THAT makes a sound!??!?

When I was a small child, I used to believe that the piano made rain...thus raindrops were the sounds of piano keys. Not sure how I came to that conclusion.
I've never heard the rain... I had someone try and explain to me what rain sounds like... but I still don't understand. I think... i might be wrong... but I think life will go on for me... :giggle:
I've never heard the rain... I had someone try and explain to me what rain sounds like... but I still don't understand. I think... i might be wrong... but I think life will go on for me... :giggle:

Me either. Nor have I ever heard piano keys. Lol

I still am amazed at how hearing people talk on the phone and order through the drive thru speakers. It's mindboggling to me.
When I was a small child, I used to believe that the piano made rain...thus raindrops were the sounds of piano keys. Not sure how I came to that conclusion.

I can't hear the rain much anymore, but it kind of reminds me of little pins hitting a window. You might not notice one or two drops, but if you have a million of them it is noticeable.

I've not heard the rain in forever seems like and I'm not talking about the drought we have been having.
Me either. Nor have I ever heard piano keys. Lol

I still am amazed at how hearing people talk on the phone and order through the drive thru speakers. It's mindboggling to me.

You should have seen me when I was 5 and I remember going through drive-thrus with my parents. It was mindboggling to see my dad talking to the sign! LMBO!
Did you make that appointment, yet? I wish you were closer to Little Rock because I have several good friends who are audiologists.
Me either. Nor have I ever heard piano keys. Lol

I still am amazed at how hearing people talk on the phone and order through the drive thru speakers. It's mindboggling to me.

I don't get it either... it just doesn't make any sense... How can you do that... but then again hearies don't understand how we can sign and drive at the same time... I remember my parents having me take piano lessons when I was little... and I couldn't hear a thing... also I have no clue what I sounded like when I played the flute (also my parents doing)... I could kinda hear the trumpets and percussion... but they wouldn't let me play that... because apparently... those where boy instruments... wtf... I've done a drive through order before... but I just write it down a piece of paper and go up to the window.
I never fully grasped how my parents ordered food at restaurants. When I finally lived at the deaf school, I had to order my food for the first time. We were at McDonald's and when it was my turn, I just stood there. I waited for the cashier to tell me how much it was...the dorm counselor was pissed because he thought I was messing around...but later he learned that I always thought it was McDonald's choice on what I would get...I showed up and paid. Mom always ordered for me but I missed that verbal information. Hard to believe. I was in high school when I learned that I could order what I wanted. What a freaking concept.
Did you make that appointment, yet? I wish you were closer to Little Rock because I have several good friends who are audiologists.

I sent my audie an email and she said that I had been placed on inactive since 2009. She also thinks that I was on medicare coverage which would have only paid for the hearing aids until aged 21. I texted my mom and she said that when her and my dad applied for it that their income was too high to qualify but that if I ever moved out on my own that might be able to get on disability. But mom did say that she paid some $100 fee to where I would be able to get hearing tests done there for free for life.

I will email my audie back tomorrow with the information I got from my mom and see if we can get it sorted. However she did mention that there were some options out there if I needed assistance in getting new HAs. But that I would need to get an updated audiogram done and have a consultation for what I needed and we would work out on figuring out how to get this done on a limited budget.

I hate the idea of getting on disability but if it's the only way to get my hearing took care of for now, I may have to grit my teeth and do it knowing it make take well over a year to actually get it. Maybe my audie will have some other available options that I'm not aware of. At least on disability, I can't say I don't have time for this or that anymore. :giggle:
Arkansas Rehab will probably pay for them if you use your hearing aids on the job. Let me know if you need the names of the ones who specialize in working with deaf and hh clients. They're my buddies, too. :)
Arkansas Rehab will probably pay for them if you use your hearing aids on the job. Let me know if you need the names of the ones who specialize in working with deaf and hh clients. They're my buddies, too. :)

The last time I went through VRS - my counselor was J** Spragins. I don't know if you know him or not.

As for using my aids on the job - I would need some industrial strength ones as I work on a farm. A lot of dust, sweat, etc. Not sure if a HA can hold up to that 6 days a week. Maybe I can say I wear them on the job, but never actually wear them to the farm. Besides I work alone on the farm anyways.
If I worked in the public, yeah, I would wear it on the job.
If it were me in your shoes, I'd call him. Independent Living (they might have changed the name by now) is another resort. Don't forget to ask about other things they can provide now that you're on your own...doorbell light, fire alarm light, alarm clock, etc. if you need them. Girl, I'll fix you up. Lol!
I didn't know spiders make a sound when they crawl around till one post that Liebling made about her sons telling her that they could hear spiders crawl around.

My dad blames his farts on "barking spiders".

For example - FART!! - my dad looks wildly around the room "Where is the barking spider?"
I don't get it either... it just doesn't make any sense... How can you do that... but then again hearies don't understand how we can sign and drive at the same time... I remember my parents having me take piano lessons when I was little... and I couldn't hear a thing... also I have no clue what I sounded like when I played the flute (also my parents doing)... I could kinda hear the trumpets and percussion... but they wouldn't let me play that... because apparently... those where boy instruments... wtf... I've done a drive through order before... but I just write it down a piece of paper and go up to the window.

Boy instruments?! Good grief! lol
I never fully grasped how my parents ordered food at restaurants. When I finally lived at the deaf school, I had to order my food for the first time. We were at McDonald's and when it was my turn, I just stood there. I waited for the cashier to tell me how much it was...the dorm counselor was pissed because he thought I was messing around...but later he learned that I always thought it was McDonald's choice on what I would get...I showed up and paid. Mom always ordered for me but I missed that verbal information. Hard to believe. I was in high school when I learned that I could order what I wanted. What a freaking concept.
