Recent content by bearmom

  1. B

    Hello All :)

    Glad to meet you Dizzy Izzy What a great name! How did you get it? How old are your kids? Mine are 14 and 12. Your dog is doing very well learning sign! Bearmom :applause:
  2. B

    my sister & drugs "Paraphernalia and crack-cocain

    Leibling, My husband's sister is a drug addict. Somehow she has never gone to rehab or been arrested. While her father was alive, he bailed her out of all her trouble. After he died, she took out several credit cards in his name, ran up $60,000. Unfortunately, her mother did not turn her in...
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    Helpful Hints

    :giggle: I love all the helpful hints. The mousetrap on the alarm clock would be a good one in my house. My kids leave for school at 7 am and none of us like getting up in the morning. Bearmom
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    New to AD

    AJ That made me feel old. Wait. I am!!! Most of the students in my classes are young enough to be my children. They tease me about being the mom of the class. They never make me feel left out even though I'm so much older. They are very encouraging to me when I sign. Last week for my ASL class...
  5. B


    Sherry, Both my kids are in middle school and I still smile when they get back home. It doesn't ever go away how a mother feels about her children. Saw Dr. Phil this morning talking to parents whose kids have left for college. Try to spend the time that he is gone to school doing something for...
  6. B

    I went away for the weekend, I am back!

    Hi, I am new to AD. I read your post about your trip to NYC. Sounds like you had a great trip. I have only been to NYC once, almost 30 years ago. I would be nervous flying there even though I know thousands of people do it everyday. Were there lots of people at the walk-a-thon? It sounds like...
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    I love the carton you posted. Poor Big Bird. Happy Thanksgiving to our neighbors to the north. I have been searching for Thanksgiving decorations. All I can find are scarecrows and fall colored leaves. What happened to pilgrims? And turkeys? Bearmom
  8. B

    New to AD

    Thanks for the welcomes. I love all the art work you all put in your replies. Maybe I'll get brave and try some for my posts in the future. Bearmom
  9. B

    New to AD

    Hi. I am new to AD. I am a student in interpreting. This is my third semester back at school after a 20 year break. I have been married for 21 years, 2 teenagers and 2 cats ( Dusty, almost 9 years old and diabetic and Missy, 2 years old). I am really enjoying learning ASL and about Deaf...
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    Deaf Traditions

    Hello, I am doing research on Deaf Traditions. I was hoping to see if anyone was willing to share their thoughts with me on this subject. I am also interviewing some Deaf students that I have met at the University that I go to. I am in an interpreting training program. Our program encourages...