Recent content by april1angel

  1. april1angel

    Sleep Signing?

    Yeah, I couldn't find it either.
  2. april1angel

    Sleep Signing?

    Oh, thanks Bottesini! I'll look for that.
  3. april1angel

    Sleep Signing?

    So, I just had a thought. Hearing people talk in their sleep sometimes, and some people sleepwalk, so are there D/deaf people who sign in their sleep? If there are, I wonder if it ever makes any sense or if it's just random signs.
  4. april1angel

    Looking to meet-up in Buffalo, NY

    Thank you, I already know about the Club and have been there for Wingo nights when I was in my class at Buff State, I just get nervous going to big events by myself when I'm still not comfortable with my signing abilities. This was more wondering if a local group had meets at a coffee shop or...
  5. april1angel

    Looking to meet-up in Buffalo, NY

    Hello! I'm a hearing girl from Buffalo, NY who has been learning ASL on and off over the past few years. I took a course at Buff State with Amy Crockford and I've also practiced a lot online. Unfortunately, I only know how to sign to others, I'm terrible at reading sign and I have no one to...
  6. april1angel

    Am I doing it right?

    So for my ASL class I'm taking this summer our project is to sign 5 questions, they can be whatever we like, in correct ASL grammar. If you guys could just give me some pointers, that would be great. 1) What time is your doctor's appointment? In ASL: You, doctor, appointment, when? 2)...
  7. april1angel

    "Hello" from Buffalo, NY

    Thank you!
  8. april1angel


    Oh, that makes a lot of sense. Thank you.
  9. april1angel

    How forgiving are you to students?

    This is a question that is somewhat related because I'm going to a deaf event in my city next week and I'm not completely sure about this: If someone doesn't know ASL very well but you can tell they're genuinely trying to communicate, do you care if they mouth the words as they sign them? Is it...
  10. april1angel

    Students Looking for ASL buddies

    Hello, I'm really interested in practicing my ASL with anyone who is patient enough to work with me. I've been practicing online for a while now, but I've just started my first ASL class recently and I still don't know much. I'd be willing to practice over Skype, my username is Monica12109...
  11. april1angel

    "Hello" from Buffalo, NY

    My skype name is Monica12109, just make sure you say you're from when you friend request me so I know. Are you deaf or hearing? I would like to chat either way but I'm just wondering :)
  12. april1angel


    So, I tried posting again and it worked. I guess it was my account that needed to be approved, not the thread. Sorry for the confusion.
  13. april1angel

    "Hello" from Buffalo, NY

    Hello, My name is Monica and I'm very new to learning about deaf culture, so please let me know if I offend anyone. I've been learning ASL bit by bit online for the past few years and now I've finally started taking an ASL 101 course at Buffalo State College. I'm here to learn and...
  14. april1angel

    Hearing people who are attracted to deaf people

    I'm hearing and I feel I can really relate to this. I don't think that I'm attracted to deaf people anymore than hearing people, but I've been finding myself looking for deaf friends over hearing friends because I really want to try and learn as much as I possibly can. I'm trying to learn ASL...
  15. april1angel


    Hello, I tried posting a thread in the "Introduce Yourself" forum and I don't think it posted. I knew it had to be approved, so I waited patiently, but now it's the next day and other people's posts are posted. I didn't want to post again for fear of it showing up twice. It my post was...