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  1. I

    A quote from Dalai Lama

    I happened to read a bit about Dalai Lama and found one of his quote to be very inspiring. I'd like to share it with you. He said, ” Everyday, think as you wake up, ‘today I am fortunate to have woken up, I am alive, I have a precious human life, I am not going to waste it. I am going to use...
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    Why buy DVDs?

    Question for everyone: Why do you keep on buying DVDs when you will watch it a few times in your life-time and there will be much more movies coming out in our lifetime as well? I'm thinking about these people who has over 400 movies in their collections and they keep on buying more...
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    Volunteering for the animals

    Has anyone got stories to share about their experiences in volunteering their times in helping out animals of all kinds? or is anyone planning on doing so? I have been in contact with the animal shelter by the airport in my area and they have been asking for numerous of volunteers to help...
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    Japan celebrates a baby - bag of rice

    Weird Rice Bag Babies Go Against the Grain Posted June 10th, 2008 by Steve Levenstein One famous tradition when celebrating the birth of a new baby calls for the handing out of cigars. Things are different in...
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    Kono biiru wa ikura desu ka?

    (How much is this beer?) Hey you all. Checking it out