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    Can you tell me about oral successes?

    I'm HoH (with hearing aids)and I have a Puerto Rican accent. I grew up speaking both english and Spanish. Can't help it xD
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    Cochlear Implant advise

    True, but we also need to give him our side and our Deaf culture perspective. He still needs both sides. I personally don't believe in implanting children. It's inhumane and uncivilized. But that's my belief.
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    Cochlear Implant advise

    Please don't implant your child. He doesn't have the choice. Let him decide when he's older. But for now get him involved the Deaf community and in a Deaf school. Learn ASL and make sure its full ASL. He doesn't have the decision himself at this moment. Please let him decide when he's old enough...
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    Need Help Teaching ASL?

    I'm a student at my school. I'm deaf with a terp. I've been involved in deaf culture for a pretty long time :-\ my goal in this club is not only to teach ASL but to introduce the other students to deaf culture
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    Need Help Teaching ASL?

    So I just started an ASL club at my mainstream school (38 sign ups!). I just need help with teaching this class. I am trying to get a terp so I an sign full ASL in there. I'm teaching the whole language, or rather as much as I can to them. Any tips? Thanks!!!
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    spoken speech at some Gallaudet ceremony

    Marlee Matlin spoke actors' names at the.Oscars instead of signing them. In my opinion its not a big deal. At least she signed her introduction. By representing deaf people, she represented ALL deaf people, not just the signers.
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    Grammar for"i know that the dog is brown"

    I would sign that in this.way: [Ix] DOG BROWN, ME KNOW TRUE [affirmative head nod, lowered eyebrows]
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    Deaf Signers with Glasses...

    Lol yea I know what you mean hehe. I was watching this vid on YT about this terp who one time while interpreting for a constriction site knocked her glasses into a vad of cement rofl
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    Deaf Signers with Glasses...

    Isn't it awkward and embarrassing when you're signing so fast or wide that you knock your.glasses clear off your face? I was at a friends house and was signing so fast my glasses flew off lol. Share somw of your experiences! :)
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    Looking for a friend

    Make up your mind. Are you hard of hearing or hearing??? Hehehe jp. Welcome to AllDeaf :P
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    Hi from PA

    Welcome :) what part of PA? I'm from Harrisburg
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    Should I Look For A New Doctor (ENT)?

    Thanks guys. Found an audi but now need gas to go out there -_- ugh, this economy sucks
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    How old are you guys?

    Hey, I'm 15 ;)
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    Independent Movie Project on the Way!!!

    Hello AD!!! I am in the process of making a Christian movie called "Light in Silence" (plot to be posted in a few days). It's about a Deaf boy who is DoD and becomes Christian. I will be make a Youtube account and a gmail for our new productions (still praying about the name). I will be announce...
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    Deaf Teens in Metro ATL

    Yo, deaf teens in Lawrenceville, GA or Metro Atlanta. Hit me up! ;) lml/
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    dysgraphia/problems with handwriting

    Yea i had it and still have it. I have a fluctuating hearing loss with a ear infections and there's.nothing that can be done about it. I had it real bad in second grade tho. My cursive is terrible. But my handwriting is fine when I can hear.
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    Puerto Rican Sign Language (PRSL)

    Anyone have any links to vids or dvds that have PSL? Anything will fine
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    hearing teen learning ASL.

    Welcome to AD :)
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    Mom worried about her son's hearing

    I suggest ASL. Please give your son a true language. Maybe since he probably hard of hearing, can try oral and ASL? Not SimCom, though. Just give him a strong foundation in both