God doesn't exist.

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Oct 1, 2006
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How many of you clicked on this thread furiously immedately thinking up a reply or something to tell me without even reading the the content inside? With that in mind you have to ask those who believe do they 'look before they leap' or simply just act like lemurs following one after another. Along with that, why do you believe God, in God or whatever it is you prefer. Uh-uh, you can't use bible passages. They prove nothing at all. What makes you so sure there's someone up there? Please spend more time asking yourself why than trying to think up an elaborate explaination that defies logic and common sense.

Those threads that kept popping up on general gave me the notion that alot of people don't even think about something and just dive into it and already have an assumption without facts first. Often comes of judging someone or believing something. I'm hoping to use it as an example to make some people realize something but eh... not to insult anyone here but the replies that are probably going to show up here will be extremely predictable. Maybe its reverse psychology, maybe it's a fact. Care to prove me wrong?
How many of you clicked on this thread furiously immedately thinking up a reply or something to tell me without even reading the the content inside? With that in mind you have to ask those who believe do they 'look before they leap' or simply just act like lemurs following one after another.
I think you mean lemmings. They follow one another. Lemurs just... look for fruit in the trees and such. :)

Those threads that kept popping up on general gave me the notion that alot of people don't even think about something and just dive into it and already have an assumption without facts first.
I've always thought that many people believe in gods through a combination of cultural tradition and intellectual inertia.

I'm hoping to use it as an example to make some people realize something but eh... not to insult anyone here but the replies that are probably going to show up here will be extremely predictable. Maybe its reverse psychology, maybe it's a fact. Care to prove me wrong?
You're challenging something which many people feel very strongly about, so you're going to get strong reactions.

Sometimes people need to believe. Sometimes they need to ask large questions about themselves and the universe and don't like "just is" and "don't know" answers.

Four years ago, my father lost my mother (his wife of 44 years) to cancer. He is religious. He believes an afterlife is possible--perhaps probable--and I think hopes to "see" her again, after he's passed away as well. Should I rip that from him and tell him not to believe? So long as his belief doesn't infringe on my rights, I won't ask him to. If it helps him sleep better in an empty bed, who am I to argue with him?

I give this example, because many people have similar reasons in their lives for believing--and many have different ones. They range from very personal, to never having thought about an alternative, to very impersonal--communal feelings. Everyone's different.

I wouldn't attempt to asscribe a reason to any one person I didn't know well.

I *do* get annoyed when people tell me that because I don't believe I am also engaging in faith or religion. Recently had that discussion at my own website. (Warning--my site contains adult language: SNARKBAIT: Politics, Philosophy, Life & Snarkyness)
How many of you clicked on this thread furiously immedately thinking up a reply or something to tell me without even reading the the content inside? With that in mind you have to ask those who believe do they 'look before they leap' or simply just act like lemurs following one after another. Along with that, why do you believe God, in God or whatever it is you prefer. Uh-uh, you can't use bible passages. They prove nothing at all. What makes you so sure there's someone up there? Please spend more time asking yourself why than trying to think up an elaborate explaination that defies logic and common sense.

Those threads that kept popping up on general gave me the notion that alot of people don't even think about something and just dive into it and already have an assumption without facts first. Often comes of judging someone or believing something. I'm hoping to use it as an example to make some people realize something but eh... not to insult anyone here but the replies that are probably going to show up here will be extremely predictable. Maybe its reverse psychology, maybe it's a fact. Care to prove me wrong?

Yes the Biblical scriptures have proved to be correct but it is useless to faithless people. They cannot be reasoned with.

Where did love come from?

Where did laws come from?

Where did marriage come from? (pure one)

Where did sex come from? (hetrosexual) yes its being abused today by people who want to change it to fit their desires.

Where did freedom come from? (yes it is being abused today) Remember the former Soviet Union and its non-religious state that prohibited freedom? Same with non-believing dicators prohibiting freedom.

How is it that our eyes are different from other animals? There must be a designer.

How is it that our blood different from other animals? If we transfused blood from monkeys in us, we will die.

Why do we think different from animals?

Why can't animals rule the world rather than humans?

Why are the fossils in Pulluxy River being rejected? (it has a trail of human footprint being trampled by a dinosaur crossing over). Not just one but several!

Men and dinosaurs (not crocodile and rockfilsh) had existed at the same time.

There are many evidence of world wide flood. Why is it that at the top of the mtns in Utah contain trilobites and seashells? There was found a fossilized shoe print with thread sown in soles!

Big Bang recently has been rejected by scientists and that leaves no explaination on how the earth came into being.

What is the purpose of our being?

Where will we go after we expired here on earth?

What of thermodanamics?

Did you know that everything is running down... expiring... nothing is getting younger. Even the universe is getting older and worn down.

All this has always point to a great Artichiture and Designer.

Naturally people with open minded will see the truth in the Bible which tells about dinosaurs and explains how they looked. It explains the reason for the existence of the earth. It tells of the purpose of our existence. It tells of where we will go after death. The Bible also injures pride of many... puts guilt and conscience in everyone. that is why many refuse to read it.
Um... I hate to tell you this, but chimpanzees and bonobos differ from humans by only 1% of DNA and could accept a blood transfusion or a kidney.

BBC NEWS | Science/Nature | Chimps genetically close to humans

Scientists from the Wayne State University, School of Medicine, Detroit, US, examined key genes in humans and several ape species and found our "life code" to be 99.4% the same as chimps.

They propose moving common chimps and another very closely related ape, bonobos, into the genus, Homo, the taxonomic grouping researchers use to classify people in the animal kingdom.
Um... I hate to tell you this, but chimpanzees and bonobos differ from humans by only 1% of DNA and could accept a blood transfusion or a kidney.

BBC NEWS | Science/Nature | Chimps genetically close to humans

That is funny because I just heard about this from a reputable apologist scientist that even one percent DNA missing is enough not to sustain life in humans from the monkeeeeees... Has the transfusion happen yet? Has it been successful? It would probably take a lot of technology to make it happen: added special medicine to make it work.

I read the link and there is no mention of blood transfusion or any organic part of chimp accepted in human body. I don't want to transorgan - hands as my feet.
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I think you mean lemmings. They follow one another. Lemurs just... look for fruit in the trees and such. :)
Actually, that suicide myth was brought on by one of Disney's movies... White Wilderness. The producers provoked this suicide by scaring these lemmings into groups and running them in one direction... off a cliff. It was filmed and a believable myth was made. The thought of lemmings being suicidal got stuck that way. In reality, they do. (Of course, one or two may be "bumped off a cliff" by accident when a large group is running uncontrollably... not because they are suicidal.)

As for the lemurs part, it does fit the "Adam & Eve" concept. After all, wasn't it the "looking for fruits in trees" concept that led them to their first sin? ;)
Sometimes people need to believe. Sometimes they need to ask large questions about themselves and the universe and don't like "just is" and "don't know" answers.
Isn't believing what got many of us in trouble? There are people who are willing to believe things they hear and nothing else... that it leads to to a point where they lose a sense of reality and do wrong. That's part of the problem with elders who grew up religiously. (Yep, my grandparents do this.) When they get older, they don't have a sense of reality to fall back on. So, they believe everything they do is "alright" because they are protected by God and that God supports everything they do because they are loyal followers of God.

Of course, some might see it differently. I could be wrong, who knows. I'm just speaking from experience. Yep, my parents refuse to play with playing cards because they are tools of Satan. Yep, they scold people for not going to church. Yep, they have no sense of understanding of any realistic situation such as science, nature, technology, etc... because those things are against the powers of God.
Four years ago, my father lost my mother (his wife of 44 years) to cancer. He is religious. He believes an afterlife is possible--perhaps probable--and I think hopes to "see" her again, after he's passed away as well. Should I rip that from him and tell him not to believe? So long as his belief doesn't infringe on my rights, I won't ask him to. If it helps him sleep better in an empty bed, who am I to argue with him?
That's one good point there. That's probably how religion started, as a morale booster to cover up reality. Mary supposedly got pregnant with Jesus. Was she really a virgin? Was she really impregnated by God? Perhaps, a story that God got her pregnant was made up to cover up other instances. We'll never know.

Let's not forget. Christianity isn't the only religion that involves the afterlife. There are other religions as well. While believing may be a good morale booster, believing too much can lead to other problems.
Close, but no cigar.

I didn't read anything in that link about blood transfusions or kidney transplants.

I wasn't offering the link as proof, but as an interesting related story. But, if you need, here:

The Sun Online - News: Chimp bids for human rights

They can also accept a blood transfusion or a kidney and can learn and use human languages through signs or symbols.

Better? :)

Here's some science on it: Blackwell Synergy - Transfusion, Volume 29 Issue 6 Page 486 - July 1989 (Article Abstract)
That is funny because I just heard about this from a reputable apologist scientist that even one percent DNA missing is enough not to sustain life in humans from the monkeeeeees... Has the transfusion happen yet? Has it been successful? It would probably take a lot of technology to make it happen: added special medicine to make it work.

I read the link and there is no mention of blood transfusion or any organic part of chimp accepted in human body. I don't want to transorgan - hands as my feet.

Great Ape Project - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

From a biological point of view, Dr. Pedro A. Ynterian from the International GAP Project wrote "Between the two of us we could even have a 0.5% difference in our DNA. The difference between a Chimpanzee and us is only 1.23%. Human blood and Chimpanzee blood, with compatible blood groups, can be exchanged through transfusion. Neither our nor the chimps blood can be exchanged with any other species. We are closer genetically to a chimp than a mouse is to a rat."

There's a reason we do a lot of medical testing on other primates, you know?

Chimps get human plasma transfusions all the time for such tests--especially for AIDS.

Want a link for that too? ;)

Transmission of HTLV-III infection from human plasma to chimpanzees: an animal model for AIDS -- Alter et al. 226 (4674): 549 -- Science
God does not exist only people make him looks like he exist. Yawn.
God does not exist only people make him looks like he exist. Yawn.

How sad :( I guess you will find out the truth when your time comes, but in meantime I'll keep you in my prayers..
I wasn't offering the link as proof, but as an interesting related story. But, if you need, here:

The Sun Online - News: Chimp bids for human rights

Better? :)

Here's some science on it: Blackwell Synergy - Transfusion, Volume 29 Issue 6 Page 486 - July 1989 (Article Abstract)

I read what it was said about the blood. Still that difference is still big enough for us not being able to get blood transfusion from the chimps. Its that two phenotypes that prevents it. No way to make it work at the present time.

This proves the point that the chimps are not human at all. They are still animals. We can try so hard but they cannot reason. We can teach them but they cannot invent, or come up with a new language or be able to explain what they are doing. I do not want to be labeled as a chimp...
Great Ape Project - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

From a biological point of view, Dr. Pedro A. Ynterian from the International GAP Project wrote "Between the two of us we could even have a 0.5% difference in our DNA. The difference between a Chimpanzee and us is only 1.23%. Human blood and Chimpanzee blood, with compatible blood groups, can be exchanged through transfusion. Neither our nor the chimps blood can be exchanged with any other species. We are closer genetically to a chimp than a mouse is to a rat."

There's a reason we do a lot of medical testing on other primates, you know?

Chimps get human plasma transfusions all the time for such tests--especially for AIDS.

Want a link for that too? ;)

Transmission of HTLV-III infection from human plasma to chimpanzees: an animal model for AIDS -- Alter et al. 226 (4674): 549 -- Science

Of course we are the superior being.. we can give blood to chimp but they cannot give us theirs... it wont work.. It didnt talk about us getting chimp blood tis about testing for AIDS in the blood...
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Actually, that suicide myth was brought on by one of Disney's movies... White Wilderness. The producers provoked this suicide by scaring these lemmings into groups and running them in one direction... off a cliff. It was filmed and a believable myth was made. The thought of lemmings being suicidal got stuck that way. In reality, they do. (Of course, one or two may be "bumped off a cliff" by accident when a large group is running uncontrollably... not because they are suicidal.)

As for the lemurs part, it does fit the "Adam & Eve" concept. After all, wasn't it the "looking for fruits in trees" concept that led them to their first sin? ;)Isn't believing what got many of us in trouble? There are people who are willing to believe things they hear and nothing else... that it leads to to a point where they lose a sense of reality and do wrong. That's part of the problem with elders who grew up religiously. (Yep, my grandparents do this.) When they get older, they don't have a sense of reality to fall back on. So, they believe everything they do is "alright" because they are protected by God and that God supports everything they do because they are loyal followers of God. I havent seen or heard that lemurs can do farming... so irrevelant...

Of course, some might see it differently. I could be wrong, who knows. I'm just speaking from experience. Yep, my parents refuse to play with playing cards because they are tools of Satan. Yep, they scold people for not going to church. Yep, they have no sense of understanding of any realistic situation such as science, nature, technology, etc... because those things are against the powers of God.That's one good point there. That's probably how religion started, as a morale booster to cover up reality. Mary supposedly got pregnant with Jesus. Was she really a virgin? Was she really impregnated by God? Perhaps, a story that God got her pregnant was made up to cover up other instances. We'll never know. old fashioned religion - card they are not Tarat cards which I do not touch. Too bad they dont understand the nature, science and tech.... You cannot determine that I am like your parents... I do not believe what they believe. What you said about Mary had manifested what you are thinking... interesting....

Let's not forget. Christianity isn't the only religion that involves the afterlife. There are other religions as well. While believing may be a good morale booster, believing too much can lead to other problems.

as usual, you are entiled to your opinion about reading too much. One lady said she doesnt have to read the Bible 24/7 I don't understand why she assume she has to do that. So many people are making too much of assumption about the Bible and what they need to do...
Of course we are the superior being.. we can give blood to chimp but they cannot give us theirs... it wont work.. It didnt talk about us getting chimp blood tis about testing for AIDS in the blood...

I don't think you understood what Wiki said. It said that humans and chimps can exchange blood but chimps, like humans, cannot exchange blood with other species. So, chimps and humans are very much alike - in fact, we are evolutionarily cousins.
Of course we are the superior being.. we can give blood to chimp but they cannot give us theirs... it wont work.. It didnt talk about us getting chimp blood tis about testing for AIDS in the blood...

You mean that we are superior being like God ? I am not sure what you mean by that. Care to explain ?
I don't think you understood what Wiki said. It said that humans and chimps can exchange blood but chimps, like humans, cannot exchange blood with other species. So, chimps and humans are very much alike - in fact, we are evolutionarily cousins.

Sorry to disappoint you, I do completely understand... have you not read the links? No where in the several suggested links do they tell that humans and chimps can exchange blood between them. I am not talking about other animals... just two: chimps and humans. Even today I ahve not heard or read that the transfusion from chimp to human had ACTUALLY happened. I am disagreeing with Wiki on the part where human and chimps can exchange blood. Got it?
You mean that we are superior being like God ? I am not sure what you mean by that. Care to explain ?

Humans are superior to any animals in reasoning, thinking, inventing and so forth... so therefore we are a superior being (or a superior creation).
i wonder whoever believes in god - would you believe in loch ness monster, ufo, grey aliens, sasquatch, flying spaghetti monster and so on?

if not, given the lack of physical evidence of god's existence, what's the difference? if someone throws in the bible to support their notion, you can pick up the other bible - the gospel of the flying spaghetti monster, study it and share the sermon of flying spaghetti monster with us.
i wonder whoever believes in god - would you believe in loch ness monster, ufo, grey aliens, sasquatch, flying spaghetti monster and so on?

if not, given the lack of physical evidence of god's existence, what's the difference? if someone throws in the bible to support their notion, you can pick up the other bible - the gospel of the flying spaghetti monster, study it and share the sermon of flying spaghetti monster with us.

You didnt believe in loch ness????? there are pictures of them and Japanese fisherman caught one.

Do you have a brain? I can't see it so therefore you do not have a brain. I do not believe that you have a brain at all.
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