Recent content by LittleCat

  1. LittleCat

    Dental work and hearing

    Thanks for the info! I do turn my HA's off or I get huge feedback type noise. I have a REALLY good dentist in that she understands I will then hear less than usual. She make a point to pull her mask down so I see her lips regardless if my HA's are on or off, and she never talks to me while...
  2. LittleCat

    Dental work and hearing

    I have severe bilateral loss in both ears and use HA's. Yesterday I go to the dentist for a root canal on the tooth next to the front one on the top right side. It went fine but my right ear feels full, like the volume on my HA isn't enough, but is at same usual setting. Does anyone know if...
  3. LittleCat

    Open fit vs. regular earmolds?

    I tried open fit and it definitly didn't give me enough-I have severe loss in both ears. So I now have really deep ear molds and they work much better for me, I was surprised by the huge difference
  4. LittleCat

    I Have A Question For People Who Wear Hearing Aids.

    I need to wear my HA's for work and I actually really like them. But once I get home if I am not going to use the phone or go back out I take em out. I also prefer to use closed captioning rather than use my HA's for TV. I usually trun them off when I go into places like Target, Safeway...
  5. LittleCat

    Getting hearing aids for the first time...

    You will be surprised at how many people don't notice your HA's. I have very short hair and I have purple earmolds....and I assume everyone notices them but they don't.
  6. LittleCat

    What's Your Favorite Sign?

    Window shopping!
  7. LittleCat

    gay like me?

    gay, boyish lookin butch dyke yep.
  8. LittleCat

    How Gay Are You?

    60% gay-a 'well adjusted lesbian babe.' right on....'cept I do like 'dyke' far more tham 'lesbian'
  9. LittleCat

    May as well try to figure this out...

    *Because I sometimes feel like girls are just too difficult to find and too much work* :bowlol: I totally agree! And when ya find a good one, they want to move right in with you Straight women who think the men are hard to figure out have NEVER tried to figure out a woman!!
  10. LittleCat

    Creative ways to answer this....

    I actually had a co-worker ask if he could borrow my ears for a day. I tell him I don't think purple look good on him. He says no, he doesn't want my HA's, just my ears. I say huh? He says he just wants a day of peace and quiet:giggle:
  11. LittleCat

    What Ticks You Off (Most) About Hearies?

    When someone turns away when talking to me-the worst is when they keep turning and talking over and over....I will NOT chase your mouth When people notice my HA's and start talking as loud as they can and usually over ununciating. When hearies assume because I have HA's that we cannot...
  12. LittleCat

    Creative ways to answer this....

    I'm guessing I am not the only hoh/deaf person who wears HA's or CI when upon asking someone to repeat themselves, let me see thier mouth so I can better 'hear' them or any other way say "hey I have trouble in the hearing department," and the person comes back with a variation of: "Oh, I know...
  13. LittleCat

    May as well try to figure this out...

    I found that while I was in process of coming out-and for me it was definitly a process:run: One day I think I like men, the next day women, the day after I liked both. Eventually, when I just kinda let go of my (fears?) obsession of needing to figure it out-it sorted itself out. And it sorted...
  14. LittleCat

    Sore eardrums

    Five days ago I got new earmolds and they are quite deep and very snug-the audi explained that this is best for me. I have noticed midway through day my eardrums are sore. They feel better over night. Is this normal reaction to deep(er) molds with a really snug fit? Is this something I will...
  15. LittleCat

    Are you happy with your deafness?

    I lost my hearing at 15 monthes old-so I don't know what 'normal' hearing would be. With my HA's in, I hear sometimes waaaaay to much. There are times I really struggle to understand what someone is saying-especially if they are not speaking clear, this frustrates me sometimes. On the other...