in pay? What are you working now as?)

omg, Media Lab!! I know! I haven't been in there yet, but I think they open to the public once a year. :D :D
Oh yeah? cool cool..

Now, im back to California and studying at SJSU to finish my final year- Master's. It is long time to finish, finally. Anyway...

im DIEHARD fan of Stanford Cardinal for a long time since when i was kid. I've been following my cousin who kept barking at me all about Stanford, ever since, i'm diehard fan of Cardinal. I visited there and i fell in love with their campus, athletics, and programs. Just amazing.

Psssh, I can never understand Stanford being crazy about athletics or anybody crazy about athletics. (Haven't been to the campus yet...but I plan to in the future..heard it's beautiful....but then, what Californian college isn't beautiful? Caltech is even just that gorgeous too!)
Me either! I never heard of Volpe Transportation until the recruiter came to MIT to speak to us disabled students specifically! I think you should look up Volpe, since it def does seems like a cool place to work in. (Why would you think it means a significant reduction in pay? What are you working now as?)

omg, Media Lab!! I know! I haven't been in there yet, but I think they open to the public once a year. :D :D

I'm the webmaster for private university now and the salary's quite nice to pay for lot of bills but not high enough. I'm a salary man with benefits so you know what this means if I work as an intern for Volpe :lol:
Then, can't you apply for fin aid for MIT grad school? I'm sure they must do, like they do for undergraduates. or is your fin aid situation more complicated than it seems?

yea I can get a financial aids but that means more debt to my existing colleges debt :lol:
I'm the webmaster for private university now and the salary's quite nice to pay for lot of bills but not high enough. I'm a salary man with benefits so you know what this means if I work as an intern for Volpe :lol:

oh damn! I see your point. But then, if you have a degree in IT and Geo and if you could live in Boston, Volpe might pay you better (I think I recall they say they will pay competitively, but no fortune 500 company salary). I'm not sure. Volpe does say they have a lot of things for a wide variety of backgrounds, including liberal arts people.
oh damn! I see your point. But then, if you have a degree in IT and Geo and if you could live in Boston, Volpe might pay you better (I think I recall they say they will pay competitively, but no fortune 500 company salary). I'm not sure. Volpe does say they have a lot of things for a wide variety of backgrounds, including liberal arts people.

hmmm ok. I guess I'll look around and see what I find lol
Once, two college have large deaf students like CSUN and RIT are really old news. I do not know why they found these colleges offer deaf service but what if it place is not for some people.

Now, stanford and harvard have large deaf students about at least 20 percent. Most students come to Stanford from west region and other some regions. And students come to harvard from east regions. My friend told me, he works at admission.

In addition, New York University and Boston University already grown deaf students like 40 percent.

And other prestigous colleges have increased deaf students since more than a decade.
Psssh, I can never understand Stanford being crazy about athletics or anybody crazy about athletics. (Haven't been to the campus yet...but I plan to in the future..heard it's beautiful....but then, what Californian college isn't beautiful? Caltech is even just that gorgeous too!)

:laugh2: do you want me to educate you about Stanford Athletics?

you must visit Stanford campus, yo! Aye, aye..i second that!!
Sheila, how are you liking MIT? I visited the campus but I wasn't too crazy about the ambiance of it. Someone said that they got a perfect score on the SAT. That kind of thing is a big turn off for me, although it was just one person. It had a very nice modern campus. I went to RPI instead. They have really dorky people, old buildings, and it's a very hands on education. My cup of tea. My cousin went to MIT though and enjoyed it. He was a biomedical engineering major. I guess it's one of those things where you simply just FEEL like it's home, and MIT didn't do that for me.
Sheila, how are you liking MIT? I visited the campus but I wasn't too crazy about the ambiance of it. Someone said that they got a perfect score on the SAT. That kind of thing is a big turn off for me, although it was just one person. It had a very nice modern campus. I went to RPI instead. They have really dorky people, old buildings, and it's a very hands on education. My cup of tea. My cousin went to MIT though and enjoyed it. He was a biomedical engineering major. I guess it's one of those things where you simply just FEEL like it's home, and MIT didn't do that for me.

I can see why. My brother graduated from RPI. very nice campus. MIT was ghetto but then.... I guess they didn't care cuz they spent most of their time inside the labs anyway.
Sheila, how are you liking MIT? I visited the campus but I wasn't too crazy about the ambiance of it. Someone said that they got a perfect score on the SAT. That kind of thing is a big turn off for me, although it was just one person. It had a very nice modern campus. I went to RPI instead. They have really dorky people, old buildings, and it's a very hands on education. My cup of tea. My cousin went to MIT though and enjoyed it. He was a biomedical engineering major. I guess it's one of those things where you simply just FEEL like it's home, and MIT didn't do that for me.

I can see why. My brother graduated from RPI. very nice campus. MIT was ghetto but then.... I guess they didn't care cuz they spent most of their time inside the labs anyway.

Shut up you both Jiro and Daredevel7--trashing my beloved school!!! Haha. I love MIT--I feel it is the only and best school for me. It was actually my top choice when I applied, followed by Caltech and Harvard. I've met a lot of brilliant people and made great friends....people who understands me a lot better than it was back in high school (I really hated high school.....boring, monotonous, immature boys/girls, and too easy classes)....but MIT is really tough academically.....beating your egos down and feeling STUPID everyday and every second of your life, especially when staring at your problem sets. >.< But all of us have love and hate relationship with MIT. We want to flee, but we eventually want to return. haha. We make jokes that MIT = Masochists In Training.

I don't think we really care about SAT scores too fact, we rarely talked about SAT scores or anything like that while at MIT.

And Jiro, I very much disagree with your statement about people at MIT spending their time in the labs mostly. That sounds more like Caltech while I was at Caltech for 3 months (Apologies to my Caltech friends....but it's true). I don't always spend my time in labs all the time, although I do spend time in my room studying for classes, but other time was being involved in activities, such as the MIT Asian Dance Team, The Tech, etc etc etc. I can say the same for other people....but it varies from people to people.

But yeah, I see what you mean. I guess we could be socially a Harvard friend of mine quipped "MIT dating scene is so sad compared to Harvard"
Sheila, how are you liking MIT? I visited the campus but I wasn't too crazy about the ambiance of it. Someone said that they got a perfect score on the SAT. That kind of thing is a big turn off for me, although it was just one person. It had a very nice modern campus. I went to RPI instead. They have really dorky people, old buildings, and it's a very hands on education. My cup of tea. My cousin went to MIT though and enjoyed it. He was a biomedical engineering major. I guess it's one of those things where you simply just FEEL like it's home, and MIT didn't do that for me.

Shut up you both Jiro and Daredevel7--trashing my beloved school!!! Haha. I love MIT--I feel it is the only and best school for me. It was actually my top choice when I applied, followed by Caltech and Harvard. I've met a lot of brilliant people and made great friends....people who understands me a lot better than it was back in high school (I really hated high school.....boring, monotonous, immature boys/girls, and too easy classes)....but MIT is really tough academically.....beating your egos down and feeling STUPID everyday and every second of your life, especially when staring at your problem sets. >.< But all of us have love and hate relationship with MIT. We want to flee, but we eventually want to return. haha. We make jokes that MIT = Masochists In Training.

I don't think we really care about SAT scores too fact, we rarely talked about SAT scores or anything like that while at MIT.

And Jiro, I very much disagree with your statement about people at MIT spending their time in the labs mostly. That sounds more like Caltech while I was at Caltech for 3 months (Apologies to my Caltech friends....but it's true). I don't always spend my time in labs all the time, although I do spend time in my room studying for classes, but other time was being involved in activities, such as the MIT Asian Dance Team, The Tech, etc etc etc. I can say the same for other people....but it varies from people to people.

But yeah, I see what you mean. I guess we could be socially a Harvard friend of mine quipped "MIT dating scene is so sad compared to Harvard"

lol :nana:
I went to RIT for a year before I transferred to ASU for architecture. I actually really enjoyed RiTs deaf community as well as the surrounding areas. I went to a small town school and was the only deaf student so it was a bit of a culture shock for me to be around so many deaf students at once. The services were great as far as accommodations went, never had any issues getting what I needed.

I don't miss the weather in Rochester but I miss the community.
I went to RIT for a year before I transferred to ASU for architecture. I actually really enjoyed RiTs deaf community as well as the surrounding areas. I went to a small town school and was the only deaf student so it was a bit of a culture shock for me to be around so many deaf students at once. The services were great as far as accommodations went, never had any issues getting what I needed.

I don't miss the weather in Rochester but I miss the community.

what year did you went to RIT?