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  1. aladinhislamp

    It's on the tip of my fingers?

    Wow, that's awesome!!!:ty:
  2. aladinhislamp

    It's on the tip of my fingers?

    Now that I'm full steam ahead with my ASL class, I'm wondering if fluent signers ever experience the equivalent of TOT phenomenon in spoken language, where something is 'on the tip of your tongue,' but you can't quite get it out. It's a very particular feeling, and I'm curious how (if at all)...
  3. aladinhislamp

    deaf parents hearing kids

    I totally agree with this! Code-switching is actually a sign of language proficiency, NOT deficiency, because it's completely patterned or systematic (i.e., people aren't just throwing in verbs in random places). Check out this quote from the literature: "Considered a chaotic practice...
  4. aladinhislamp

    Where were you on 9/11

    My sister called from Michigan around 6 am (there is a 3-hour time difference). I was 6 months pregnant at the time and was having trouble sleeping, so the night before I'd been up late reading the first Harry Potter book and didn't want to get up to answer the phone. But whenever anybody calls...
  5. aladinhislamp

    Making small talk with hearing strangers

    This makes me sick on so many levels, I don't even know where to start. :-o SO sorry to hear about your experience, Kristina.
  6. aladinhislamp

    Language and Literacy

    My co-workers and I were discussing this just yesterday, and it is a fascinating and complex topic. On the surface, literacy seems like such a self-evident thing, but it *so* isn't! Here in the lower Mainland, there are many First Nations languages that don't have orthographic systems--at least...
  7. aladinhislamp

    Language and Literacy

    Great point, Jillio. I also think that it's important to unpack what "literacy" actually means. Just my 2 cents. :-)
  8. aladinhislamp


    Will do! :-)
  9. aladinhislamp


    FF, if it's okay to ask, how do you mostly communicate with your kids? Through sign? Lipreading? Some combination? If it's too personal, please disregard--I'm not trying to pry, just really fascinated by this. Partly it's because my kids are half-Japanese, so that kind of 'third space' between...
  10. aladinhislamp


    Thanks for chiming in on this, Frisky Feline. What are your kids like? My 2 daughters are 8 and 11, and they're crazy about Pokemon, Webkinz and Doctor Who. How about yours?
  11. aladinhislamp


    Thanks--for a minute there I wondered if I'd slipped into the Twilight Zone!! :dizzy:
  12. aladinhislamp

    Deaf Internation Sign Language

    I was thinking the same thing. It's a cool idea in theory (the linguistic Switzerland), but so much of language is bound up in the culture. Making one communication system for everybody presupposes that we all have access to the same ways of knowing and being. Besides, since it's a synthetic...
  13. aladinhislamp


    Did I miss something? :confused:
  14. aladinhislamp

    What makes you happy?

    Love this thread! For me, more and more it's all the little things. The smell of fresh-cut grass on the first really hot day of the year. Going barefoot for the first time in summer. Getting on a crowded subway and realizing there's still a seat left! Pushing the elevator button in the lobby...
  15. aladinhislamp

    Celebrities and anger management

    Yesterday in one of my classes this topic came up when a student mentioned Mel Gibson and the tape where he allegedly cusses out his girlfriend, the pictures of his girlfriend with chipped teeth, and a new tape where he (if it's actually Mel Gibson) tells her that it "wasn't safe" for her to be...
  16. aladinhislamp

    I thought I would let all my AD Friends Know

    Very sorry to hear about your dad. Prayers for you and your whole family.
  17. aladinhislamp


    Hi everyone, I'm wondering if there are (m)any CODAs on here and, if so, whether they'd (you'd) be willing to talk to me about your life and language experiences, especially in terms of how language use shapes identity formation (but I'm more than open to other directions if anyone would like...
  18. aladinhislamp

    Advice for Studying ASL

    Thanks a lot for the input, Crystal. I think if I keep my focus on WHY I want to learn (and I've got *lots* of great reasons), instead of worrying about what I might not understand, or how slow I might be, then I'll be fine. I'd love to hear about your experience with Japan/Japanese, and to...