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  1. M

    great tech news for hearing aids users!

    Hey guys I was bored and I was surfing through the net and somehow I ended up in this site about a new updated loopset by nokia for hearing aids users that will be shipping in the first quarter of 2009. Nokia Wireless Loopset HS-67WL enhances mobile communications for T-coil equipped...
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    living on your own...

    Hey I'm 19 years old college student taking business adminstration at Sheridan College at Ontario, Canada. I was just thinking about the future of how my life going to be like living on my own like getting my own place, buying groceries, typical day to day life stuff. I was wondering how...
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    college's semester 1 grades...

    Hey I'm a 18 year old guy... enrolled to Sheridan College for business adminstration - marketing... This is my first year in college and i got my grades for my first semester couple days ago and i thought y'all would like to know how i did Accounting... A Business Math... B Marketing1...
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    deaf lifestyle....

    Hey I'm from ontario, canada and i'm currently at sheridan college taking business adminstration - marketing and recently getting 3.5 GPA. I was just recently thinking about life after college like a job/career path, living on my own and the whole 9 yards of life. I was wondering how is the...
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    working world...

    i'm wondering how does deafie work in the hearing world? ... for example how do you hear the phone? does your assistant be the ear or your clients come to visit you or vice versa? or something else? i wondered how deafie builds on their communication skills since its only disadvantage of being a...
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    my statistic in relationship aint great...

    hey y'all i'm 18 years old guy and i'm going to Sheridan College this year at Ontario, Canada for business adminstration. My avg in high school is 75% i could go to university but i want to start slow and go to univer afterwards anyway. my statistic in relationship aint that great obviously...
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    Hey y'all I'm going to sheridan college next year for business adminstration for marketing and in the future my dream is to create an marketing agency.. i called it "FMA" Fletcher Marketing Agency :)4 and i want to know for people who are deaf and have a marketing career... how does the...
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    deaf student in Ontario, canada

    hey y'all My mom pull resume from food basic .. its across the street ... want me to be a stock boy easy stuff but 1 problem deaf people cant communicate well with cusomters sometime they come with accents... i was wondering does any of you have a entry job for deaf people that require a...
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    getting an iPod...

    hey y'all i'm getting an iPod and i'm sure most of you know the headphone that come with it that does not work for us deaf people. I want to know if there is a headphone for deaf people and for non-deaf people as well so i can let them to my friends. I dont want to get a DJ headphone... Mulak