Judge Blocks Sections of Arizona Immigration Law

It ain't over till it's over....... :)

This was expected....... (actually is was expected that the entire law would be blocked) A similar result is expected on first appeal. No Biggie.
I don't know about Judge Susan Bolton who made the decision on the immigration laws. It is a very difficult thing when there seem to be no chance of having the Mexicans wanting to have a visa or passport to come across safely so that they can work. Mexico government is very corrupt including the police. Many Mexicans could not get a job there and they are desperate to finding work so that they have no choice but to escape from Mexico over the border so that they can earn some money to support families back home including himself or herself. This is what I found in my New Mexican newspaper (on line) that mention about the border security and where they can have a meeting to discuss the issues. The border governors do not want to meet the governor of Arizona because she was very rude to the border governors. This is the article which they will try working with the border governors about what to do to help illegal immigrants who need the job very badly and to have a better life in United States especially Arizona.

Govs. Richardson, Schwarzenegger to rally border governors conference
For the Headlight
Posted: 07/29/2010 12:00:00 AM MDT

SANTA FE - New Mexico Governor Bill Richardson and California Governor Arnold Schwarzenegger officially announced today that they will co-host an interim meeting of the Border Governors Conference on September 19-20th in Santa Fe, New Mexico.
The agenda for the one-and-a-half day meeting will focus on the key issues of border security, economic development and energy. The meeting will bridge the gap between last year's conference in Nuevo Leon and next year's meeting in Baja California, as this year's conference in Arizona was cancelled.
"We strongly believe in the work of the Border Governors Conference and consider it vital to continue the progress made by the Conference," stated Governors Richardson and Schwarzenegger in a joint invitation to the members of the Border Governors Conference. "As border governors, we see the impact of border issues like security, economic development, and energy issues every day. While we may not always agree on every issue, as leaders of the U.S./Mexico border region, we must maintain a strong dialogue to help assure cooperation along the border, resolve regional border issues, and make sure bi-national issues are given proper attention by our federal governments."
The cost for the meeting will be split between Governors Richardson and Schwarzenegger with the bulk of the monetary support coming from private sponsors.
Every member of the Border Governors Conference is invited to the interim meeting, including Mexican states of Baja California, Sonora, Chihuahua, Tamaulipas, Nuevo Leon, Coahuila, as well as the U.S. states of Arizona and Texas. Governors' Richardson and Schwarzenegger are also inviting senior representatives from the U.S. Department of Justice, Department of Homeland Security, State Department, Health and Human Services, and Department of Commerce, and their Mexican counterparts. The U.S. Ambassador to Mexico and Mexican Ambassador to the United States are also formally invited to the meeting.
The ten Border States represent a joint economy that ranks third in the world. The Border Governors Conference consists of six Mexican and four U.S. Border states. This long-standing conference allows vital regional and state-to-state dialogue. With 42 different ports of entry, the region also represents one of the most dynamic trade and border crossing regions in the world.

I hope that make sense. I don't know about blocking the sections. I have not come across on this other article from New Mexican papers yet. Maybe I will. :hmm:
It ain't over till it's over....... :)

This was expected....... (actually is was expected that the entire law would be blocked) A similar result is expected on first appeal. No Biggie.

Exactly .... I am like ...oh gosh! So ... surprised !! (not).

I expected Obama to do this right before the law went into effect (for dramatization purposes only).

Gosh he is so predictable. Most socialists are.
Exactly .... I am like ...oh gosh! So ... surprised !! (not).

I expected Obama to do this right before the law went into effect (for dramatization purposes only).

Gosh he is so predictable. Most socialists are.

That's one of most misled that I had seen. *facepalm*
i cant wait for all illegals to steal your job and see how you feel!!!!!!!!!!!!! karma is a bitch!
i cant wait for all illegals to steal your job and see how you feel!!!!!!!!!!!!! karma is a bitch!

I don't work in blue collar so I don't care.

Blame on corporation whoever hire illegal immigrants at first place.

I rest my case