Approval for Surgery!

Blazing Sunset, I'm so happy for you! February 1st will be here before you know it...

I got the phone call today to discuss the surgery date. She said she may have Feb. 15th available and then after that is March 1st. I told her I would take the Feb. 15th. (of course, it was someone different that told me last week that the earliest appt. would be Feb. 1st....but look at how much time has passed until today's phone call!). When I told her that the Feb. 15th opening would be great, she then said she would schedule that with the hospital and then coordinate my pre-op appointment. Additionally, she said she is in the office on Mondays and Thursdays, so when she has coordinated everything, she would call me back next Monday or Thursday with the surgery date and the pre-op date. SO, I cannot say at this time whether or not Feb. 15th will be my surgery date....YET!! haha She told me when I go for my pre-op, I will be seeing the CI surgeon, have a balance test with one of their therapists, and see one of the audiologists. I asked her if the VNG was the same as the balance test because I had already taken it, and she said no. What is the balance test I am supposed to have? And....I wait until next week. To be continued....... :)
Aw, dern it Sunny! Guess it'll be a good time to learn patience... I've lived long enough to learn to use a LOT of patience and good things come to he/she who wait... :cool:
Aw, dern it Sunny! Guess it'll be a good time to learn patience... I've lived long enough to learn to use a LOT of patience and good things come to he/she who wait... :cool:


Patience and faith is all it takes, I can wait, but on the other hand, I can't! But all in all, I can wait! :)
Sorry, I just have to add this little side comment here, I went to school with a girl named Patience. We all know the old saying "Patience is a virtue" Well, we used to say (and I actually still say) 'Patience is a virgin".
Sorry, I'll get my coat.............................
Sorry, I just have to add this little side comment here, I went to school with a girl named Patience. We all know the old saying "Patience is a virtue" Well, we used to say (and I actually still say) 'Patience is a virgin".
Sorry, I'll get my coat.............................

Sorry, I just have to add this little side comment here, I went to school with a girl named Patience. We all know the old saying "Patience is a virtue" Well, we used to say (and I actually still say) 'Patience is a virgin".
Sorry, I'll get my coat.............................

:rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:
Sorry, I just have to add this little side comment here, I went to school with a girl named Patience. We all know the old saying "Patience is a virtue" Well, we used to say (and I actually still say) 'Patience is a virgin".
Sorry, I'll get my coat.............................

Lillys dad:

LOL....That's a good one!! :rofl: :rofl:
Finally received the surgery date!

Hello everyone!

I received the phone call today and my surgery is set for Feb. 15th!! I will have the pre-op on the 9th. :)
A pre-op is done just prior to surgery typically a week to a couple of days. It a way for the hospital to check one's vitals (make sure you are okay and well enough) and go over any questions one might have before the big day.
and not have high counts of white cells in your system and have fever like i did.. i went in for pre-op last november and they told me i had high white cells and plus have fever and i was feeling fine?? then nexst day i was hit so hard with FLU.. so had to postpone my hernia surgery to nov 17th.. then had another pre-op appt the day before.. and it was all good.. back to normal.. so i was able to have hernia surgery the next day..