School FM systems? HELP!


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May 10, 2012
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My daughter is a 1st grader and has had a FM system at school since kindergarten.

She has phonak aids with the easy FM system. With boots that we connect to her aids. On the weekends her hearing aids work great but once she goes to school and they use the FM system she comes home with one aid or both off. So she is not hearing anything. Our team at school is great with checking them but we cant figure out why this happens.

I have changed batteries that day and she will come home from school and one aid or both will be off. Now if I open and close the battery door when she gets home for the night they work just fine. Somedays they will both be working other days this will happen its random and annoying.

I dont get it. We have had this issue since kindergarten. With her aids "shutting off" even with a new battery. On the weekends we leave the boots on and they are great till school.

I have sent them into phonak and called them. I have called my audiologist at the school her ENTaudiologist aswell DHH teacher. Still happens. I know its the transmitter but we have sent it in to phonak with her aids all together for a complete overall twice and still happens.

So my question is has anyone or their child had this problem with their FM at school........Any advice would be great. thanks
Is she turning them off?

You could try and turn off the EasyFM. I don't have trouble with it but I know some people have real trouble with EasyFM.
Is she turning them off?

You could try and turn off the EasyFM. I don't have trouble with it but I know some people have real trouble with EasyFM.

No she is 6 and doesnt turn them off....the battery door is always shut when she gets home. Maybe it is the easy FM causing the aids to turn off. I should ask .....thanks
Does she have an aide or teacher who takes the fm receivers off at the end of the school day, does she remove the receivers herself, or does she wear them home attached to her HAs? Could the staff members who check them throughout the day be inadvertently switching them off by removing the boot but not resetting the HA at the end of the day? My daughter's CIs don't turn on or off when we insert the fm boots, but they do automatically switch programs to one set up specifically to get a good mix from the fm system and the classroom around her. Maybe your HAs are similar but there's something wrong with the telecoil or fm program setting?
maybe it's time for the transmitter upgrade? I upgraded to the Inspiro freshman year *it's made by Phonak* and loved it!!!
I kinda have that trouble with the boots too but hopefully I'll be careful where I'm sliding it on LOL
She wears the boots home all school year. But summertime they come off. The aids are great during summer and even on the weekends like now her aids have no problems. this week I have had them shut off 2 times. I change her batteries like 3 times a week!!! we get good batteries too no off brand ones. It is just during the school days it happens at random too. Its so weird ,frustrating and confusing for everyone. I have sent the whole thing in hearing aids and FM at once and said do an overhaul or whatever it is that you do. I tell them the problem and still happens. at least once a week. usually its the left ear which she doesnt even noticed that its off cause its her "bad ear" so she doesnt know when its off. I turn it back on and ask if she hears better her response is.."a little"
she relys on her right ear. I open and close the battery door and we are on for the rest of the night with no problem. I dont know.
She wears the boots home all school year. But summertime they come off. The aids are great during summer and even on the weekends like now her aids have no problems. this week I have had them shut off 2 times. I change her batteries like 3 times a week!!! we get good batteries too no off brand ones. It is just during the school days it happens at random too. Its so weird ,frustrating and confusing for everyone. I have sent the whole thing in hearing aids and FM at once and said do an overhaul or whatever it is that you do. I tell them the problem and still happens. at least once a week. usually its the left ear which she doesnt even noticed that its off cause its her "bad ear" so she doesnt know when its off. I turn it back on and ask if she hears better her response is.."a little"
she relys on her right ear. I open and close the battery door and we are on for the rest of the night with no problem. I dont know.

that's weird. at least it's like halloween.
My daughter is a 1st grader and has had a FM system at school since kindergarten.

She has phonak aids with the easy FM system. With boots that we connect to her aids. On the weekends her hearing aids work great but once she goes to school and they use the FM system she comes home with one aid or both off. So she is not hearing anything. Our team at school is great with checking them but we cant figure out why this happens.

I have changed batteries that day and she will come home from school and one aid or both will be off. Now if I open and close the battery door when she gets home for the night they work just fine. Somedays they will both be working other days this will happen its random and annoying.

I dont get it. We have had this issue since kindergarten. With her aids "shutting off" even with a new battery. On the weekends we leave the boots on and they are great till school.

I have sent them into phonak and called them. I have called my audiologist at the school her ENTaudiologist aswell DHH teacher. Still happens. I know its the transmitter but we have sent it in to phonak with her aids all together for a complete overall twice and still happens.

So my question is has anyone or their child had this problem with their FM at school........Any advice would be great. thanks

What's the batteries' expiration date? I used to have annoying probably when my hearing aids constantly beeps to tell me to change batteries due to dying. I knew how long the battery last and that was a week and a half normally. My audiologist told me it is because of the fact the batteries I was using was not 4 years from now. The batteries I had were useless. It must be four years from now for the expiration date.

Ever since he had told me, I never had a problem with my hearing aid batteries ever again. I would buy the batteries that is in 2016. So, try checking into that and see. Plus, inform your audiologist on the batteries' expiration date as well. Not all audiologists are aware of this and it is important to share this fact.

Plus, be sure there isn't annoying sound your daughter may be hearing from the FM system. If she hears some strange noise like static or any form of different noises, then I would advise on making sure the microphone wire is straighten out to clear the noises away.

Talk to her about how she feels with the FM system and what kind of problems she may feel. Sometimes, it's a lot to expect out of a child to wear an FM system, especially when it wears you out before half a day gets to you. She may not be comfortable with the idea of using them and you might need to explain why it is important.

Is there someone helping her with the taking off the hearing aids and the FM system? At her starting age, she may not be into the whole routine and she should have someone set the hearing aids up with the FM system as well as taking them off.

At first, I always I had to change hearing aids over to FM system - mind you, they're old FM system - where I had to take off my hearing aids, put on the FM harnesses, and the FM system onto me. I didn't have a problem until I wasn't hearing the way I wanted to hear. That's when I felt no need to use them and complain about them. I would often feel better using the hearing aids instead. Of course, by the time I was 11 years old, they gave me a new set of FM system and it felt a bit better. It was better than the old technology they gave me and the newer one was only requiring to wear a belt. The wiring to the hearing aids is a hassle, but I enjoyed the better sound to somewhat. As I got older, there were noises that got me distracted in class. I complained and they struggled to find out what was wrong.

They gave me a new one before I entered to middle school and turned into wireless FM system. It's not perfect, but less hassle with the wires. The issues were the static noises and it was very distracting. I often try to use less of the transmitter because I felt independent to pay attention in class and I have more energy.

I went through a lot of issues from middle school through the end of high school. The FM receiver's metal part were sometimes missing pieces or broke or wasn't connecting to the hearing aids due to being too loose. Static interference were too much to focus on, so I often turn them off to keep focus in class and only turned it on when the class got noisy and I was trying to have a conversation with the teacher.

Plus, I help out a lot with my Deaf teacher/speech teacher to give them an understanding what their students are dealing with on the FM system. It helps out when I advise on the fact batteries are easily drained out. In fact, I was spoiled to be given two FM system because one kept getting sent in to get fix or the batteries would die off quickly, so I would only use them half of the day.

Other times, I wouldn't like what I hear or not clear enough. I would just stop using it and focus in class.

Talk to your daughter and see it from her point of view. She may know what is going on. Or, maybe some of my experiences are already answering for you. I hope everything works out well for you.
every battery I use are brand new straight from my audiologist. I have checked the experation date before. The DHH teacher and school audiologist check her fm and aids 2 times a week. She doesnt switch aids ever she wears her same aids all the time but any fixing or repairs to her recievers/boots or fm that is done through the school. they send it in pay for it. Any other basic repairs we pay for which never has happend. we take good care of her aids and never had to send them in. but this fm is really getting to me! the shutting off happens at random so its hard to pin piont it. but the recievers and fm or getting sent it somewhere else to see what the deal is. such a long process. the aid that shuts off is her "bad ear" so she cant tell when its off. so that means she cant tell us when it happens which is hard. her teacher checks her aids before and after they switch class or have lunch. my daughter just gently pulls on the tube and the teacher listens for feedback. I will get it figured out!!!!! my daughter says she loves the fm.she helps me hear the teacher. i dont have to ask what did you say all the time. thanks guys for your input. her audiologist said the easy fm is sometimes a "problem child" she thinks that may be it.
every battery I use are brand new straight from my audiologist. I have checked the experation date before. The DHH teacher and school audiologist check her fm and aids 2 times a week. She doesnt switch aids ever she wears her same aids all the time but any fixing or repairs to her recievers/boots or fm that is done through the school. they send it in pay for it. Any other basic repairs we pay for which never has happend. we take good care of her aids and never had to send them in. but this fm is really getting to me! the shutting off happens at random so its hard to pin piont it. but the recievers and fm or getting sent it somewhere else to see what the deal is. such a long process. the aid that shuts off is her "bad ear" so she cant tell when its off. so that means she cant tell us when it happens which is hard. her teacher checks her aids before and after they switch class or have lunch. my daughter just gently pulls on the tube and the teacher listens for feedback. I will get it figured out!!!!! my daughter says she loves the fm.she helps me hear the teacher. i dont have to ask what did you say all the time. thanks guys for your input. her audiologist said the easy fm is sometimes a "problem child" she thinks that may be it.

There is a couple I remember that caused my hearing aids to shut down and that was the setting of the classroom. A child and teacher with the FM system cannot be nearby anything metal, magnetic, computer, door, or window since it's disrupt the connection.

The other situation was the microphone's fuzz ball thing. That can also trigger the turn off either FM system/receiver/hearing aids as well. Usually that's a small case.

For the anything metal or magnetic, it's usually like cabinet or something the teachers could be holding a magnetic that goes up to the white board/erase board.

If it's really a problem child, then you need to ensure your daughter that it's okay she can be truthful about the FM - not that I am claiming she is lying or anything. Sometimes, she would just "avoid" saying it or feels like she would get in trouble for not liking something. However, that's just a saying. You don't have to take that personally. In a sense, a child fears what they are doing is risky and thinks this would get them in huge trouble. They cover it up the truth and feels safer this way. I used to think I would get in trouble for turning off the FM system in gym class, when the truth is, I didn't want to deal with the noises that bothered me the most. No one took the time to realize that until I got older. It's something that might help to run by.

I hope you guys figure out what's the situation is. FM system can be a hassle sometimes, but don't give up!
FM system can be a hassle sometimes
Agreed. It might be a good tool, but indeed malfunction etc is the exact reason why FM device should NOT be used ALL the time. It's technology. It fails easily..There are many other alternatives to functioning without an FM (and while FM can be useful in a classroom situation, out of classroom there are many many other alternatives) ...and I'm not bashing the orgional post....just bringing this up for any parents or anyone lurking.
One of the things I hate about FM is the fact that it's recommended as a universal pancea. I remember a former poster (who has a lot of experience with dhh issues) saying that in her experience most young dhh folks do not really get a lot of benift out of FM.
my daughter says she loves the fm.she helps me hear the teacher. i dont have to ask what did you say all the time
. The key is experimenting and seeing what works best for the kid......nothing wrong with that.
and Suzanne, she's just using it in a classroom situation right? You know......maybe a good idea might be to try alternative methods like circle seating etc......
You know............I wonder. There was research indicating that having a soundfield system benifited EVERYONE in the classroom.....I think that schools could invest in soundfield systems for EVERYONE.....
You know............I wonder. There was research indicating that having a soundfield system benifited EVERYONE in the classroom.....I think that schools could invest in soundfield systems for EVERYONE.....

I like that kind of view. I really did enjoy it when I had this teacher who has her own personal microphone/speaker on her and everyone can hear her just fine. She even uses it on a field trip by making the speaker's volume louder and everyone has no problem. It was FM system free for me, but it benefits for the students as well. Everyone loves her and get the big kick out of her and no one misheard anything in that class. It ease most of the trouble.

I even had two teachers who spoke very loudly, everyone is able to enjoy the class as well, and no one ask much of repeat. I didn't even have to give them an FM system at all! Their voices were loud enough for few outside classrooms to hear and it helps to make the difference.

FM system has its own pros and cons, we just need to work a little bit with the cons situation.