Search results

  1. missLsej

    Boy Charged For Meowing At Neighbor Lady

    If she can change the boy for a misdemeanor, then I can charge Meow Mix Cat Food for their commercial. So silly. Meow, Meow, Meow, Meow Meow, Meow, Meow, Meow Meow, Meow, Meow, Meow MEOW, Meow, Meow, Meow
  2. missLsej

    How do you write from ASL to english grammer?

    Everyone is right here, write a lot, read a lot, practice and get friends to proof read, use grammar checker on computer and proof read for yourself. I grew up oral and reading anything I could get my hands on so when I sit down to write I have a pretty good sense of what I want to say in...
  3. missLsej

    Rinko Kikuchi in Babel

    Maybe some directors are scared to word with Deaf actors (How would I get my directions across? I'll have to change positioning JUST from them, etc.)
  4. missLsej

    Jealousy Quiz Test..

    I don't have a significant other...
  5. missLsej


    Build an Igloo. :)
  6. missLsej

    after 2007 years later, James Cameron found Jesus Christ and his son.

    Where does it say Christ was married? Surely something so important as Jesus being married would be in the Bible or some other respected text from that time? Did you know that this is not the first time the name "Yeshua son of Joseph" has been found on an ossuary? Did you know that...
  7. missLsej

    Student, 16, Finds Allies in His Fight Over Religion

    Always need to remember that the Bible was written at a time when science was not used to research history. Stories were written to explain things not understood but now we know better. In a public school no teacher should be teaching anything other than facts in a textbook (but not forget...
  8. missLsej

    Show off your desktop v.711

    My current. I LOVE this artist.
  9. missLsej

    bad news in my family

    My candle tonight will be for your family moonflower.
  10. missLsej

    Iced Tea or Hot Tea?

    Hot tea, Iced tea, Hot Iced tea (crystals) I love it all :)
  11. missLsej

    Hello every one.

    Welcome Irene.
  12. missLsej

    Very new, and quite daunted...........

    Welcome Izzy. I play mostly guitar and sing, though I sometimes play Irish Penny Whistles. I can hear those w/o aids so they are good to have. With my guitar I sometimes use vibration from the guitar to "hear" what I'm playing. But most of the time I rely on technology like acevalentine...
  13. missLsej

    An interpreter for a wedding....

    Soooo sorry you frustrated :( Maybe you can get someone you know to pay for interpreters as wedding gift? (Just a though) Def. not cheap, interpreters.
  14. missLsej

    G'day !!!

    WHAT? :dunno: All I did was welcome you. I just didn't want you to think I'm from Australia.
  15. missLsej

    Newbie here

  16. missLsej

    deaf, CI and HA safety issues

    It's good to be careful around streets, etc. I was warned many times when I didn't hear cars coming down the road. But don't over protect. It can go one of two ways. 1) Resentment.Anger. I have spent several years getting past my resentment towards family because of over protection. or 2)...
  17. missLsej

    Video shows rats running wild in KFC

    :barf: Glad I don't order from KFC or Taco Bell!
  18. missLsej

    G'day !!!

    G'day mate from Canada.
  19. missLsej

    Hearing Dogs/Cats

    Sorry you lost him. How did he become a "hearing cat" for you? Did it because?
  20. missLsej

    Picture Battle

    Antipsychotic drugs make everybody feel good.