God doesn't exist.

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Do you take my joke as being Satanist in other thread seriously?

I already stated in few threads that I don't beleive Satan's existance.

Why don't you try Ouija board and see what happens ? :whistle:
Maybe, you will believe Satan exists ....
Why don't you try Ouija board and see what happens ? :whistle:
Maybe, you will believe Satan exists ....

I experienced Ouija board once at long, long time ago with few of my co-workers before I was married. We tried for the fun. Yes I withnessed their scare after hear something. They do not mention Satan but Spirits. Unforunlately, I can't hear but accept my co-worker's description how/what they feel their spirits. No word about satan...
This thread is a perfect bad point of religion. Take notice to the fact people are quarreling amongst themselves over a being that probably and most certianly likely doesn't even exist at all. Let's all smite eachother in the name of the lord and flying spaghetti monster!
This thread is a perfect bad point of religion. Take notice to the fact people are quarreling amongst themselves over a being that probably and most certianly likely doesn't even exist at all. Let's all smite eachother in the name of the lord and flying spaghetti monster!

Aren't you a Realism? The Church of Reality website are good for you.

Church of Reality
This thread is a perfect bad point of religion. Take notice to the fact people are quarreling amongst themselves over a being that probably and most certianly likely doesn't even exist at all. Let's all smite eachother in the name of the lord and flying spaghetti monster!

Look, I agree with you that many horrible, terrible things have been done--and are being done--in the name of religion. That's a fact. But it's too much of a generalization to then say that all religious people are bad, or that religion, in general, is necessarily destructive. It sometimes is, but it need not be. I'm sure you know some religious people who're quite nice, would never hurt a fly, and are good folks to hang out with, don't you? I know I do. Religion can be fairly harmless and benign, or it can be harmful and destructive. But that's generally true of most ideologies.

Most religious people in this country--unless they're on the far right/Falwell/Pat Robertson types--are basically religious because that's their cultural heritage, it's what they know, and they don't give alternatives much thought. Or they find some peace of mind in believing the fantasy. But that doesn't make them horrible folks. It just makes them mistaken.
This thread is a perfect bad point of religion. Take notice to the fact people are quarreling amongst themselves over a being that probably and most certianly likely doesn't even exist at all. Let's all smite eachother in the name of the lord and flying spaghetti monster!

*nodding agreement*

That's why I don't have any religion.

All what I see is the believers are against each other over their beliefs.
how about unbiased faith directly from the Bible? It clearly states the one (yes only one) faith only.
*nodding agreement*

That's why I don't have any religion.

All what I see is the believers are against each other over their beliefs.

Well, I must admit that I got all mixing inside my feelings. I do angry with God for take my husband away from me and two sons. I did not understand why my marriage was only one year anniversary. Then, a month later - he gone. I had not chance to saying, good bye or kiss him.

I do not know if I will be seeing him again when I will die ? Where I will be going after I die ? It is difficult to evidence if anyone else of us will be seeing our great-grandparents, parents, silings, spouses, etc.. after we will die?? Cremation or Burial is a better for us ?? ugh ?

Donation our organs are sinner ? Help other people to recover their health when we will donate our healthy organs? It has been bothering me lately.

I don't know if I would donate my organs to other people. Will I enter God's exits?

Science has more evience than Bible... It is very confused for all of us ! Debate is not worth for me to waste my time. I did rather wait until I die. I will find out, where I am. I always want to be cremation and bury next to my husband in N.J. My ashes will be always be with him. That is my final wishes. I do not know where will I go after I die? I may recarinate into George Washington's or Abe Linclon's family. Who knows ?? My ashes will be last forever on the earth.

I really do not care what other people will do with my body when I will die.
Hypocrisy which means to say one thing but doing so under a false pretense, is an insulting word? Do you know of a better word that portrays the same meaning?

Who cares what my attitude is, as long as I'm conveying my points across the board without bashing the poster outright is a normal human characteristic.

Except we're not talking about behavior. Why is everyone jumping around the word BELIEF.

If a christian man of power bans gay marriage, and does so because of his christian beliefs, isn't that the same belief you christians hold as well? "Thou shall not lay with another man, etc etc" Or am I to understand that one christian's belief differs than of another christian's belief?

You have the same hypocrisy likewise. I know you are talking about beliefs. Some christians using it as like casting stone just like pharisee, "does not the law say....", conservation/extreme christians easily can pluck out the verse to show how "other" christians and non christians whatever sin the person commit that themselves (the one who casting stone) who doesn't commit that sin. Those kind of people grabbing throat on people instead of minister and support. What you quote, is in the behavior side. Beliefs is part of it, the problem most ignore, even tho, they admit is wrong, but worrying about "big" sin (extreme/conservative). Like Jerry Falwell and Pat Robertson, those I don't agree. My belief is why is it written, what is the culture, what is the person's behavior and etc. Conservative/extreme highly careless what culture, behaviors and etc, same as pharisees. The only same beliefs is who Jesus is, that is the main part of christianity.
The other problem science has more evidence than Bible? Not neccessarily. What I learn from science which lead me by saying, now I understand what the Bible is saying. Many do not get it
how about unbiased faith directly from the Bible? It clearly states the one (yes only one) faith only.

It's exactly that belief that inspired fear and killed millions of innocents in the name of the lord -sneer-


Frankly its so damn outdated as I said. Pity it's still practiced today, it's probably a corestone of racisim come to think it. The mentality of "hate anybody who is different"
God’s existence must be accepted by faith, God has also revealed Himself to us through His Word and the Bible and there is also evidence of God in our own hearts, how do I know God exists? because I speak to Him every day but I do not hear Him speaking back to me, but I sense His presence and I know His love and things have occurred in my life that have no other possible explanation other than God...Some of us know that God is real because He has revealed Himself to us in three ways: in creation, in His Word, and through His Son, Jesus...That's enough proof for me to believe that God really exists...
God’s existence must be accepted by faith, God has also revealed Himself to us through His Word and the Bible and there is also evidence of God in our own hearts, how do I know God exists? because I speak to Him every day but I do not hear Him speaking back to me, but I sense His presence and I know His love and things have occurred in my life that have no other possible explanation other than God...Some of us know that God is real because He has revealed Himself to us in three ways: in creation, in His Word, and through His Son, Jesus...That's enough proof for me to believe that God really exists...

You go girl!!!!!!:h5:
His only word is the bible and the bible is wrote by man, ergo God is a byproduct of man's imagination. The perfect lie starts with something you can't explain by logic with a dash of fear to make you sooner believe and the threat of death if you believe otherwise because you'd be considered a witch. The perfect lie ends with an open-end where nobody knows a date when he's coming back.

"Daddy's coming back one day sweetie..." No really, he's dead. Sorry, but he's staying dead. Ever see God? Angels? Prayers answered that aren't circumstancial? A miracle!? That's just simply beating the odds and it happens every day and by no divine powers. People don't come out of coma's cause God saved them when the doctors said they'd never. Using such thing to explain things you don't understand and to justify its existence is as silly as me using Jello to validate aliens exist because I don't understand how Jello is all jiggly weird and has a funky taste yet is edible. Also that whole "you go girl" what's up with that?
His only word is the bible and the bible is wrote by man, ergo God is a byproduct of man's imagination. The perfect lie starts with something you can't explain by logic with a dash of fear to make you sooner believe and the threat of death if you believe otherwise because you'd be considered a witch. The perfect lie ends with an open-end where nobody knows a date when he's coming back.

"Daddy's coming back one day sweetie..." No really, he's dead. Sorry, but he's staying dead. Ever see God? Angels? Prayers answered that aren't circumstancial? A miracle!? That's just simply beating the odds and it happens every day and by no divine powers. People don't come out of coma's cause God saved them when the doctors said they'd never. Using such thing to explain things you don't understand and to justify its existence is as silly as me using Jello to validate aliens exist because I don't understand how Jello is all jiggly weird and has a funky taste yet is edible. Also that whole "you go girl" what's up with that?

Bec I, myself, experiencing the same and still is today. Even tho, you don't believe, it is your choice. But the problem with timidating comments of unbelievers by saying, psychosis, looney, mental disables and etc, it is very offensive. This is where I see, blaming christians bec what they say, then unbeliever rationalize to avoid that they have similar attitude.
That is insulting word. This is a good example where we point out of your attitude. But that is one of them. But christians do believe the same as who Christ is. But the BEHAVIOR of christian are different. What SOME christians are doing not mean all other christians agree with.

Don't you think christians are the only one who are playing the victims here too? How often do you listen to people telling atheists that they were evil and do not have any moral values because they do not accept or believe in God?

We both are mocking at each other. Don't try and play like the only victim here. If a muslim came in here, we would say the samething to that person. Maybe you guys will agree or disagree more if we tell things to a muslim. It makes no difference if we were talking to a group of christians.
Thought I spread the news here. Some of you may have not been aware that ABC aired a special on Atheists (two people from Rational Response Squad) vs Christians (Kirk Cameron and that other guy from The Way of the Master)

YouTube - Rational Response Squad takes on Christians on ABC

Sadly only hearing and hard of hearings can watch this video as it's not subtitled.

Here's the link for more information:
ABC News: Kirk Cameron vs. Atheists

You guys might remember them from this hilarious video:
YouTube - Atheist Nightmare

For the deaf:
In the video above, they explained how God created the banana for us, and how it was made to fit in our hands, perfectly shaped, how it tasted, etc etc etc. All because this was God's wonderful creation.

But what they don't know, is that Bananas, as they appear today, are genetically engineered to appear that way. They are called Cavendish Bananas, and have only been available since the 1950s. They're much larger than naturally-occurring bananas, and contain no seeds. In other words, modern science is what designed the modern banana, not God.
I experienced Ouija board once at long, long time ago with few of my co-workers before I was married. We tried for the fun. Yes I withnessed their scare after hear something. They do not mention Satan but Spirits. Unforunlately, I can't hear but accept my co-worker's description how/what they feel their spirits. No word about satan...

They might not know it's Satan. The spirits are " demons " and even, thou it don't tell you or your co-worker their names. If, your co-worker ask for the spirit's name... then, maybe it will tell your co-worker. There are all the alphabets on the Ouija board and also, numbers, too. I wouldn't want to try it. No thanks ! It's too dangerous to play with. :)

Did you know that there are some names for demons in the Bible ?
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