"Hello" from Buffalo, NY


New Member
Jun 6, 2012
Reaction score

My name is Monica and I'm very new to learning about deaf culture, so please let me know if I offend anyone. I've been learning ASL bit by bit online for the past few years and now I've finally started taking an ASL 101 course at Buffalo State College. I'm here to learn and communicate, and also to possibly meet up with anyone else in my area.

I'm attending an auction next week at St. Mary's School for the Deaf in Buffalo, but I was hoping that I could maybe get a head start on here if anyone is going to be there.

I've been really trying to work on the sentence structure in ASL lately, because it's so different from English sentence structure. If anyone wants to chat on Skype or is in the Buffalo area and wants to meet up sometime, that would be greatly appreciated.

I hope to spend a lot of time on this site just getting to know you all and learning as much as possible. If things go well I've even been thinking about becoming an interpreter, since I think I have the skills necessary to rework the sentence structure quickly, once I actually figure out how it works in ASL.

Thank you for your time, and please be patient with me.

My skype name is Monica12109, just make sure you say you're from alldeaf.com when you friend request me so I know. Are you deaf or hearing? I would like to chat either way but I'm just wondering :)
Welcome to AD, Monica!

Learning ASL can be challenging, as you may have felt. Always faster out there with local deaf people!

Good luck on your journey :thumb:
I added you on Skype. hopefully we can talk/sign there soon. looking forward to working on my ASL with you. to answer your question I am hearing.

If we dont talk before this weekend have fun at the auction.