Getting hearing aids for the first time...


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Feb 25, 2008
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Okay, I'm 14 years old and have to get hearing aids for the first time in my life... any advice???

Um have some tylenol with u when u first get them! lol headaches are not un-common to get when u first get ur ha's. Don't let ppl tell u have to get dinky aids that don't have much power..have u picked out wat style u want yet? bte, ite, cic,or itc? Everyone is diff but for the most part the first week ,or depending on how u see fit, wear for a couple hours at a time and then gradually get to wearing them all day.
If you have animals put ur ha's in the case when your done, i've already lost one due to my cat hiding it on me lol...I got mine last summer and Im almost 19 so i kinda understand getting them when ur a teen...hope that helps a bit
if u have any qs feel free to ask:)
I'm getting over the ear... I'm scared what people are going to say, seeing as how I'm going to be a... Sophmore- I don't know how my boyfriend is going to respond it either...
Give them time. Somtimes it takes a while for others to post.

I have been wearing heairng aids for so long and I can't remember when I first started wearing hearing aids.

Only advice I can think of is don't expect too much at once, Just take it slow and nothing wrong with wearing it few hours at a time..

OO don't worry bout what others think. Listen (no pun intended) :P if people look at u that much differently after u get ha's then really u dont need them as friends. Thats incl ur bf. My bf didn't care that i had to get has, he even likes the fact that i pretend sometimes i'm in the cia lmao..that was when i first got them. I have clear molds with black casing (bte)or over the ear however u like to say. And ppl rarely notice cuz my hair is down most of the time..and even when it isn't idc if ppl see..i'd rather ppl know i have hearing problems then not and talk really fast and not annunciate etc.
Can you tell me what's your hearing loss is? Mild, moderate, severe or profound? What's your short history of hearing loss?
First time hearing aid wearer.... hmm don't even worry about how it look nobody ever notice! I have cochlear implant and fine hair and bright pink color and strange wire with coil stick to my head and nobody even notice it even if I wore my hair up!
Of course unless they already knew about it they'll be like "oh cool" trust me its nothing to worry about :)
What to expect? Hmm everything being loud! Haha honestly that's always common with people going "OMG! Its loud!" and it can be frustrating and tiring experience and want it to be quiet again but sorry I have to say it but tough it out and wear it much as you can it will become better and after while you'll feel like its normal thing like liltalia she was worried about how it look and stuff and after while she lost her hearing aid she felt naked without it so you'll become used to it.
liltalia she was worried about how it look and stuff and after while she lost her hearing aid she felt naked without it so you'll become used to it.

oh ya lol i felt soo naked! it was horrible..i got so use to it and relying on it and then i didnt have it for 3 weeks and i honestly felt naked there are a couple things i HAVE to have when i leave the house :
1. A bra on..i hate braless
2. My Hearing aid
3. my promise ring my bf gave me
4. My purse and Cell phone
without those..i feel so deprived lmao

oh and same q as skullchick, wats ur hearing loss?in db and is it mild, moderate, severe, profound? were u born with it orwas it sudden?
i've already lost one due to my cat hiding it on me lol...
I remmy very well how self conscious I was about wearing aids as a young teen.
I even got the old lady ITE ones, b/c I was so self conscious about them.
However, despite what the advertising would have you think, BTEs aren't that obvious. I mean from the promotion for the dinkies, you would think that BTEs were as obvious as an earhorn, or one of those big bulky "harness worn" HAs. One thing that can help is attitude............Act like the aids are something cool. If you act like they are cool, people will see them as cool.
Second of all, have you contacted any dhh organizations? You might be able to get together with other dhh teens. It can be kinda lonely at small schools, thinking you're the only dhh kid in the world. You could also request to be transferred to a school with a formal dhh program.
i know it was a major tragedy actually haha my mom was not pleased, she was soo mad at me cuz a few days earlier she had told me to stop leaving it on the table...but ya i was yelling and crying at my cat to give it bak to me and to go get it and she was just staring at me lol i wass soo mad..thank god it was covered under my warranty(one year) if it's lost stolen or damaged incl water basically i fell under all the above..cuz i bet she tried to steal it, it was lost, and she stole it lol..oo well..i have a new one so im happy:)

Anyways bak to the subj. bte's are the best cuz if ur loss is progressive like mine u dont have to one day be like oo crap this doenst have enuf power, i need a new aid. where as bte's always have more power to begin with than other in the ear styles. Everyone thinks that my ha's are cool, which is great. I let my bf try it once and put it on and they were like WOAHHH this is cool. So they see it as a cool thing and to me it's an added bonus that i can hear:) lol u can even get colored ones if u want..but i doubt u will just cuz u dont want them o be noticed. Mine is black with a clear mold. but u can at least get a colored mold if u want! :D
I'm getting over the ear... I'm scared what people are going to say, seeing as how I'm going to be a... Sophmore- I don't know how my boyfriend is going to respond it either...

As has been said, more likely than not, nobody will even notice, especially if it's coloured to your skin (or in some cases, your hair)

If you don't want to go for blending in, you could go for a confident and out there colour- depending on the one you're getting, there's usually a pretty wide selection of colours ranging from blonde to lime green and bright pink. Also, you might be able to get coloured earmolds, as well. There are several retailers of hearing aid "jewlery" ranging from slip-on designs like bat-wings to intricate arrangements of jewels.

If people do notice, remember, it's all about confidence. If you think there's nothing wrong with it and make that clear, chances are, that's what others will think.
Oh, one HUGE advantage of being hoh is that you can turn off your hearing aids on people. Most of the people who aren't accepting of differences, tend to think we can't hear anything without aids............
=] I'm Mild - I've been getting audiology reports since I was 6... The dude who looked at my reports was like "Yea- her dad has it, she has it to..."
Thanks for the advice... =3
o well no matter mild or moderate you still miss out on certain things. Do you know if it is progessive? You can sometimes have fun with ha's I said it's fun to turn them off when u just dont wan't to listen and tune ppl out.
I don't know if you are interested but you could always learn asl too. I think's its a great advantage to know asl. I only know some basic signs and it helps me sometimes when i serve deaf ppl instead of using a pad and pen for them to tell me what the would like (i work p/t at a bank)
So when do u get ur ha's and do you know what brand your getting and type like Oticon- delta, or phonak -claro, etc etc.
Ptsh, your boyfriend is a jerk if he reacts wrongly towards your HA's. I've dated all hearing guys... My current boyfriend loves my HA and my CI. My HA gives feedback when he plays with my hair... it makes us laugh.
Don't be nervous. Take some tylenol before hand and communicate with your audi. Tell her you want it louder or softer, that's what he/she is there for. HA's are NOT "one sound fits all". Its about you and your preferences.
ya u usually have to go for some tweaking before you get the right sounds you want and what your preferences..i only had to go twice b4 i thought my ha was perfect
My HA gives feedback when he plays with my hair...
Does it go off during.....ummmmm "certain" moments? LOL...........
Littlecreek, do you know any other dhh teens? It can really make a HUGE difference to know you're not alone. Especially since high school can be awful for people who are "different"
Does it go off during.....ummmmm "certain" moments? LOL...........
Littlecreek, do you know any other dhh teens? It can really make a HUGE difference to know you're not alone. Especially since high school can be awful for people who are "different"

haha... yeah it does. It's a whistleblower! He thinks its hot that I'm a "metal head."
You will be surprised at how many people don't notice your HA's. I have very short hair and I have purple earmolds....and I assume everyone notices them but they don't.