I went away for the weekend, I am back!


New Member
Jan 20, 2004
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Hey peeps,
I flew to NY saturday and returned monday afternoon- I was busy catching up on e-mails. I left my laptop home because I was out busy when I was in NY, and not safe to leave it alone in hotel room because of more people breaking in hotel rooms when guests are not there. I will explain my trip later, but right now I am too tired- jetlag, and didn't get enough sleep while I was there.
:applause: WB! WB! and glad that you are safety returned home...

Sorry, no snow yet.. :giggle:
:) Welcome back home RachelEggert, and glad you had a great trip. Get lots of rest, want to hear all about your trip!!! Take care and glad you had a safe trip!!! :)
:applause: Welcome back Rachel, glad you had a safe trip! :hug:
It is my first time flying in 5 years! Also post 9/11, the airports are more strict with security, so I had to be checked on, but Jessica got checked on more because the metal decetor went off because of her dog's harness. People at the airoports are very nice and helpful.

I flew to NYC, that's right! I went there last saturday until yesterday. New York is totally different from MN, and the weather was too depressing- no sun! At least I am back in Sunny Minnesota! I arrived on saturday at LaGuardia Airport, it is very weird place besides Port Columbus airport in Ohio- we had to land and take off on the dock. The control tower look very odd- It have really strange shape and have black dots on it. NY is very different from Minnesota, highway system, for example. It is out of ordinary, and I felt like if I was in some foregin countries- if you go deep into upstate NY. Things cost too much there, I was very hungry when I arrived NYC, so I found Burger King- whoa! the food cost X2 or X3 than Minnesota! I had Whopper Jr which was only cheapest thing on the menu. We had to drive to hotel which is an hour away, in White Plains. We went there to register, check in, and took a tour around the hotel, then got ready for banquet. We went to reception before the banquet, and met lots of people, and then had great dinner, and heard some people speaking and awarding prizes. I was so tired, so I went bed after the banquet.

Sunday, Oct 9th- I went to Franklin Delano Roosevelt State Park, which is in Yorktown Heights for Guiding Eyes for the Blind walk-a-thon, the weather was very cold and cloudy. My sister her dog walked too fast, and I couldn't catch up with them so I walked with my friend, Jean who is my sister's dog puppy raiser and is from Maine. After walked a lap, we went to watch Connecticut State Police K9 Demo, and it was fun. We also visited booths, and bought some souveniers. We returned to hotel, and ha dinner. Later that night we went to a party, and I met a couple of people who are very nice.

Monday- had to get up so early, went eat breakfast with Jean, and Jessica, then went back to room, and left for the airport- My flight was delayed, so we landed at 1:45 instead of 1:30 because people kept on getting on the plane and for some reasons I don't know. Before I flew, I bought NYPD t-shirt, and a sub from Nathan's since airlines won't feed people in Bulkhead and regular seats- First Class are spoiled because they get food, and more drinks!! I am glad I am back home! I may return to NY someday in near future.
Hi, I am new to AD. I read your post about your trip to NYC. Sounds like you had a great trip. I have only been to NYC once, almost 30 years ago. I would be nervous flying there even though I know thousands of people do it everyday.
Were there lots of people at the walk-a-thon? It sounds like an awesome trip.