13' Resolutions?

Wirelessly posted

To get more and more fluent in Auslan. I can communicate quite well now but still have a long way to being fluent. At least now it is more and more becoming my main form of communication. Texting and emails, and Facebook have filled in the gaps up until now, and the occasional pen and paper note.
I can barely move. One tuesday it chest and back, so yesterday was pretty brutal, pecs and lats so sore and everything feels like it weighs a ton. yesterday was plyometrics, but I can't do that one I have downstairs neighbors and you have to jump A LOT. So I did legs and back instead, minus the back because I did it the day before, nad the ab ripper. So now I ache from my shoulders to my calves lol. Just gotta get past this first week, and maybe I can move without making horrible faces. :D it's good!!
This is me. having a soak in epsom salt before work today oh my!!


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Smiles, keep up the good work! Nothing like epsom salts in hot water to soak away the soreness. That and a great massage!