Sore eardrums


New Member
Jan 12, 2008
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Five days ago I got new earmolds and they are quite deep and very snug-the audi explained that this is best for me. I have noticed midway through day my eardrums are sore. They feel better over night.
Is this normal reaction to deep(er) molds with a really snug fit? Is this something I will likely adjust to??

I never could adjust to the longer ones.... and if I was on the telephone for more than 2 mins, my eardrums were SO dore it was too painful! After wearign molds for 30 years, and knowing what I liked, I was quite a difficult person to fit.

things have changed a lot .... the silicone impressions are much tighter fitting than when they used to use the powder and chemical to mix them..

have them draw a mark on the canal to mark the length that is comfortable.... if they get a nice tight fit with the length comfortable, it shouldn't be noticeable to you at all.

Last time I listened to my audi tell me it wasn ormal, my poor ears ended up with an infection from the irritation they received... which took 2 months of meds to clear up....

Granted, I admit your audi is not lying when she says they are best if longer..... it carries the sound closer to your eardrum.... but there's a lot to say for comfort.... and the ability to SMILE without them being painful.
Only time I get sore ear drums is from the COLD weather when i am outside too long my ears start popping it hurts geez, also not to mention when I fly out in the plane,, my ears drums hurt too so I had to chew gums to help prevent that.
Before I got implanted, my ear molds would make my ears itch and it drove me crazy and I was often scratching my ears and this was when I wore two has.

It wasn't till I got a latex free mold that my ears stopped itching.
Five days ago I got new earmolds and they are quite deep and very snug-the audi explained that this is best for me. I have noticed midway through day my eardrums are sore. They feel better over night.
Is this normal reaction to deep(er) molds with a really snug fit? Is this something I will likely adjust to??


If it is still uncomfortable, return them and get new ones. S/he probably did it because snug fit molds will help lessen the aid from ringing. Every ear is shaped different...whatever the reason, it should be comfortable enough for you to wear as often as you want. Also, see if Otiofoam would's a cream I use on audiologist ordered it for me...