Creative ways to answer this....


New Member
Jan 12, 2008
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I'm guessing I am not the only hoh/deaf person who wears HA's or CI when upon asking someone to repeat themselves, let me see thier mouth so I can better 'hear' them or any other way say "hey I have trouble in the hearing department," and the person comes back with a variation of: "Oh, I know what you mean! I can hardly hear a thing these days!" And they are clearly hearing person.

Anyone have creative/humorous way of replying to what I think of as negating my experience as a deaf person??

Last time someone said this to me I offered them my HA's!!! They didn't quite know what to say to that!:bowlol:
That is very funny. I don't know how to tell jokes between hearing and deaf people. I am not that good, but when I was in the Deaf Club or Deaf bowling, any Deaf person would try to put a deaf and hearing jokes and we all laugh because it is really funny when you think about it. I know what you mean. Maybe Authenic can come up with the deaf and hearing jokes. Good luck. :wave:
LittleCat, I've always been known for saying "would you like to borrow my hearing aid?" when my hearing friends say "what?" or mishear something.....LOL
I actually had a co-worker ask if he could borrow my ears for a day. I tell him I don't think purple look good on him. He says no, he doesn't want my HA's, just my ears. I say huh? He says he just wants a day of peace and quiet:giggle:
LittleCat, I've always been known for saying "would you like to borrow my hearing aid?" when my hearing friends say "what?" or mishear something.....LOL

I do that all the time! it's funny to see their "deer in headlights look"
I did that once to my coach who was older and nearing retirement age in junior high. He had that puzzled 'deer in headlights' look. Then just laughed and shook his head. He was one of the cool coaches even though he was more old-school and very clear about it.
I dont think I have ever had a hearing person tell me that they understood cuz they have trouble hearing sometimes. If they do, I will tell them to request a terp. LOL!