Approval for Surgery!

HAHAHA!! You are so right Boult!! :rofl:

greema and Hear Again: It is FEB. 15th, not next Monday, but a month away! :)

Oh, oops! My bad! :fruit: So it's a month from today?!?! Yahoo! :rockon:

So how many are already lined up to get implanted and how many to get "turned on"?
Lillys dad: I didn't know much about BAHAs either. It was explained to me at the party and I did some reading about it when I got home. :)

Lucia and Hear Again: Thanks for the info! :)

greema: LOL...So you noticed it's a month away! lol :)
Blazing Sunset....

SOON SOON, it's almost end of Jan!...

I can't wait till you tell me and everyone else on how you are doing with your progress! :)

**pacing** gosh 18 more days to go then another about a month of healing before you get hooked up? did they tell you how long you would be hooked up after surgery ?
mine usually about 6 weeks which is true I had surgery on July 6, 2001 then Hooked up on Aug 27 2001.. that's about 6 weeks. nowdays they go by few weeks some goes by 6 weeks. :)

Good Luck again

Blazing Sunset....

SOON SOON, it's almost end of Jan!...

I can't wait till you tell me and everyone else on how you are doing with your progress! :)

**pacing** gosh 18 more days to go then another about a month of healing before you get hooked up? did they tell you how long you would be hooked up after surgery ?
mine usually about 6 weeks which is true I had surgery on July 6, 2001 then Hooked up on Aug 27 2001.. that's about 6 weeks. nowdays they go by few weeks some goes by 6 weeks. :)

Good Luck again



OK...uhm, 18 days??? When I read your message, I just had to look at the calendar and count the days. In 18 days from the day you posted this message, that's Feb. 5, and my surgery date is on the 15th!! :giggle:

From today, there is 28 more days until my CI surgery (Feb. 15)! I have an appointment to see the surgeon 11 days (Feb. 26) after surgery. When I went to the New Ears Party, I found out that it could be the day when I will be hooked up! It all depends on if the incision has healed up and all is well. SO, maybe I won't have to wait long at all for the hook up! My appointment at the CI center on the 26th is almost an ALL day long thing. I will know more on Feb. 9th when I see the surgeon and have the labwork done.

Thanks for wishing me luck! :)
Surgery Day is here...

Wow...I have been so very busy and haven't been staying up to date with reading the posts. I tried to read as many as I could tonight but I will have to catch up later. The date I have been waiting for...Feb. 15th will be here tomorrow! Ever since my pre-op last Friday, I haven't been able to sleep well. I guess I am pretty anxious now and I really look forward to the CI surgery tomorrow! I will be kept overnight for observation so I will try to write a little bit on Friday when I come home! :)
Good luck Blazing Sunset! Looking forward to seeing you on the "other side".
Gook luck! I betcha you can't sleep tonight. :hyper:

Hehe.. she left me email on my sk3.. and she couldnt sleep at that time when I last saw.. 12 30 AM in my time.. I know she's soo nervous and nervous and want to get over with.. I dont blame her.. now I am wondering HOW she is doing.. I know she's k-o on the table.. dang I wish I live closer so I can check up on her but.. good thing we both communicate thru either email or instant message :)


Hello Everyone, thank you for the wishes! The CI surgery was a success! There were no complications at all. I drift in and out of sleep ever since I got home. I am constantly waking up every hour, but other than that, all is well! I am so glad the CI is implanted now and I can't wait until the activation! I will be back in AD's house tomorrow.... to fix my signature!! :)
Hi Everyone...

I am feeling more energetic as each day passes by. I have noticed that my previous sinus problems are not bothering me lately. I am still excited and can't wait until the activation on the 26th! :)
:dizzy: from counting.. :D

sorry i was not doing correct with counting.. LOL Sunset....

this time... 5 more days to get activation!! wooohoo

wow the math surely :dizzy:

*BusyBee Mama* and have few Guest up here in my house...

I went to see my Audie on Feb. 26th as scheduled for activation. I went through a series of sound testing at which the computer records the highest level of sound to find out when the microbes were sending out signals that it was picking up on those sounds. I couldn't hear the sounds, rather than hear them, I "felt" them. Keep in mind that I have been deaf all my life and the nerve has never been active. Part of what I am experiencing is still recovering from the surgery itself. On top of that, that parts of my nerves in the inner ear having never been stimulated before will take time for the auditory area of my brain to decipher all the information out. I feel the electrical stimulation when there is any sound. I am able to feel the difference in the intensity of the stimulation, the difference between soft and loud sounds. To start off, my Audie set the programs from P1 being the softest and P4 the loudest. I started off with P1 for just three days until I could hardly feel any more stimulation and moved it up to P2. Wow....the stimulations kicked in. Only hours later, I moved it up to P3. One day later, and that will be today, I am on P3. At this point, I am still not able to hear sound yet.....but I know I will. It will happen when I least expect it to. Someone recently told me, life is noisy! I have to believe that because I feel the stimulation at even the smallest sounds that couldn't be heard with the hearing the hissing sound out of a spray can like the Pam cooking oil. The clacking of the keyboard is obviously much louder than the hearing aid can pick up. Before I left my Audie's office last Monday, she wanted to give me a quick discrimination test. I thought...what?? I did not understand how I was going to follow through that and not being able to hear a sound yet! She gave me a paper with a list of words. Each line had two words, one short word and one long word. My Audie covered her mouth and called out one of the words and I would tell her which word she said. Feeling out the stimulations, for all 5 words we did, I got 4 out of 5 right. I go back to see my Audie next Tuesday and I can't wait. Have any of you experienced stimulations?
No one??? Come on, there has to be a few of you who has had experience with stimulation. I went for my 2nd appointment today. My Audie told me I made a very big progress since I was activated last week. I think I am beginning to hear a particular sound or more, as if it was half stimulated and half sound. I am so excited!! :)
im glad everything going well with ur hook up.

I cant understand what my audi was saying when she cover her mouth.. she keep saying Ice cream, playground and baseball.. i got 2 of them right but it was hard. I used to able to get a lot of them right when i was HOH.

I go back for my 4th appt on March 19th.