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  1. K

    This is making me so angry! ASD former teacher molested a minor right in her own home

    Jillio- Have you wondered why it took them 7 months? If it was that serious, then it would have moved swifter. Remember, to obtain an arrest warrant, there has to be a PROBABLE cause that a crime occurred. As definied in the wiki, ""Probable cause" is a stronger standard of evidence than a...
  2. K

    This is making me so angry! ASD former teacher molested a minor right in her own home

    have u guys met Julie in person? She's smoking hot. :)
  3. K

    This is making me so angry! ASD former teacher molested a minor right in her own home

    why is it that important that the whole world need to know what she majors in? What she majors in is not relevant to this case. How would u feel if you were in her shoes, the whole world knows she has been accused of this heinous crime, However when the times comes that she is found not...
  4. K

    This is making me so angry! ASD former teacher molested a minor right in her own home

    Agreed. But the report also said that they have over 3000 text messages, some of them explicit, that were exchanged between her and some of her students. That doesn't look good. It depends on how "explicit" is defined. it could be 3 messages out of 3000 that is explicit that were...
  5. K

    This is making me so angry! ASD former teacher molested a minor right in her own home

    If you read the article carefully, Julie is not accused of MOLESTING.. she is accused of sexually assaulting. Molesting and assault is two different thing. the definition of sexual assault, if you look up in the wikipedia for the definition of sexual assault, it states "It has been said...
  6. K

    Deaf ex-manager sues Wal-Mart

    cost... Vampy.. I'm playing the devil advocate on this one, well u know some certain interpreter cost less than certain ones.. walmart being selfish with money may just shrug and tell that woman to accept the interpreter she was provided, despite the interpreting being lousy, deem unqualified...
  7. K

    Deaf ex-manager sues Wal-Mart

    possible... Dont u think its possible that that woman sued walmart because the interpreter didn't fit her needs. Maybe they hired a cued speech interpreter while that woman use ASL. Walmart may say that they provided a interpreter and that meets ADA requirement, but in that woman's eyes, it...
  8. K

    Cities A to Z

    Q Queen City, Texas.. :)
  9. K

    Interpreter problems

    BostonIceFire.... Haha.. i agreed with you,,, wasnt i the one who sat next to you in that class the whole quarter....heh.. :) Kitty82
  10. K


    Shibby.. Here am i... shocked you huh???? lol ur roomie :)
  11. K

    What School.....

    illinois skool for the deaf CLASS OF 2000
  12. K

    Any of you guys went to Illinois School for the Deaf???

    Me Me attended ISD from 1990-2000.. graduated in 2000 :)
  13. K

    any1 from midwest ??

    me me me from the land of lincoln..
  14. K

    Mainstreaming Issues

    deaf skool vs mainstreaming Well.. it would depends on WHERE you went, your level of intelligent, and your motivation. I come from Deaf School where they push me, they taught me everything same as hearing school and I entered RIT without taking any NTID courses and will graduate on time (4...
  15. K

    hi kitty82

    hey all meow from kitty82.. sorry if i've been quiet.. i'm much content with surfing on alldeaf rather than posting.. but i'll try to post some! :)