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  1. F

    Obama's poll drops even further....continues cratering

    Obama reminds me of Jimmy Carter
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    Obama's poll drops even further....continues cratering

    Obama is such a joke.. and this is surprising???
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    Arizona sheriff not relenting after court ruling

    dont mind them (jillo and foxrac) they are advocating illegal actions "yeah fuck the law lets ignore the law" read the tenth amendment
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    Arizona sheriff not relenting after court ruling

    jillo spoken like a true socialist..
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    hearing impaired man in Fl

    is this a dating match site?
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    Judge Blocks Sections of Arizona Immigration Law

    bookmarking this SOCIALIST LOVER!!
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    Judge Blocks Sections of Arizona Immigration Law

    can't wait for November to come so u can lick your own salty tears!! :lol::laugh2:
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    Judge Blocks Sections of Arizona Immigration Law

    liberalism is a mental disorder
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    Judge Blocks Sections of Arizona Immigration Law

    i cant wait for all illegals to steal your job and see how you feel!!!!!!!!!!!!! karma is a bitch!
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    Arizona sheriff not relenting after court ruling

    Gotta love Sheriff Joe!!!
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    Judge Blocks Sections of Arizona Immigration Law

    I'm so angry i cant think straight
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    Wellhead hit, leaking oil and natural gas near Bayou St. Denis

    I smell a conspiracy (puts on my tin foil hat). Dems has been working hard to pass Cap and Trade bill in the past but didnt get enough votes
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    Wellhead hit, leaking oil and natural gas near Bayou St. Denis

    it wont be a problem to cap it since the water isn't deep
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    Sherrod controversy

    her husband is a closet racist - see this following link
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    Shirley Sherrod’s Husband Caught On Video!

    The Sherrods have become the gift that just keeps on giving. Despite a liberal media and liberal politicians, talking heads and the activists that would lead you to believe you didn’t really hear what you really heard… or see the reaction from the NAACP that you know for sure that you saw…...
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    Post a picture of your city

    Do u ever go to DPHH south florida event?
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    Post a picture of your city

    do I know you KristinaB?
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    Booty Pop Underwear Craze Booming

    please stick with thong or g-string ladies! thanks ;)
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    Apple fanboys is starting to annoying me