which is better?

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I'm doltish, hmm? I'm devastated.

What's with the childish name-calling? Is this supposed to be constructive?

That wasn't name calling. He said you were doltish. That is a reference to your behavior and your attitude. He did not say you were a dolt. That would be name calling. Defensiveness makes it difficult to discern the difference.
look, nobody is right in this thread. Everybody wants to be right and we can't be sometimes. Everybody has their own different opinions, we have different personality. So really, lets all be adults about it and just move on from it.

Right. It isn't about being right. It is about those who refuse to be honest about their motives refusing to take that responsibility.They want to be able to spout audist remarks all over the place, but then get their panties in a wad when their audism is pointed out to them. Hey, you want to be an audist, more power to you. Just be an honest one.
Is that your comeback? Is that the best you can come up with to refute my points?

Baby in bathtub - risk: possible drowning if unsupervised.

implanting baby - see post #146

Your own words speak for themselves -- you asked where you had said it.

Here's the issue: you hypocritically call out someone's parenting, accusing her of placing her child in harm's way intentionally. But you and every parent -- myself included -- do far worse every day. Intentionally, knowingly, we risk our children's lives, our own lives. It's part of living. What matters is that we mitigate those risks: we wear seat belts, helmets, we get vaccinated, we try to live in safe neighborhoods. We aren't saying that a drive to Target is worth our child's life just as we aren't saying that a CI is worth our child's life. Calling out this parent is not constructive to the conversation. That was wildly offensive.

And you are becoming wildly defensive. You are also making yourself appear to be much more of a CI radical that I know you are, simply because you have chosen to jump into defend someone who has been around and shown her true colors much longer than you have. You really need to take a step back.

Calling out audism is always productive.
Wirelessly posted

jillio said:
Wirelessly posted

the most ridiculous part of this whole thing is that you actually think you are right. You actually think you know me, or my thoughts or my child or grendel's. The absurity really makes me feel sorry for you.

Nope, I know I am right. The absurdity comes in your believing that you can make people believe you are something you are not. This isn't Halloween. Take off that false face.

do you think that i remotely care what you (general you) think of me? I posted because a parent asked about CIs and you (general you again) were giving the standard anti-CI line. I thought i would give the advice to check out CICircle and it devolved into the same old BS.

reality check, you mean nothing to me. And i have no desire to convince any of you anything about me.

and for the answer to the standard "then why do you post"...i haven't for months, but then i felt like. I'm sure i'll get bored again soon and you can all go back to your self-congradulatory, close minded, pity parties.
Not going to bother to read whole thread cos it too long but read last 3 pages.

Some comments about CI being wonderful, blah, blah, etc.

CI is useful tool BUT how many kids can handle without CI when it breaks down or lost or damaged? I noticed that lots of kids been implanted young age rely SO much on their CI and they cannot cope without it. I noticed that kids been implanted older (10 years old or older) can cope without CI because they already had at least 10 years of experience and know what to do and how to cope than implanted at young age.
Wirelessly posted

do you think that i remotely care what you (general you) think of me? I posted because a parent asked about CIs and you (general you again) were giving the standard anti-CI line. I thought i would give the advice to check out CICircle and it devolved into the same old BS.

reality check, you mean nothing to me. And i have no desire to convince any of you anything about me.

and for the answer to the standard "then why do you post"...i haven't for months, but then i felt like. I'm sure i'll get bored again soon and you can all go back to your self-congradulatory, close minded, pity parties.

If you actually cared NOTHING... you would have never replied.

That's how far I read this post. First sentence was a lie, why should I even believe the rest?
Wirelessly posted

do you think that i remotely care what you (general you) think of me? I posted because a parent asked about CIs and you (general you again) were giving the standard anti-CI line. I thought i would give the advice to check out CICircle and it devolved into the same old BS.

reality check, you mean nothing to me. And i have no desire to convince any of you anything about me.

and for the answer to the standard "then why do you post"...i haven't for months, but then i felt like. I'm sure i'll get bored again soon and you can all go back to your self-congradulatory, close minded, pity parties.

If you don't care what people think, why are you all over the internet trying to promote yourself? You care a great deal what people think. That is why you refuse to be honest about your audism and your oralism.

No one around here having a pity party. No need for it. You, on the other hand, just keep trying to get anyone's pity and sympathy you can. For you, even negative attention is better than no attention.
Wirelessly posted

do you think that i remotely care what you (general you) think of me? I posted because a parent asked about CIs and you (general you again) were giving the standard anti-CI line. I thought i would give the advice to check out CICircle and it devolved into the same old BS.

reality check, you mean nothing to me. And i have no desire to convince any of you anything about me.

and for the answer to the standard "then why do you post"...i haven't for months, but then i felt like. I'm sure i'll get bored again soon and you can all go back to your self-congradulatory, close minded, pity parties.

Don't worry, you served a purpose here: you showed people that it is a mistake to have a child implanted just to make him or her a reflection of yourself. :wave:
Don't worry, you served a purpose here: you showed people that it is a mistake to have a child implanted just to make him or her a reflection of yourself. :wave:

Ain't it the very definition of irony?:laugh2:
Yes, it sucks. They have always loved her, but there was a distance as she began to age and they could no longer communicate with her. We had to be constant interpreters for her. In public, with othher kids, and yes, even with her extended family. As her asl began to sharply grow, they began to feel intimidated and overwhelmed because they couldn't understand her.

for example, her grandmother signed all the other grandchildren up for music lessons together. My daughter was not included. They would go to a cooking class, but my daughter was not invited unless one of us was available to interpret.

it is a sad fact, but since 80% of parents don't learn to sign, the number for fluent extended family must be tiny.

yes that is sad about 80% of parents not learning to sign but that has nothing to do with you and your family because you can sign but you sound quite concerned for your daughter so I guess that explains your previous post

he would be missing out on th ability to hear and understand the spoken language of others.

but if that is not of value to you, more power to you. But know, you ARE making that choice.
Your own words speak for themselves -- you asked where you had said it.

Here's the issue: you hypocritically call out someone's parenting, accusing her of placing her child in harm's way intentionally. But you and every parent -- myself included -- do far worse every day. Intentionally, knowingly, we risk our children's lives, our own lives. It's part of living. What matters is that we mitigate those risks: we wear seat belts, helmets, we get vaccinated, we try to live in safe neighborhoods. We aren't saying that a drive to Target is worth our child's life just as we aren't saying that a CI is worth our child's life. Calling out this parent is not constructive to the conversation. That was wildly offensive.

Good lord Grendel, you can't see the forest for all the trees.
do you think that i remotely care what you (general you) think of me? I posted because a parent asked about CIs and you (general you again) were giving the standard anti-CI line. I thought i would give the advice to check out CICircle and it devolved into the same old BS.

reality check, you mean nothing to me. And i have no desire to convince any of you anything about me.

and for the answer to the standard "then why do you post"...i haven't for months, but then i felt like. I'm sure i'll get bored again soon and you can all go back to your self-congradulatory, close minded, pity parties.

but.... you care enough to reply back.... :dunno:
Your own words speak for themselves -- you asked where you had said it.

Here's the issue: you hypocritically call out someone's parenting, accusing her of placing her child in harm's way intentionally. But you and every parent -- myself included -- do far worse every day. Intentionally, knowingly, we risk our children's lives, our own lives. It's part of living. What matters is that we mitigate those risks: we wear seat belts, helmets, we get vaccinated, we try to live in safe neighborhoods. We aren't saying that a drive to Target is worth our child's life just as we aren't saying that a CI is worth our child's life. Calling out this parent is not constructive to the conversation. That was wildly offensive.

And how do you mitigate the risks of CI surgery? You can't. There's no safety belt for that.
Wirelessly posted

Jiro said:
Yes, it sucks. They have always loved her, but there was a distance as she began to age and they could no longer communicate with her. We had to be constant interpreters for her. In public, with othher kids, and yes, even with her extended family. As her asl began to sharply grow, they began to feel intimidated and overwhelmed because they couldn't understand her.

for example, her grandmother signed all the other grandchildren up for music lessons together. My daughter was not included. They would go to a cooking class, but my daughter was not invited unless one of us was available to interpret.

it is a sad fact, but since 80% of parents don't learn to sign, the number for fluent extended family must be tiny.

yes that is sad about 80% of parents not learning to sign but that has nothing to do with you and your family because you can sign but you sound quite concerned for your daughter so I guess that explains your previous post

he would be missing out on th ability to hear and understand the spoken language of others.

but if that is not of value to you, more power to you. But know, you ARE making that choice.

yes, my husband and myself can sign. None else in the family knows more than a handful, in spite of deaf mentors, asl classes and being constantly forced to attend deaf events.

my statement was simply a fact. I know plenty of people who place no value on spoken language, and that is absolutely wonderful. If you choose not to implant as a child, you are choosing to make the outcome completely different than it would have been with the CI. Different, not worse.
Wirelessly posted

yes, my husband and myself can sign. None else in the family knows more than a handful, in spite of deaf mentors, asl classes and being constantly forced to attend deaf events.

my statement was simply a fact. I know plenty of people who place no value on spoken language, and that is absolutely wonderful. If you choose not to implant as a child, you are choosing to make the outcome completely different than it would have been with the CI. Different, not worse.

Then why make that comment trying to berate another parent?
Wirelessly posted

DeafCaroline said:
Your own words speak for themselves -- you asked where you had said it.

Here's the issue: you hypocritically call out someone's parenting, accusing her of placing her child in harm's way intentionally. But you and every parent -- myself included -- do far worse every day. Intentionally, knowingly, we risk our children's lives, our own lives. It's part of living. What matters is that we mitigate those risks: we wear seat belts, helmets, we get vaccinated, we try to live in safe neighborhoods. We aren't saying that a drive to Target is worth our child's life just as we aren't saying that a CI is worth our child's life. Calling out this parent is not constructive to the conversation. That was wildly offensive.

And how do you mitigate the risks of CI surgery? You can't. There's no safety belt for that.

absolutely there is!

research your surgeon, hospital and surgery team. Take the appropriate medications and get vaccinated.

all those things help midigate the risks.
And how do you mitigate the risks of CI surgery? You can't. There's no safety belt for that.

Yes, you can. You can get vaccinated against meningitis -- something all deaf kids should do. You can choose your surgeon carefully.
Wirelessly posted

absolutely there is!

research your surgeon, hospital and surgery team. Take the appropriate medications and get vaccinated.

all those things help midigate the risks.

Yes, you can. You can get vaccinated against meningitis -- something all deaf kids should do. You can choose your surgeon carefully.

1000+ explants a year..............
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