Running over the Fiscal Cliff

thank you. Didn't read all of them... I don't read every post related to politics because these congress people sucked... they will still be until their seats are taken by better ones I hope.

They better agree on taxing the $250,000 + instead of forcing the taxes onto us... I see the problem. I can't wait for Americans to kick those idiots out this coming year and 2014... these new people better do a better job once they take the seat.

We used to had a lot of moderates in the congress and it was destroyed after 2010 midterm election. There are problem with many Americans are not voting, especially many people with moderate views. I don't think that moderate politicians will return to the house of representative until 2020 so the two parties system is turn into alive or death, just like far leftist vs. far rightist. The senate has filibuster that make problem so worse, however filibuster can help to prevent any extreme measurements from passing, especially try to repeal entire SS law.

I agree about tax cut should be renewed for Americans with under $250,000.

I'm not going abandon the support for gay rights by vote socially conservatives that have no interest from me, so the gay rights are reason that I usually side with socially liberals. It is about only two choice because of two parties system so SS recipients rather to side with leftists because they support to protect the SS, usually if they think SS is too important.
Cuts for all or cuts for none. Anything other than that is UnAmerican.
Crazypaul, the truth is NO ONE knows what will happen, what I was trying to tell you all along is that in the last 30 years Congress never give full cost of living increase, only partial so that no one notice of the actual cuts but it has been going on for years. I know it because cost of living back in 80's where people get SSI of about 450 a month, if you do the actual cost of living increase for the last 30 years, you should be getting $1200 each month for SSI to be equilvent as in 1980 but instead only around 700 dollars. They have effectively cut $500 on SSI in the last 30 years without anyone on SSI notice. What bothers me is that it will get worse and worse without any improvement and it is going to reach the breaking point for some people.

So, now with less than 18 hours to go, its getting scarier not knowing what will happen. If Congress fails to come up with solution within 18 hours, there might be inflation kicking, and serious cuts on many programs that would affect our daily needs.

Thank god Milk subsidies have resolved.

So that means they will not cut SS benefits.
Crazypaul, the truth is NO ONE knows what will happen, what I was trying to tell you all along is that in the last 30 years Congress never give full cost of living increase, only partial so that no one notice of the actual cuts but it has been going on for years. I know it because cost of living back in 80's where people get SSI of about 450 a month, if you do the actual cost of living increase for the last 30 years, you should be getting $1200 each month for SSI to be equilvent as in 1980 but instead only around 700 dollars. They have effectively cut $500 on SSI in the last 30 years without anyone on SSI notice. What bothers me is that it will get worse and worse without any improvement and it is going to reach the breaking point for some people.

So, now with less than 18 hours to go, its getting scarier not knowing what will happen. If Congress fails to come up with solution within 18 hours, there might be inflation kicking, and serious cuts on many programs that would affect our daily needs.

Thank god Milk subsidies have resolved.
Don't you know what a cut means? It means a reduction. A freeze means no increase. You must be fucking nuts to think that Congress will cut SS benefits.
Once again, your attitude sucks.

What does it makes difference cuts and reduction, they mean same thing!

And the truth is you had no idea that congress had actually done that without you knowing. Most people are inept with complicated mathematic and these politicians were able to take advantage of that. You think I was born yesterday? Guess again!

My suggest, read this link

Please refrain from cussing at me and everybody else cause your attitude really stinks like skunk shit coming out of their rear.

Don't you know what a cut means? It means a reduction. A freeze means no increase. You must be fucking nuts to think that Congress will cut SS benefits.
Could be that the negotiations are just going to dig another hole in the terrain at a 3 month distance.

Tripping Over the Can? Kicking the Can Again & It gets Stuck on Our Foot?

I don't know . . . seems like Running Over the "Fiscal Cliff" is getting to be a little old & tired.
It can get us into another depression or recession, would you want that?

Could be that the negotiations are just going to dig another hole in the terrain at a 3 month distance.

Tripping Over the Can? Kicking the Can Again & It gets Stuck on Our Foot?

I don't know . . . seems like Running Over the "Fiscal Cliff" is getting to be a little old & tired.
They better agree on taxing the $250,000 + instead of forcing the taxes onto us... I see the problem. I can't wait for Americans to kick those idiots out this coming year and 2014... these new people better do a better job once they take the seat.
Know what? Republicans want tax increases for people with $400k salary instead of $250K that Obama wants. Let's see what happens today.
Once again, your attitude sucks.

What does it makes difference cuts and reduction, they mean same thing!

And the truth is you had no idea that congress had actually done that without you knowing. Most people are inept with complicated mathematic and these politicians were able to take advantage of that. You think I was born yesterday? Guess again!

My suggest, read this link

Chained CPI: How Washington Is Likely to Slice Social Security Benefits - DailyFinance

Please refrain from cussing at me and everybody else cause your attitude really stinks like skunk shit coming out of their rear.
SS benefits will be increased tomorrow so wtf are you talking about?
Are you retarded or something?

Of course, it may increase but it will not be 100% by true cost of living increase. That part is what you don't understand.

What I am saying is that if you get $1,000 a month on SS, and if the actual cost of living had increased by say 8% it would have increased your SS check to $1080, so with stealthy cut you get increase of only 4% which would increase your SS check to $1040, this is one way they fool you into thinking your getting raise matching as cost of living increase. Like "Invisible cuts"

Here is another example and it is actually happening. For example a box of cereal that weight 1.2 lbs cost $5.00, cereal company decided not to increase the price but decrease the size to say .8 lbs so that the price appears to be the same and it actually fooled people thinking there isn't any inflation. So this is perfect an example of hidden cuts or inflation without upsetting anyone. I have noticed alot of food product size is getting smaller and it can mess up the COLA formula for SS benefit.

SS benefits will be increased tomorrow so wtf are you talking about?
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Crazypaul, the truth is NO ONE knows what will happen, what I was trying to tell you all along is that in the last 30 years Congress never give full cost of living increase, only partial so that no one notice of the actual cuts but it has been going on for years. I know it because cost of living back in 80's where people get SSI of about 450 a month, if you do the actual cost of living increase for the last 30 years, you should be getting $1200 each month for SSI to be equilvent as in 1980 but instead only around 700 dollars. They have effectively cut $500 on SSI in the last 30 years without anyone on SSI notice. What bothers me is that it will get worse and worse without any improvement and it is going to reach the breaking point for some people.

So, now with less than 18 hours to go, its getting scarier not knowing what will happen. If Congress fails to come up with solution within 18 hours, there might be inflation kicking, and serious cuts on many programs that would affect our daily needs.

Thank god Milk subsidies have resolved.

$450 per month for SSI in 1980's?

The SS say maximum SSI is $238 per month in 1980 and $368 per month in 1989.
SSI Federal Payment Amounts

Check the inflation calculator so it is very comparative to today.
Are you sure? I did get that amount when living with parents and it increase to 450 something if I live on my own.

Yes, the SS website says so and they put all history about maximum SSI payment per month, so look at chart.
Okay, but I still believe they have messed up with COLA formula over time. I am not sure by how much and I believe it is more than just too much.

Yes, the SS website says so and they put all history about maximum SSI payment per month, so look at chart.
Yes, the SS website says so and they put all history about maximum SSI payment per month, so look at chart.
That's a good chart. It depends on where you live. For example, Calif has a high cost of living so SSI recipients in that state get more money than the recipients in other states. Therefore in Calif, Hawaii and other states with high costs of living, SSA pays the maximum. In other states like Arizona, Utah and so on, there is a low cost of living so SSI recipients living there get less. That's why the chart shows "maximum" instead of "flat rate" or "fixed". I may be wrong but that's what I heard.
Look at the last 4 years, and do you think the last 4 years really have low inflation rate? I am not too sure because I have seen price had risen steadily for the last 4 years.

And one of these year with cola increase but the max SSI benefit remains the same.

And no, it does not depend on where you live in the eye of federal. It depends on which State that offers additional benefits to SSI, for example California, they add to the federal max SS benefits from state general fund. All 50 states got exact same max SS benefit directly from SSA. Don't bite me before confirm!

That's a good chart. It depends on where you live. For example, Calif has a high cost of living so SSI recipients in that state get more money than the recipients in other states. Therefore in Calif, Hawaii and other states with high costs of living, SSA pays the maximum. In other states like Arizona, Utah and so on, there is a low cost of living so SSI recipients living there get less. That's why the chart shows "maximum" instead of "flat rate" or "fixed". I may be wrong but that's what I heard.
Look at the last 4 years, and do you think the last 4 years really have low inflation rate? I am not too sure because I have seen price had risen steadily for the last 4 years.

And one of these year with cola increase but the max SSI benefit remains the same.
I don't know what you are talking about. Maybe I am retarded.
I am not sure if your retarded or not read in SSA thoroughly. I was testing to see if you know this or not, guess not.

When you see "State supplement" It means that State decided to add more money on the top of standard SS benefits. State can decide cut or increase the benefits themselves. Not every state offers additional benefits. In other words, you live in California which means you get Federal PLUS state funds :)

I don't know what you are talking about. Maybe I am retarded.
And no, it does not depend on where you live in the eye of federal. It depends on which State that offers additional benefits to SSI, for example California, they add to the federal max SS benefits from state general fund. All 50 states got exact same max SS benefit directly from SSA. Don't bite me before confirm!
That's right. That's exactly what I heard. So I was wrong about varying federal max payment. Thanks for correcting me, mofo. :lol: