Ron Paul on Michele Bachmann: ‘She Hates Muslims’

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Quit being the Queen of Deflect and just answer Reba's question.

She didn't ask me a question.:laugh2:

But I have one for you. Have you ever taken a railroad spike through the head? I am thinking Phineas Gage here and the disagreeableness in his personality after the suffered just such an injury. It turned him into a nasty curmudgeon. See the parallel?
My goodness, but you are defensive this evening.
It looks like I can't win.

If I reply to you, I'm defensive.

If I don't reply to you, I'm evasive.

I'm giving you way to much to feed on.

Time to put the troll on a diet.

Good night.
She didn't ask me a question.:laugh2:

But I have one for you. Have you ever taken a railroad spike to the eye? I am thinking Phineas Gage here and the disagreeableness in his personality after the suffered just such an injury. It turned him into a nasty curmudgeon. See the parallel?

It looks like I can't win.

If I reply to you, I'm defensive.

If I don't reply to you, I'm evasive.

I'm giving you way to much to feed on.

Time to put the troll on a diet.

Good night.

Good night.
There are 2 questions in post #337, that is a fact. *shrug*

Here's another one for you. Both have been answered.:laugh2: Your reading comprehension is not my responsibility,either.:lol:
Here's another one for you. Both have been answered.:laugh2: Your reading comprehension is not my responsibility,either.:lol:

You answered with your world famous deflections. I do believe Reba was looking for a straight-forward answer, otherwise she would not have repeatedly ask you to answer her question.
And, quite obviously from your failure to answer a simple yes or no question, and the effort you have put forth in avoidance, you don't want information or to learn about others. You posted the links as an appearance of tolerance.:)
I posted links from the official Nation of Islam website so people could read what the Nation of Islam says about itself, not what others say about them.

Did you read anything from that website?
And, quite obviously from your failure to an
swer a simple yes or no question, and the effort you have put forth in avoidance, you don't want information or to learn about others. You posted the links as an appearance of tolerance.:)

Correction ..... Indoctrination is more obvious than you may realize.
Come on jillio......answer Reba questions (post#352 & 353)
Be cool. I don't expect people to drop everything, including work, to immediately answer me. :)
You answered with your world famous deflections. I do believe Reba was looking for a straight-forward answer, otherwise she would not have repeatedly ask you to answer her question.

You know, Reba is perfectly capable of speaking for herself. She is an intelligent woman, and she and I have debated about many topics. We have also agreed on some. How about if you worry more about how you fare around here, and less about any discussion Reba and I might be engaged in. :cool2:

And again, I am not responsible for your failure to comprehend anything that is stated on higher than a 1st grade level. Just because you don't understand the answers doesn't mean that Reba doesn't understand the answers.

In other words, mind your own damned business. You have plenty of issues you need to be taking care of. Deal with those and get your nose out of everyone else's business, you old curmudgeon.
I posted links from the official Nation of Islam website so people could read what the Nation of Islam says about itself, not what others say about them.

Did you read anything from that website?

Yes, I did. I will admit that I didn't read the entire thing, as I have a very close friend who is a practicing Muslim from the Middle East. She has provided me with the bulk of my education on the Nation of Islam.
Come on jillio......answer Reba questions (post#352 & 353)

Since you don't have anything to contribute, and are obviously just here to try and start arguments, butt the hell out. Go find someone else to spread your misery on.
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