Recent content by suzanne

  1. S

    How long do your batteries last when using an FM system?

    hmmmmm..........maybe I will purchase a pack of power one. I am assuming they can be bought at a walmart or wallgreens? I have actually tried them before but they expired by a year or so....we got them for free at a deaf/hoh event. They were giving them away!! But they didnt last very long of...
  2. S

    Signing Santa Claus at Woodfield Mall today

    We just took our 2 kids to a signing santa last weekend! So much fun. This weekend we are headed to another one in a different town. They are great events my son who is almost 9 months loved santa more than I thought.
  3. S

    How long do your batteries last when using an FM system?

    No we use rayovac....I get them from the audiologist. The left ear will last over a week when she is not using her FM. But when she goes to school the left one dies at 3-4 days top then time for a new battery. It is frustrating. Phonak said that is normal cause her one aid is powerful it needs...
  4. S

    How long do your batteries last when using an FM system?

    my daughter goes through 4 batteries a week! she uses her fm at school only too. she has phonak naidas her left ear is worse so that goes dead first more powerful aid
  5. S

    School FM systems? HELP!

    every battery I use are brand new straight from my audiologist. I have checked the experation date before. The DHH teacher and school audiologist check her fm and aids 2 times a week. She doesnt switch aids ever she wears her same aids all the time but any fixing or repairs to her...
  6. S

    Hearing mom with deaf toddler, AB Canada

    This is what I mean.....misdiagnosed. This is why newborn hearing screens are done.
  7. S

    Hearing mom with deaf toddler, AB Canada

    most parents that have deaf children are hearing themselves. So if the Newborn hearing screening was not there parents could go years not knowing why there child isnt speaking or developing listening skills. I have heard many stories of children being misdiagnosed when all it was is deafness...
  8. S

    Hearing mom with deaf toddler, AB Canada

    My daughter has a moderate/severeprofound loss and greatly benefits from aids. Did he not pass new born screening at birth? Usually they give the test before they leave. That is how we found out our daughter had a hearing loss. You can call a pediatric audiologist and make an appt. for an ABR...
  9. S

    Issues with Phonak Dynamic FM

    my daughters fm for school is by phonak .....and it shuts off her aid. then sometimes it doesnt go into easy fm mode so there is no connection. so the fm isnt even working! we just went today for an appt. recievers is what im being told aswell. but her fm is school use only we dont use it at...
  10. S

    Concerned mom looking for support...

    We just started skype sessions with my son he is almost 8 months old. we live far from any deaf school but im sure if you call one of your choice they would do skype sessions . Also they should send you tons of info. aswell. Right now its very basic stuff. She is little so just start signing...
  11. S

    Born with severe to profound hearing loss; hearing aids only

    My daughter loves to have different color ear molds also stickers to put on her hearing aids. She is not afraid to wear her hair up either to show them off. when kids ask her she says they are my hearing aids they help me hear. end of story and she continues to play. Confidence I want to keep...
  12. S

    Born with severe to profound hearing loss; hearing aids only

    thanks for doing this for me Karissa :ty:
  13. S

    Why are you deaf?

    my 2 children are deaf due to connexin 26 (GJB2) husband and I both carry the gene we are only carriers so we are hearing. But when we have children we have 25% that they will be deaf/hoh. It is a 1 in 200 chance that their children will be deaf/hoh only if their spouse carries the...
  14. S

    to those BORN with severe-profound hearing loss

    I am just flat out giving up on this thread and will never post another one. This is ridiculous that I have to babysit this thread to make sure who is born with this severity of loss and who is not. So continue to argue ........I had a not so welcoming experience and a hurtful message thrown on...