█ 2006 AllDeaf Caucus - July 13-16, 2006 - *SPECIALS* █


Staff Member
Feb 27, 2003
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What: AllDeaf Caucus 2006

When: July 13-16, 2006

Where: Crowne Plaza Hotel - 11228 Lone Eagle Drive, Bridgeton, MO 63044

Cost: $15

For AllDeaf Reception (Friday) - $20 Early Bird, $25 At Door

For Banquet (Saturday) - $35 Early Bird, $40 At Door

COMBO SPECIAL! Only $60 for Thur, Fri, and Sat events! This offer is good until June 15, 2006!

(Regular combos are $70 from June 16th to July 1st. At door combos are $80 each person.)


If you plan to stay overnight, then the hotel room rate is only $89 per night, plus tax. Regular rate is $139 plus tax but you're getting it for $89 plus tax! Form is attached below.


Download and print the registration form attached, fill it out, and send it to the address indicated in the form.

If you have any questions, email to Missy aka DreamDeaf at alldeafcaucus@yahoo.com

Thanks to Missy aka DreamDeaf for making this possible!

Related Threads:
- AD Caucus Announcement
- AD Caucus Rides
- AD Caucus Roommate Needed

Edit: Those that attend the AllDeaf Caucus will be pre-approved (no credit check) for a FREE Blackberry 7290! More information at the event!


  • AD_Caucus_reg_form.doc
    25 KB · Views: 25
  • AD Caucus RSVP form.pdf
    74.9 KB · Views: 18
  • back of RSVP form.pdf
    50.8 KB · Views: 17
I really wish I could go! Money isn't permit!
Will be away that time. going to portugal for two weeks, yipeeee!!! sorry won't make it!!
can't make it job comes first unlike some of you who have the money and time and resources so, have fun and enjoy yourselves....

my family comes first vacation can wait til later

I was wondering if you ever recieved my money order for the regluar combo special?

Can you please send me a private message or email so that I'll know it arrived safely. ;) Thanks!
TweetyBird said:
yes i undy how ur feeling next time will be

Yeppers, there's always next time. I hope they will have AllDeaf Caucus again next year or two years later then we can come! :whistle:
Sweetheart said:
I wish my Sequoias and I can come! But moneyyyyy :(

yeah Money always SUCK big time. Everything charge gain every year. I hate it. I know what your feeling.

GoldenLeaf74 said:
yeah Money always SUCK big time. Everything charge gain every year. I hate it. I know what your feeling.


Yeppers! This June, Sequoias and Im going to three different places for vacation and it costs us money... Califorina this June 8 to 11 then Ocean Shores this June 17 and 18 then Michigan this June 20 to 27. That's why we can't come to AllDeaf Caucus. But if one place for June then we might can go to there... But suck! :(
Sweetheart said:
Yeppers, there's always next time. I hope they will have AllDeaf Caucus again next year or two years later then we can come! :whistle:
yes me too :hug:
I told DreamDeaf we may go or not because depends on the date of the CI surgery and waiting for insurance approval and other plans we have. We would love to go! :)
I would love to come the caucus but I live too far away from the USA.. My money sucks :( I have some money but I must spend my money on getting my new hearing aids.. my insurance doesn't pay for them :pissed: :hyper:

anyway, I hope the caucus becomes good :)
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