Are Drug Users Persecuted?

and what crime was I committing by taking morphine?

Were you buying it on the street? Were you doctor shopping to get additional supplies?

If you had a prescription, and were taking it as prescribed, then you weren't breaking any laws. That is the whole point. Duh.
Ain't that the truth. lol I prefer to consider it "divergent thinking."

The difference with drug use is that it hurts addicts by definintion. If drug use were not hurting a person, he would not be addicted.

then why it tobacco legal? It hurts 400k a year by killing them horribly? Few people casually smoke cigaretts. Sturgeon general said its more addictive than heroin
People experiment with things. The difference between a person who tried it and an addict may be brain chemistry. Generally, I believe that shrinks should balance a person's brain chemistry when it's out of wack.

shrinks overstate their ability to correct "brain chemistry" They admit they have no idea how or why, their crazy pills work.

It works cuz its a billion dollar bizness say they do
It doesn't matter if he harmed anyone or not. He still engaged in criminal activity by purchasing drugs illegally and scamming doctors. You don't have to cause injury to another to be guilty of illegal behavior. The drugs are legal. His behavior was illegal. Get it?

Just a pretty good indication that your assertion that making drugs legal will take the criminal behavior away is just a bunch of BS.:lol:

sodomy was illegal. Should law enforcement done more to stop it between consenting adults
I guess you haven't checked the DWI stats lately. Of course it has not removed the illegal behavior associated with alcohol. Where do you think White Lightening comes from? Illegal distilleries. No, of course it hasn't stopped the criminal behavior associated with alcohol.

The Mafia out of business. You aren't serious, are you?:laugh2:

Threatened? By whom? Don't flatter yourself.:laugh2:

mafia uses illegal drugs to turn women into prostitutes
then why it tobacco legal? It hurts 400k a year by killing them horribly? Few people casually smoke cigaretts. Sturgeon general said its more addictive than heroin

A sturgeon is a fish. Are you sure you're clean.:squint:
then why it tobacco legal? It hurts 400k a year by killing them horribly? Few people casually smoke cigaretts. Sturgeon general said its more addictive than heroin

Sturgeon General? LMAO! I just find it very funny that we have a fish for our Surgeon General.
shrinks overstate their ability to correct "brain chemistry" They admit they have no idea how or why, their crazy pills work.

It works cuz its a billion dollar bizness say they do

I see you don't spend a great deal of time in actually reading scientific research.
and what crime was I committing by taking morphine?

Depends on how you got it.

If you have a standing script from a single doctor to treat pain... you were not committing a crime...

Otherwise depending on your locality, purchasing drugs w/o prescription, and using these drugs is a crime...

I was not discussing the morality of you taking (drug), just the legality- many things are: (each 'thing' one of the following)

Are moral and legal.
are immoral and legal,
are moral and illegal,
or immoral and illegal...

If a law was broken (an illegal act was committed), even a law that itself is broken (non-functional)- it is still illegal-

(Please use universal 'you' not personal 'you' for below)
If you don't like the law, change it- vote, get other people organized... slinking around in the shadows being illegal only allows the proponents of your legalization to point at you and go 'ooohh but he's a criminal, don't let the criminals make the rules'.
If you had a prescription, and were taking it as prescribed, then you weren't breaking any laws. That is the whole point. Duh.

That is an excellent argument for legalizing drugs.

Originally Posted by Audiofuzzy View Post
For what?


I am sorry, but during my life I was treated for number of stuff starting with cold. You need to specify, please.

wtf? this is still going on?
Okay. I was talking about rehab centers.

never, but I do take analgesics for migraine apart from other non- pain relieving
medications and have to be very careful of getting addicted, know how to look for signs of abuse,
and I do have to take "medication vacation" or it will lose it's efficacy,
so I know what withdrawal symptoms are like.
Mine are nothing compared to what recreational drug users go thru, but still they can be very tiring.

I can correlate in many ways.

A loving, balanced family is such where each individual is respectful of another, respect his individuality, his personal space,
is supportive, compassionate and considerate of each other.

That doesn't mean of course saying witlessly "yes" to everything,
but recognizing wrong for wrong and right for right.

These guidelines are universal.

Not universal. Not even in the U.S.

Depends on your religion, culture, etc.

You definition is really and ideal, and like most ideals almost unattainable.

If you happen to have parents who represent all of these traits that is NO guarantee the children will share them.

btw you are supporting my point - if somebody had an 'horrible experience', which obviously can not be then "loving and supporting"
for these just exclude each other - then that person may later seek the drugs as a way to escape the horrific memories.


You seem to think somehow someone has control over this and somehow someone can "create" this wonderful environment.

The parents have the most control so I shall assume you believe they have the power to do this.

Unfortunately you forget the power of children.

So if two parents have two sons, one gay and one straight, and are supportive of both of them all should be well and fine, right?

Except there is NO warranty, express or implied, that the straight son is going to accept either his brother being gay or his parents acceptance of it.

Now who is living in hell?

And I know a drug addict and the horrible experiences she relates concerning her father are both insightful and unsettling.

You see in her words her father is "A stupid bastard who NEVER gets upset about anything." When They owed money instead of getting upset he said, ""I'll find a way to earn a few more dollars this week." When she got an "F" he said, "No problem. You can make it up in summer school." When she got pregnant his attitude was, "Lots of girls get pregnant. What do you want to do?"

To a woman like her, who understand the TRUE importance of EVERYTHING -- And gets upset about ALL of it -- Growing up with such a father was intolerable.

When I first met her I asked how a person with such a kick back, relaxed father could have such an uptight offspring -- She launched into a tirade on the shortcomings of people who are unable, or unwilling, to understand that things are IMPORTANT and you should not be calm and relaxed about them.

No. I am not supporting your point.

I'm saying family dynamics does not work like that.

And it gets more tangled the more family you include. Aunts, uncles, grandparents, cousins...