Casey Anthony found not guilty of her murder charge

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And members of the jury (specifically saying that "no, I did not think she was innocent") the judge, and the majority of the American population.

Get over what? A person getting away with murder?

The members of the jury could not find her guilty based on the evidence as presented. That is why she is free. Live with it.

People get away with murder every day in this country. Why is this case so special?
No, I think people got really emotionally involved in the case and wanted to see justice be done for the child. A baby was murder and the killer was the mother , society has a heartbeat and this case got to the core of society. It take a village to raise a child and this time the village failed a child. People could be feeling that is could not save this child at least give her justice .
I do not agree with you.

You mean YOU got overly emotional about the case. From what I've seen here on AD, I would even say you're OBSESSED with it.
The members of the jury could not find her guilty based on the evidence as presented. That is why she is free. Live with it.

People get away with murder every day in this country. Why is this case so special?

Your absolutely right in that regards .... about there being nothing special about this case.

The ONLY reason I have even paid any attention to it, is because my roommate talked about it like every friggin day. I had absolutely no interest in it until he made a wager on the verdict. He said he would bet she gets convicted. I told him ... "nope, she is gonna get away with murder and be set free".

He looked at me all wild eyed like I was nuts (he is 22). So we made a bet. I won the bet. I told him from just a very brief observation of the defense attorney, that the guy was a livid douche slimeball and would defend his client by bringing up the whole "reasonable doubt" angle. I mean, we both know she is guilty, so lets get that out of the way.

I had to explain to him how that worked. You can have a "reasonable doubt" about anything. If it looks like a duck, quacks like a duck, and if there is the slightest remote possibility that it could really be an alligator, you have "reasonable doubt".

He STILL won't shut up.
The members of the jury could not find her guilty based on the evidence as presented. That is why she is free. Live with it.

People get away with murder every day in this country. Why is this case so special?

And yet you show no rage, no disgust, no anger, no mortification and certainly see no distress over getting away with murder. Have you no heart for the little girl? Do you not want justice for her? For me, I agree with the jury but I want every stone turned over and looked under until the responsible person is brought to justice.
To me its not about Casey, personally I don't believe in playing God and sentencing someone to death, I believe there are things much worse then that anyways.

To me its about Caylee. All I wish and hope for to happen is for the one (not about to even point fingers) responsible for her death, or even knows the truth and can prove it to come forth. Caylee does not deserve to die in vein, she deserves her story to be told.
Almost everyone dies in vain, lady. Every life is worth something.
I know, its still sad though, life does go on, but all we can do is not forget those who fall. Learn from our mistakes.
This a free country and I think any way I want to! If you do not like it , lump it! And how do know I am wrong , just because she was found 'not guilty' mean
she is innocent! Then that would mean OJ is really innocent too! I wonder if a lie detector test was given to Casey? The way she lied so much, the machine might had blown a fuse!

Lie detectors are notoriously bad at actually, y'know, detecting lies. They don't work. So that'd be pointless.

Your absolutely right in that regards .... about there being nothing special about this case.

The ONLY reason I have even paid any attention to it, is because my roommate talked about it like every friggin day. I had absolutely no interest in it until he made a wager on the verdict. He said he would bet she gets convicted. I told him ... "nope, she is gonna get away with murder and be set free".

He looked at me all wild eyed like I was nuts (he is 22). So we made a bet. I won the bet. I told him from just a very brief observation of the defense attorney, that the guy was a livid douche slimeball and would defend his client by bringing up the whole "reasonable doubt" angle. I mean, we both know she is guilty, so lets get that out of the way.

I had to explain to him how that worked. You can have a "reasonable doubt" about anything. If it looks like a duck, quacks like a duck, and if there is the slightest remote possibility that it could really be an alligator, you have "reasonable doubt".

He STILL won't shut up.

The defense brought up that "angle" because it's the law. I fail to see how defense strategies make a lawyer a slimeball, but whatever.

You apparently also are not familiar with the term "reasonable doubt". Anyone can have doubt about something. Reasonable doubt is a whole other ball game.
Lie detectors are notoriously bad at actually, y'know, detecting lies. They don't work. So that'd be pointless.

The defense brought up that "angle" because it's the law. I fail to see how defense strategies make a lawyer a slimeball, but whatever.

You apparently also are not familiar with the term "reasonable doubt". Anyone can have doubt about something. Reasonable doubt is a whole other ball game.

There was absolutely no "reasonable doubt" that Casey Anthony murdered her daughter. Especially if jury members "did not think she was innocent" as they have claimed publicly.

And if you are under the mistaken impression that attorneys cannot be livid douche nozzles, I have a bridge to sell you.
There was absolutely no "reasonable doubt" that Casey Anthony murdered her daughter. Especially if jury members "did not think she was innocent" as they have claimed publicly.

And if you are under the mistaken impression that attorneys cannot be livid douche nozzles, I have a bridge to sell you.

Feeling better?


Too bad. :lol:
I wonder what she will do when she is out. I know the lynch mob is outside waiting with their pitchforks and torches. :ugh:

She might actually be better off if she stays in prison. I know I would be horrified to go outside the protected walls of jail if I was her. That in itself is a punishment.
No, you still don't get it. In real life, when a child goes missing, every single last mother I know, flips out and calls 911. They do not wait a month to report it.

Casey Anthony murdered her child. Very real forensic pathologists said so. The judge that ruled in this trial was absolutely shocked from the verdict.

Why would he be shocked? Because she is in real life .... very guilty.

We have a mother who lied to the cops few years ago that she told them someone took her toddler. Few hours later toddler found dead on the side of freeway. U know what was happened to this little girl? She fell down and broke her neck and mother was panic and afraid to be arrested for this so she dumped her on the side of freeway and called cops all those lie to prevent herself from going to jail. Not all mothers are alike what you think will flips out and call 911 right away. Laws will always find a way to guilt any mother or father for unfortunely accident death. Just few months ago one mother lost her baby too and they were invesgate her alike she was criminal. It made me sick to see the kind of law officers would do that to any those parents who just lost their child.

Caylee's law will come soon which it is unfortunely good idea for people alike Casey.
I wonder what she will do when she is out. I know the lynch mob is outside waiting with their pitchforks and torches. :ugh:

She might actually be better off if she stays in prison. I know I would be horrified to go outside the protected walls of jail if I was her. That in itself is a punishment.
Those people are no different from Casey, those people made me sick too.
I know, in this instance, we can all agree to disagree. All the defense team had to due was bring in reasonable doubt. They did. There was no complete concrete evidence allowable in a court of law that proved exactly how this poor child died, who did it, and so forth. All they were able to concretely prove was her lying to the police. For that, she gets sentenced. I think this whole thing has been exhausted in all areas. Even the Prosecuting attorneys admitted that it was all about circumstantial evidence and most people know that a case based on circumstantial evidence is very hard to prove and leaves a lot of opening for reasonable doubt.

Casey and her family will have to live with all they did wrong. They will have to live with the fact that "dirty laundry" or "skeletons in the closet" were made public. Caylee has gone to a better place away from this family. I don't think they can sterilize Casey since she was not convicted.

Just my opinion of course.
To me its not about Casey, personally I don't believe in playing God and sentencing someone to death, I believe there are things much worse then that anyways.

To me its about Caylee. All I wish and hope for to happen is for the one (not about to even point fingers) responsible for her death, or even knows the truth and can prove it to come forth. Caylee does not deserve to die in vein, she deserves her story to be told.

This is what is frustrating me SO SO SO much! People are making this about CASEY when it really should be about CAYLEE. Regardless of what one's beliefs are, the truth is, Caylee is still gone. You can't bring her back; even IF Casey was found guilty and sentenced to death for the crime. That still would NOT have brought little Caylee back.

I wish those same outraged people would just ignore Casey now. Because, look, her life has now changed forever. She WILL NEVER be able to live a so-called normal life. She will also NOT be able to live in Florida once she is released from prison. Everywhere this woman goes from now on, people will whisper or worse. Her life from now on will be Hell.

For those who think she should be in prison for the rest of her life or on Death row, I would counter with she's already in a prison of her own; one she will NEVER escape from. That is in itself punishment. It will have to be enough for those who want to see her lynched.
Mass Hysteria. I love it.
...I wish those same outraged people would just ignore Casey now. Because, look, her life has now changed forever. She WILL NEVER be able to live a so-called normal life. She will also NOT be able to live in Florida once she is released from prison. Everywhere this woman goes from now on, people will whisper or worse. Her life from now on will be Hell.

For those who think she should be in prison for the rest of her life or on Death row, I would counter with she's already in a prison of her own; one she will NEVER escape from. That is in itself punishment. It will have to be enough for those who want to see her lynched.
I don't know. Remember Lizzie Borden? Lots of people thought she was guilty of killing her parents even after she was acquitted at trial. She went on to live off the money she inherited from her father's estate, staying in the same community until she died of natural causes. To this day, people are divided as to her guilt or innocence. It remained an unsolved crime. But she didn't seem to live in Hell after her trial, although she lives on in infamy thru the well-known rhyme about her.

Also, I don't see OJ wracked with guilt and pain over the killing of Nicole. If he hadn't gotten into other unrelated legal trouble, he'd probably still be out partying and golfing.

I think it's a fallacy that acquitted killers are burdened down with guilt or miserable lives. Some, maybe, but not all. Today, in fact, they can profit from their stories.

It's true that Casey may have to watch out for some lone nutcase who wants to take justice into his own hands but that can happen even to the most innocent people, too. I hope nothing like that happens or is even attempted.
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