Need to know early signs of pregnancy

Wirelessly posted (droid)

Wow. Those test have improved since I last used them. Glad to know that.
Wirelessly posted (droid)

Wow. Those test have improved since I last used them. Glad to know that.

No kidding. When I used one last, you had to be at least 10 days beyond the first day you expected your period. They are much more sensitive than they used to be and can detect pregnancy hormones at a much earlier time than in the past.
Wirelessly posted (BB Curve 9300)

Heh, don't ask me. I was almost thru my first trimester before my pregnancy was confirmed. Was on the Pill, had a light period first month, no nausea, and the first pregnancy test was negative. Finally got a positive test result the third month.

uh-oh! :giggle:
My daughter in law is 10 weeks pregnant. Her body changed right away when she first got pregnant, horomones change (moody at first then morning sick). Took pregnant test at home and confirmed it, around 3 weeks after last period. Good luck and if so I am happy for you. :)
Yeah, I never did have morning sickness (not complaining, heh, heh).

Just saying; sometimes the first "symptom" of pregnancy is a positive pregnancy test.
Yeah, I never did have morning sickness (not complaining, heh, heh).

Just saying; sometimes the first "symptom" of pregnancy is a positive pregnancy test.

Does that include pickles and ice cream for snacks?
Never had any food cravings. :lol:

Lucky you. A few months ago the guy across the street asked me rather desperately if I had any tomatoes and cinnamon for his pregnant wife.
Naturally I did. :lol:
Yeah, I never did have morning sickness (not complaining, heh, heh).

Just saying; sometimes the first "symptom" of pregnancy is a positive pregnancy test.

I never had morning sickness at all, either. In fact, I felt great all through my pregnancy.
Usually, it is in the 2nd month (around 4 weeks after gestation) that the woman starts noticing a difference. Good luck!
Stein, a woman's ovulation happens on or around the 14th day of a cycle (from the first day of a period). There's an approximate 48-72 hour window around that. So if you and your new wife know at all where she was at in her cycle, that could be a good way to "guess" whether she is pregnant or not.

Everyone was wondering why our wedding date had to be on that certain day. She picked the date because she knew it would be the closest to when she was ovulating.

She has suspected since over a week ago that we have conceived. I don't know how she is feeling other than what she is telling me. She is cramping on one side - it is not a menstrual cramp. Her weepiness and nipple enlargement are things she has never experienced before on any period. Her appetite has also picked up - more than normal. Now .... my wife is like plain Jane when it comes to food. She does not like anything except the basics. She does not like candy, chocolate, etc. etc. When she gets a cheeseburger, she eats it without pickles, tomatoes, mayo or ketchup - just the cheese, burger and bun. She also eats the same thing over and over .... carrots, green beans, mashed potatoes and grilled chicken. She has been craving food she does not normally eat.

In regards to other posts concerning pregnancy tests, a friend told me the same thing about them - he said they are very accurate, so I will get one for her tmw.

He also told me that his wife knew she was pregnant 3 days after they had conceived. His daughter turned 1 yesterday.
I would be worried about the cramping.

Each pregnancy is different. Some women get lots of symptoms early on. Some get none. Really, none of our experiences will have bearing on your wife's experience.

"Symptoms" can also be psychosomatic. The only way to know for sure is the pregnancy test. (Even that wasn't dependable in my day but they have much improved since then. :) )